adventures with grind

I have gone back on two occasions and dug up the post where Grind posted his name, phone number, and address. I even added his number to my cell phone, and I try to call him every New Years at around 4:00am EST. I forgot to this last year, because I have more of a life at the moment then I ever have before, and got distracted from my usual antics.

Anyway, I am guilty of having stalked Grind, myself...
Did you enjoy your Spirit Airlines experience? And where'd you stay in AC? Probably the Trop with the rest of the proles.
currently going to take a flight, haven't slept for 25 hours. can barely stay awake. have to drive to the air port. I might die. don't know where the airport is either. this is going to fucking suck. gotta pack and do shit within one hour everything is so complicated on no sleep holllly shit.

Be safe.
Really? And here I am up all night sometimes. I was up all night last Thursday night, then I worked all day Friday, then I went out Friday night again.

Wow, your post really made me feel young! And I'm not! LOL
Yes you are. Remember, middle age doesn't begin till social security does! :)
spirit is a piece of shit airline, but you don't have a lot of choices if you want a direct flight into AC

The rows are much more tightly packed together, so if you are of reasonable height, your knees will be hitting the seat in front of you basically. There is almost no leg room. (im 5'10).

And yeah, the fees are annoying. I had to pay basically 40 bucks for my bag.

But at the end of the day, it's a really quick flight, so it's not a huge deal. Basically as soon as you are in the air, you begin your descent. So that part of it is fine.
It must be pretty fucked up on the east coast that you would actually waste vacation time going to Atlantic City. I mean, wtf, why not go to Cleveland?
currently going to take a flight, haven't slept for 25 hours. can barely stay awake. have to drive to the air port. I might die. don't know where the airport is either. this is going to fucking suck. gotta pack and do shit within one hour everything is so complicated on no sleep holllly shit.

spirit is a piece of shit airline, but you don't have a lot of choices if you want a direct flight into AC

The rows are much more tightly packed together, so if you are of reasonable height, your knees will be hitting the seat in front of you basically. There is almost no leg room. (im 5'10).

And yeah, the fees are annoying. I had to pay basically 40 bucks for my bag.

But at the end of the day, it's a really quick flight, so it's not a huge deal. Basically as soon as you are in the air, you begin your descent. So that part of it is fine.

You should un-assed more money for a decent flight. I thought all you Republicans were "swimming in the dough".
You should un-assed more money for a decent flight. I thought all you Republicans were "swimming in the dough".

I'm not really a republican, though sometimes I style myself as a conservative. Where I most sync up with conservatives is low taxes/strict constructionist interpretation of the constitution/gun rights. But when it comes to things like the drug war/gay rights/big money in politics and legislation/prison industrial complex/all religious issues I deviate pretty strongly from republicans.

I would call myself a libertarian sometimes, but I dont believe that privatization is the answer for everything.

Mostly I am a political cynic. I truly believe that the people don't have much of a choice, we've basically screwed ourselves from giving government to much power, and there is no hope for us.

Sure, simple change is possible, a few bones need to be thrown to the proles to keep them appeased, but any true change at a grand scale I just don't ever see happening.

Or maybe, it's just the change that I want to see happen, is basically impossible. In any case, I'm very politically alienated.

The only joy I get out of politics these days is seeing other people disappointed. I want other people to wake up to the fact of how insignificant and prole-ly they are. I think this puts me on the side of republicans more often because liberals think with their hearts, not their brains. They get so impassioned and teary-eyed over the stupidest bullshit that it drives me crazy. This is partially because of how many young people are attracted towards liberal politics. Every time liberals lose an election they threaten to leave the country, write signs apologizing to the world, or form an impromptu demoralized drum circle. It's glorious.

So in conclusion, you sadly just dont have a lot of choices for flights down to AC. I think there are only 2-3 airlines. spirit/us airways/maybe one other. So you are pretty much stuck with shit. You can fly into philly but that's like an hour drive.
I'm not really a republican, though sometimes I style myself as a conservative. Where I most sync up with conservatives is low taxes/strict constructionist interpretation of the constitution/gun rights. But when it comes to things like the drug war/gay rights/big money in politics and legislation/prison industrial complex/all religious issues I deviate pretty strongly from republicans.

I would call myself a libertarian sometimes, but I dont believe that privatization is the answer for everything.

Mostly I am a political cynic. I truly believe that the people don't have much of a choice, we've basically screwed ourselves from giving government to much power, and there is no hope for us.

Sure, simple change is possible, a few bones need to be thrown to the proles to keep them appeased, but any true change at a grand scale I just don't ever see happening.

Or maybe, it's just the change that I want to see happen, is basically impossible. In any case, I'm very politically alienated.

The only joy I get out of politics these days is seeing other people disappointed. I want other people to wake up to the fact of how insignificant and prole-ly they are. I think this puts me on the side of republicans more often because liberals think with their hearts, not their brains. They get so impassioned and teary-eyed over the stupidest bullshit that it drives me crazy. This is partially because of how many young people are attracted towards liberal politics. Every time liberals lose an election they threaten to leave the country, write signs apologizing to the world, or form an impromptu demoralized drum circle. It's glorious.

So in conclusion, you sadly just dont have a lot of choices for flights down to AC. I think there are only 2-3 airlines. spirit/us airways/maybe one other. So you are pretty much stuck with shit. You can fly into philly but that's like an hour drive.

How did I already know that as I was writing the words? And stop lying on liberals. Look at you. All you have is Ron Paul, and he is at the bottom of the barrel, lackluster and confused. At least get behind someone with a "fighting chance". Sorry, but Mitt Romney ain't it. The fact that you'd go that route, indicates your are totally devoid of the brains you chastise the liberals for not having. LOL
im using hyperbole with regards to liberals thinking with their hearts. do not underestimate romney though. Key swing voters already are more sympathetic to his views over obamas. And no president has won re-election with an approval rating below 50% in the modern era. If this election becomes a referendum, obama will likely lose.
It must be pretty fucked up on the east coast that you would actually waste vacation time going to Atlantic City. I mean, wtf, why not go to Cleveland?

Because he doesn't want to be surrounded by radioactive waste AND imbred horse fuckers like you.