After Trump is convicted then elected...

If Trump is returned to the Oval Office,
then the American people of their own accord will have chosen psychotic dystopia
and will deserve it in substantially worse, more Draconian form
than they themselves could have ever imagined.

The real question you should be pondering is: If Trump is so bad, so rotten, so criminal, and so evil, why is he tied or even ahead of his likely rival Joe Biden in the polls? What does that say about Biden?
Exactly. He could do that, or simply act as president while in prison. That would be hoot to see! The president of the US running the country from a prison where the warden and guards are his subordinates... :awesome:

If it were possible for a president to pardon himself, then Nixon would have done it. Instead, Ford pardoned him. The Supreme Court would probably find it impossible because they interpret Constitutional dilemmas with reason and logic, and nobody can conceive of a logical reason why a president should be able to pardon himself.
The real question you should be pondering is: If Trump is so bad, so rotten, so criminal, and so evil, why is he tied or even ahead of his likely rival Joe Biden in the polls? What does that say about Biden?

Really? Are you really this dense?

*rubs bridge of nose*


The answer is because Trumpers are fucking idiots who believe every damn talking point that Trump and the right-wing shit out. For years, Trump has validated their beliefs and worldview by telling them everything they want to hear. FFS, his entire campaign was based on the generic, fill-in-the-blank, choose-your-own-adventure concept known as "MAGA" -- a return to some conveniently undefined Golden Age in American history that's whatever the fuck you want it to be. And once he's validated your concerns (”our military is weak," "we need to build a wall," etc.) he props himself as your Moses, ready to lead you from the immoral wasteland of the "evil liberals" to the Reagan-cum-Jesus wet dream of whatever bullshit you interpret MAGA to mean for you.

Basically, Trump is a conman using your stupidity for his personal gain.
The real question you should be pondering is: If Trump is so bad, so rotten, so criminal, and so evil, why is he tied or even ahead of his likely rival Joe Biden in the polls? What does that say about Biden?

It says less than nothing about Biden.

It says that America is diseased with deficient inhabitants.
The republic is no longer viable in its present configuration.
It desperately needs to be partitioned.
(...or elected then convicted)

1. Trump is convicted and imprisoned
2. Trump chooses a VP that will pardon him.
This is silly. The President can pardon himself. The Constitution grants the President the power to pardon, except in the case of impeachments.

(...or elected then convicted)

1. Trump is convicted and imprisoned
2. Trump chooses a VP that will pardon him.
3. Trump elected 47th President of the United States
4. 25th Amendment is invoked. (It also provides for the temporary transfer of the president's powers and duties to the vice president, either on the initiative of the president alone or on the initiative of the vice president together with a majority of the president's cabinet. In either case, the vice president becomes acting president until the presidential powers and duties are returned to the president.
5. Trump is pardoned by the acting president.
6. Trump returns as president.

1. Trump is convicted in Georgia and locked up in a state prison.
2. Trump and his Trumptards realizes that there is no presidential pardon for State Crimes.
3. Trump spends the rest of his worthless pitiful life in jail.
4. Americans live happily ever after!

If it were possible for a president to pardon himself, then Nixon would have done it. Instead, Ford pardoned him. The Supreme Court would probably find it impossible because they interpret Constitutional dilemmas with reason and logic, and nobody can conceive of a logical reason why a president should be able to pardon himself.

No pardon necessary. If he were convicted of most of what he is being charged with, he can still run, still get elected, and serve as president convictions notwithstanding. He quite literally could be president in a prison.

A couple of decades ago, a federal judge was convicted of several serious felonies and sent to prison. He was still a federal judge. He started offering inmates there rulings--which were legal--ending their sentences. Another senior federal judge was assigned to the prison to overrule his rulings. That went on until the Senate impeached him and removed him from office.

Same thing here. Trump would legally be president and until impeached and convicted, would legally be able to do what presidents do. That would take Congress to do and until they acted, he's president.
1. Trump is convicted in Georgia and locked up in a state prison.
2. Trump and his Trumptards realizes that there is no presidential pardon for State Crimes.
3. Trump spends the rest of his worthless pitiful life in jail.
4. Americans live happily ever after!

