Shaken, not stirred!
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
For your education:
Texas officials knew foster children were illegally placed in an unsafe shelter. It didn't end until a whistleblower came forward.
oh gosh....a lib'rul found an instance of abuse in the foster program.......let's kill another million kids this year to save them from suffering a less than a tenth of percent chance of abuse....
incidentally, the instance you cited was a shelter for homeless teenagers......I expect they were safer than than under a bridge somewhere........
Oh lord, the post modern fool strikes again!
Pay attention, genius......foster kids age out of the system between 18 and 21 in the USA. The article wasn't about run-a-way or disowned teens, as the term "foster children" was used throughout to describe the victims of the system. You'd know this if you read the article carefully and comprehensively (Jeez, all these years and your right wing trolls still haven't mastered that skill).
Since this thread is about Texas, I just gave one example in Texas to debunk the revisionist bull horn you "pro-lifers" love to blow. Oh, and an embryo is NOT a "kid". Nor is an undeveloped fetus. No doctor worth his salt will say otherwise. So save your drivel for your next bible thumping or MAGA meeting