Adjustment or Real Crash?


This is what I was hoping would happen. That everyone would jump on the thread to tell how much money they did, or mostly, didn't lose, and how clever they are.

I mean, it's all about YOU, guys. Not about the economy in a broader matter.

Yeah, Like I can do anything about the economy besides vote every now and again. I have my hands full with taking care of myself and helping some family and friends. My goals tend to stay within my limitations.

I for one have been saying for some time the economy was based on unsound principles and was due for a hard fall, perhaps long as well. Perhaps this is the beginning ?
Offshoring, trade imbalance, deficit, war, personal savings at depression levels, personal bankruptcies, real wages pretty much stagnant overall, etc...

I also know one day the sun will most likely explode, but alas I cannot do anything about that either..
your an author your not supposed to know about the economy and you don't.

Well, I'm not an expert like you are. I mean, I wasn't quoted in today's NY Times Business Section where Asian business leaders expressed their concerns that the underlying FUNDAMENTALS of the US economy were rotten.

But I did see you quoted there Top.
Yeah, Like I can do anything about the economy besides vote every now and again. I have my hands full with taking care of myself and helping some family and friends. My goals tend to stay within my limitations.

I for one have been saying for some time the economy was based on unsound principles and was due for a hard fall, perhaps long as well. Perhaps this is the beginning ?
Offshoring, trade imbalance, deficit, war, personal savings at depression levels, personal bankruptcies, real wages pretty much stagnant overall, etc...

I also know one day the sun will most likely explode, but alas I cannot do anything about that either..

Right, exactly. Are all of those things coming home to roost, or was it just an anomalous day? Of course, no one here knows, but I thought it was interesting.
your an author your not supposed to know about the economy and you don't.

I gave no opinion one way or the other, I asked a question. Yet you felt the need to act like an ass...I wonder why.

You must be very afraid. you act a lot like someone at a gathering in a strange house, and another there asks "did you hear that"? And he feels he must raise his voice and laugh the questioner out of the house, because he did hear something, and if he lets it get too quiet, he might hear it again.
most of it was dues to china; and once everyone realizes that the 9% in china is really very small compared to the 130% GAIN of last year, things will move back on up. the economic news wasn't really that bad and is a minor contributor to the drop. greenspan was the reason for most of the rest of the drop. even though he's out, every time he farts, we all still smell it......
The way this all happened shows how controlled we are by hype, not facts.
Oh wait a minute, the stock market is largely based on hype ;)
I lost about 2% today.
I lost absolutely nothing yesterday. Rather, I gained when a couple of my trailing stops kicked out positions and protected my profits. (Chickens are only counted upon hatching; gains and losses are only booked upon sale.) The apparent instantaneous value of my portfolio was down(?) I don't know, I don't care.

Stops are such a simple, wonderful tool. I don't understand why more people don't use them. But hey, in the U.S., something like 70% of people who die leave no will. Anyway....

EVERY position in my portfolio is well up from the basis cost and protected by a stop. I do not have a single loser on the books as I dump them very quickly. So, I'm just sitting on a big old wad of cash, waiting patiently. Let the panic selling, chaos, and carnage ensue! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I think that a slowdown in durable goods orders would tend to keep the Fed from raising rates, and perhaps even bias the next move toward a cut.
I wonder if this will have an impact on the discussins to privatize SSI ? I am fairly certain if we have a recession that will kill the stock market based SSI privatization efforts....
well for a couple of years anyway, people have such short memories...
Darla the comedian

you gave no indication either way. LOFL

"I wonder if reality is going to finally intrude upon those reaping fortunes on Wall Street, while claiming that the economy is "gosh, just great!" and mocking those who say that the middle class is hurting, and the working poor are completely screwed?"

Looks like an indication of rejoicing to me.
The economy is fine
you gave no indication either way. LOFL

"I wonder if reality is going to finally intrude upon those reaping fortunes on Wall Street, while claiming that the economy is "gosh, just great!" and mocking those who say that the middle class is hurting, and the working poor are completely screwed?"

Looks like an indication of rejoicing to me.
The economy is fine

No I don't rejoice when the stock market falls. I have a 401k.

