Abortion wasn't always taboo in America

Abortion is none of your fucking business and what it really boils down to is that you are resentful that people have casual sex and you can't....because you're an ugly person...inside and out.

Why, when women make choices with their bodies they say is theirs yet can't afford the results of that choice, are the rest of us financially responsible for something you say is none of our fucking business? Why does it suddenly become our business when she can't pay for what SHE chose to do?
I'm curious; are you resentful of casual sex because you can't get any yourself? And since you can't get any, you don't think anyone else should? Because that's what it looks like to an outside observer.

Your wife has never had a problem showing up when I called her to cum over. Maybe your problem is you know you gives it to me and not you. That's what it looks like to the outside observer.
I didn't see PIMP's question to me because he's on ignore. Evidently he's a forced-birther. There are many reasons that an unwanted pregnancy should not go to term -- medical, emotional, financial. But the biggest one is that it's not of his or anyone else's business. The decision properly belongs, as decided by the U.S. SCt., between the woman and her physician.

You have a tendency to hide from those with which you disagree.

Interesting how those that women do take to term suddenly become the responsibility of those told to butt out when she can't pay for HER choice.
Bolded for significance.

That is ultimately what it is; none of anyone's business.

So anyone who makes abortion their business is doing so because of (likely) resentment they have towards people who have casual sex. Most anti-abortion nutcases are sexually repressed, ugly (inside and out) losers who simply can't get casual sex. So because they think they're entitled to everything, anyone that gets to enjoy something they don't is judged in order to make the sexually-deprived (and depraved) anti-abortion zealot feel better about being so horrific, unattractive, and undesirable.

Again, your wife has never had a problem giving it up. Perhaps you're resentful because she gives it up to others and not you.
So because abortion once was common in the US that makes it ok. Is that what you idiots are saying? He'll it was once common to hang horse and cattle thieves without a trial. Shoot native Americans and a multitude of other things. So using your abortion logic all the things I mentioned should all be legal also.

Abortion is none of your fucking business.

Go fuck yourself.
I don't know if I'd describe them *that* badly. lol But to some extent there is truth in there.... people who are happy with their own lives and personal relationships seldom feel the need to tell others how to run their own lives. Some anti-choice ppl are sincere and have religious reasons for their POV. That still does not, however, give them the right to force those beliefs onto another person. If you 1) don't have a uterus, 2) have not adopted an unwanted child, and 3) are against public assistance, then you need to STFU about it.

See I disagree.

I don't think their religious argument is sincere at all. I think they're faking sincerity to cover for insecurity.
Bullshit. You don't give a shit about children. Stop lying to everyone, and to yourself.

They need children for the paedophile priests, the child-prostitution fanciers, the drug pushers and the private companies who love prisons. They call it being pro-life!
Why, when women make choices with their bodies they say is theirs yet can't afford the results of that choice, are the rest of us financially responsible


No one believes for a second that you pay taxes. No one believes for a second that you have a job. No one believes for a second that you're not on some kind of government assistance.

Secondly, government doesn't pay for abortions (even though it should). So go fuck yourself and your fake religion.

for something you say is none of our fucking business? Why does it suddenly become our business when she can't pay for what SHE chose to do?

but you see, when you post lies, people like me notice and point fingers........you are lying when you say I don't give a shit about children......

Yes, which is exactly what's happening to you right now. You are posting lies, and people are pointing at you because of it.

No one believes for a second you give a shit about children; you just want to stop people from having casual sex because you can't get any yourself.