From outside, the question of racism seems to depend very much on its sources. In most of Europe, it was a way of defending imperialism, so that the racism was always mixed up with notions of raising up these inferior people to our level (i.e. when you think about it, it was not about 'race' in the long run). In the 'States it was about the defence of the indefensible, slavery, and thefore had to be driven in much deeper. If you add to this the obsessive competitiveness between American 'national' groups, with its desperate need for someone to be 'bottom', you can see that racism will be hugely deeper-rooted. Naturally, the more progressive parties, the ones with contacts with outside civilization, will tend to be the less racist, the Republicans originally but more and more later, the Democrats. Pity socialism grew so slowly over there, or you might be quite civilized by now!
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