Advice to hot chicks

My wife and I went to dinner with two of our older friends- he's 65 and his wife is 66. They have two daughters, 34 and 29 and we've known the family almost 23 years. Their girls are drop-dead gorgeous. The older one is a solid 10 in every way, smart and level headed. The younger one is even hotter, just as smart but on the crazy side. Each has a STEM degree.

Miss Hottie has developed a very poor strategy with the selection of a mate. She's attracted to good-looking guys from wealthy families and liberal arts degrees. Each has turned out to be a loser, unstable and a poor earner, and she thinks that she can change them, as her dad says "like saving a lost puppy".

My advice, and he is certain to relay back to her, is the same as I always tell attractive young females: find a geek. "We" understand and appreciate getting a good deal, and we will always be there. We are honest and hard working. We not only clean the toilets, we can fix them as well. It will be easy to change the things that you don't like: his clothes, glasses, diet, hair style, and probably one or two annoying mannerisms. But the rest is exactly what you're looking for anyway.

My gorgeous wife couldn't stop smiling and nodding in agreement.


If they are dating the correct gender, they have a pretty nice jump start in finding a suitable mate. Most young lefties don't even know what gender they are themselves, let alone what gender to select as a mate.