I simply am amazed by the willful ignorance of people such as yourself, who have ignored all of the fundamentals of this economy, includng budget and trade deficits that economists know cannot be sustained. Rising worker productivity unmatched by rising salaries, consumer debt...all passes unnoticed. But let that stock market go down, and the "I've got mine too bad about you" crowd, feels its first frission of fear.

Darla, you need to get a clue.
It may help your 401K.
The economy has been very good for 5yrs.
You should get off the tapes and really learn something about the important economic measure.
GDP, CPI, 30yr mortgage rate etc.
Most have been steller the whole time.

includng budget and trade deficits that economists know cannot be sustained.
I listen to economist daily, none tout them 1/10 as much as the figures I listed.
Throw your old dem tapes away and read third-way the new dem strategy group that knows what needs to be done.
Oh I didn't get the info from moveon. Is that where you got yours? That would explain why we're not on the same page. The recent economic data, I got from the following articles

Economic growth revised down in 4th quarter
U.S. gross domestic product expanded at sluggish 2.2 percent pace
The Associated Press
Updated: 11:47 a.m. ET Feb 28, 2007
WASHINGTON - The economy grew at a sluggish 2.2 percent pace in the final quarter of last year, much slower than initially estimated, in the sort of unusually large revision that has happened only seven times in the last 30 years.

Is U.S. economy headed for recession — or not?
Conflicting signals leave investors with tough choices in a jittery market
By John W. Schoen
Senior Producer
Updated: 2:45 p.m. ET Feb 28, 2007
As some sunshine broke through the clouds in this week’s global stock market storm Wednesday, investors remained focused on a flurry of fresh economic data. Despite some conflicting signals, the question many are asking is clear-cut: Is the U.S. headed for a recession? Or will a slowing economy dodge the bullet of a full-blown downturn?

This week, that question was brought into sharper focus by comments from former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan — who said Monday that the risk is rising that the U.S. economy could be headed for a recession.

Growth in U.S. Economy Is Slower Than Thought
The American economy is much weaker than previously thought.
I listen to economist daily, none tout them 1/10 as much as the figures I listed.
Throw your old dem tapes away and read third-way the new dem strategy group that knows what needs to be done."

You're kidding? So when you are "listening" to these "economists" (they are guests on radio shows?), they don't talk about the long term ramifications of what are nearly universally considered to be unsustainable budget and trade deficits? I’m really surprised, because usually on spots on the radio or televison, economists will shun the soundbite about the GDP or housing levels, in order to go into a nuanced and detailed analysis of long-term market forces and forecast.

Oh wait, maybe they do that in books?

Have you read any of them lately?

You know of a reputable economist who states that the budget and trade deficits are not a train wreck waiting to happen? Even Greenspan, whom I don’t believe I ever saw writing on Moveon, stated this in the past.

Why don’t you put away your air of condescension Top? Are you able to do anything without it? What makes you an expert? You have a book out on economic policies? If so, please direct me to it. If not, put your dick back in your pants, because it ain’t impressing noone darling. We’ve all seen bigger.
what makes me an expert is daily analysis of the stock market and the economy.
Listen no economist say the the defecit is good, but I reiterate the important ones are GDP. Yes it's down to 2.2 growth, but we've been growing above that for a long time.
Monthly jobs data have been good avg 150,000 recently
mortgage rates below 7%, inflation below 2%
So every stat is not great but they are good.
I challeng you to read the third-way report just out. I think they will be a big asset for the dems in identifying the true middle class.
And it's not the bottom of the barrell that dems traditionally talk about.
what makes me an expert is daily analysis of the stock market and the economy.
Listen no economist say the the defecit is good, but I reiterate the important ones are GDP. Yes it's down to 2.2 growth, but we've been growing above that for a long time.
Monthly jobs data have been good avg 150,000 recently
mortgage rates below 7%, inflation below 2%
So every stat is not great but they are good.
I challeng you to read the third-way report just out. I think they will be a big asset for the dems in identifying the true middle class.
And it's not the bottom of the barrell that dems traditionally talk about.

Yeah I know who the third way is. They have some good ideas, and they seem to hate liberals less than the DLC.

But if by the "bottom of the barrell" you mean the poor, someone has to talk about them.

No one faction has all of the answers. The third way no more than anyone else. All any of them can have is some answers, and some ideas, which can be incorporated into an overall economic policy. But if you only listen to one faction, then the interests of too many people are left out.