adventures with grind

I'm not really a republican, though sometimes I style myself as a conservative. Where I most sync up with conservatives is low taxes/strict constructionist interpretation of the constitution/gun rights. But when it comes to things like the drug war/gay rights/big money in politics and legislation/prison industrial complex/all religious issues I deviate pretty strongly from republicans.

I would call myself a libertarian sometimes, but I dont believe that privatization is the answer for everything.

Mostly I am a political cynic. I truly believe that the people don't have much of a choice, we've basically screwed ourselves from giving government to much power, and there is no hope for us.

Sure, simple change is possible, a few bones need to be thrown to the proles to keep them appeased, but any true change at a grand scale I just don't ever see happening.

Or maybe, it's just the change that I want to see happen, is basically impossible. In any case, I'm very politically alienated.

The only joy I get out of politics these days is seeing other people disappointed. I want other people to wake up to the fact of how insignificant and prole-ly they are. I think this puts me on the side of republicans more often because liberals think with their hearts, not their brains. They get so impassioned and teary-eyed over the stupidest bullshit that it drives me crazy. This is partially because of how many young people are attracted towards liberal politics. Every time liberals lose an election they threaten to leave the country, write signs apologizing to the world, or form an impromptu demoralized drum circle. It's glorious.

So in conclusion, you sadly just dont have a lot of choices for flights down to AC. I think there are only 2-3 airlines. spirit/us airways/maybe one other. So you are pretty much stuck with shit. You can fly into philly but that's like an hour drive.

Fuck Philly. Who want's to go there? I'd rather have AIDS.
im using hyperbole with regards to liberals thinking with their hearts. do not underestimate romney though. Key swing voters already are more sympathetic to his views over obamas. And no president has won re-election with an approval rating below 50% in the modern era. If this election becomes a referendum, obama will likely lose.

I told you, just say no to drugs.