Additional Federal charges for Trump on the way

What makes it even worse, is that it's his own people who will testify against him. People he hired, people who believed in him, who just had enough of his antics. These aren't liberals who will take the stand, but people who worked with and beside him daily.

forget the children of illegals.....the new Dreamers are the folks who think they will see Trump in prison.......
You also told us long ago that Donald will never be indicted.

and so far all we've seen is made up people are AGAIN going to be so disappointed.....remember when getting Trump's tax returns was going to put him in jail?......The demmycrats in the House got them in 2020 and made them public......its been a year and a half and nothing ever haven't even mentioned all the crimes you discovered.....
I respect your opinions about preventing Voting Fraud, but I do not agree with you accusing any State of Voting Fraud in the 2020 election without any validated and substantiated proof.

every state that conducted their election under procedures not passed by their legislature held an unconstitutional election.......there is no way for you to get around that.
and so far all we've seen is made up people are AGAIN going to be so disappointed.....remember when getting Trump's tax returns was going to put him in jail?......The demmycrats in the House got them in 2020 and made them's been a year and a half and nothing ever haven't even mentioned all the crimes you discovered.....
I guess you haven't bothered to see how many offices on a local, state and national level have turned blue since trump left office. Its you own fucking state, are you that stupid?

go ahead.....impress us with the statistics........if there really are any.....
handjob, you are jerking off again.

Rimjob - you're once again deluding yourself that you Nazis would have a chance against Americans in a civil war. You don't. You totalitarian thugs are concentrated in a few big cities. Americans control all of the infrastructure.
Polls a year and half early are utterly meaningless. Rightys claim all polls are bad. Of course, if they find one that backs their goofy beliefs they use it like gospel.

No matter how much you lie, half the country utterly hates Xi's man, and another quarter views him as incompetent.

Biden is a traitor and a crook. He has a (D) after his name, which is the only thing you care about, but the Americans despise the scumbag. Generally, the election fraud of your party is good for about 10% - in 2020 fraud gave the Reich a 40% boost, but you won't be able to repeat those numbers, unless you once again use biological weapons against America.