Adjustment or Real Crash?


I wonder if reality is going to finally intrude upon those reaping fortunes on Wall Street, while claiming that the economy is "gosh, just great!" and mocking those who say that the middle class is hurting, and the working poor are completely screwed?

NEW YORK (AP) -- The Dow Jones industrial average is down more than 500 points with about an hour of trading left today. The Nasdaq Composite is off more than 100.

A 9 percent slide in Chinese stocks, which came a day after investors sent Shanghai's benchmark index to a record high close, set the tone for U.S. trading.

Investors' confidence was knocked down further by data showing that the economy may be decelerating more than anticipated. A Commerce Department report that orders for durable goods in January dropped by the largest amount in three months exacerbated jitters about the direction of the U.S. economy, which were raised a day earlier when former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said the United States may be headed for a recession.

''It looks more and more like the economy is a slow growth economy,'' said Michael Strauss, chief economist at Commonfund. ''Moderate economic growth is good -- an abrupt stop in economic growth scares people
Greenspan says recession for this year.
Glad I sold most of my short term stuff at opening this morning. Only have some in an outfit being bought for a fixed offer so that is safe. Only lost about $250 of gains, no actual cash lost :D
"I lost about 2% today."

Ditto... though it would have been worse if I hadn't bought the QID and had oil as my gold stocks got hammered.
I did not lose anything except a potential gain. I still made money, just not as much :)
Good thing you did not buy QID last summer Super :)
"Good thing you did not buy QID last summer Super "

There was no reason to do so. The long upwards run without a significant pullback is what made me buy it now.
If I recall right it was around $80 then and dropped until recently.

I just go tinto this game last fall. Sure beats working. Hope to quit working by next year....

Moneys for nothing, and the checks for free :D
Well senility and the market should work well together. Investing goes against human nature and natural instinct. So if your senility reverses your natural instincts you should do well in the market. :D
I have done well. Started out with 10k last fall , pulled out 10k to put down on some property late last month and still have a bit over 10K worth now. 7k in stock and 3-4 k in cash(gotta figure out what to buy with that). I like to play the small to mid size stocks for short term gains and ignore everyone elses rules on playing the game. working so far.
Not a bad strategy as in making the decision on your own you are sure to know what you are comfortable investing in and what you are not.

The biggest mistake people make is investing in securities that they are not comfortable with, which can lead to emotions causing mistakes in response to volatility.
Wow, I "lost" a grand total of $127... With my gains from this year it is extremely minimal. My stocks lost some, but barely.

This is what I was hoping would happen. That everyone would jump on the thread to tell how much money they did, or mostly, didn't lose, and how clever they are.

I mean, it's all about YOU, guys. Not about the economy in a broader matter.

This is what I was hoping would happen. That everyone would jump on the thread to tell how much money they did, or mostly, didn't lose, and how clever they are.

I mean, it's all about YOU, guys. Not about the economy in a broader matter.
A one day correction is not a crash, Darla. I prefer to wait for more information than one day's drop to tell me the economy is down.
also doubt a crash is coming (20%), like freak said pull back is over due so even 10% wouldn't be too bad.
Yeah, Darla rejoice. I'm down $33,000 today