Doesn't matter what prison he went to. If elected, he is president and that's that. Only Congress through impeachment can remove him from office. In fact, the state of Georgia at that point (Trump being elected) would face a dilemma. They could be federally charged, both individual state employees and politicians as well as the state itself, with interfering with the president's duties if that were to happen. For example, they couldn't limit his phone and personal visits so long as these were of an official nature. They couldn't even monitor those.

Georgia's best move at that point is just release him on unsupervised parole and wash their hands of that debacle before it becomes a disaster for them.

That's how it works, like it or not.

Now, that's not to say it's a likely scenario, but if it did happen, that's how it would work.
Really? Are you really this dense?

*rubs bridge of nose*


The answer is because Trumpers are fucking idiots who believe every damn talking point that Trump and the right-wing shit out. For years, Trump has validated their beliefs and worldview by telling them everything they want to hear. FFS, his entire campaign was based on the generic, fill-in-the-blank, choose-your-own-adventure concept known as "MAGA" -- a return to some conveniently undefined Golden Age in American history that's whatever the fuck you want it to be. And once he's validated your concerns (”our military is weak," "we need to build a wall," etc.) he props himself as your Moses, ready to lead you from the immoral wasteland of the "evil liberals" to the Reagan-cum-Jesus wet dream of whatever bullshit you interpret MAGA to mean for you.

Basically, Trump is a conman using your stupidity for his personal gain.

Not a word in all that drivel about how Biden has worse poll numbers than Trump or Carter, or any other modern US president. So, try again and this time try to stay on topic, not wander off into a lunatic rant that's nothing but a red herring.
Doesn't matter what prison he went to. If elected, he is president and that's that. Only Congress through impeachment can remove him from office. In fact, the state of Georgia at that point (Trump being elected) would face a dilemma. They could be federally charged, both individual state employees and politicians as well as the state itself, with interfering with the president's duties if that were to happen. For example, they couldn't limit his phone and personal visits so long as these were of an official nature. They couldn't even monitor those.

Georgia's best move at that point is just release him on unsupervised parole and wash their hands of that debacle before it becomes a disaster for them.

That's how it works, like it or not.

Now, that's not to say it's a likely scenario, but if it did happen, that's how it would work.

Here is what is going to happen.

The Republicans are going to select Trump in the primary.

The Democrats are going to select Biden/Harris again!

Biden/Harris will win the general election all over again- Just like they did in 2020!

Trump will go to jail and rot in jail! The Republicans will select themselves someone new to lead their party in 2028!
No pardon necessary. If he were convicted of most of what he is being charged with, he can still run, still get elected, and serve as president convictions notwithstanding. He quite literally could be president in a prison.

A couple of decades ago, a federal judge was convicted of several serious felonies and sent to prison. He was still a federal judge. He started offering inmates there rulings--which were legal--ending their sentences. Another senior federal judge was assigned to the prison to overrule his rulings. That went on until the Senate impeached him and removed him from office.

Same thing here. Trump would legally be president and until impeached and convicted, would legally be able to do what presidents do. That would take Congress to do and until they acted, he's president.

I'm guessing that the 25th Amendment would be enacted. Nobody can seriously expect a president to be able to carry out their duties from prison. But this assumes that a felon can even hold elected office, of course.
I'm guessing that the 25th Amendment would be enacted. Nobody can seriously expect a president to be able to carry out their duties from prison. But this assumes that a felon can even hold elected office, of course.

It takes an impeachment by Congress and if and until that happens a felon in prison would be officially the president with all the powers of that office.
Not a word in all that drivel about how Biden has worse poll numbers than Trump or Carter, or any other modern US president. So, try again and this time try to stay on topic, not wander off into a lunatic rant that's nothing but a red herring.

You asked me how Trump is so successful and I explained it. Sorry if it offends you. The fact that you choose to stand with Trump even after his vice president and other top officials in his administration have flipped on him says a lot about your level of ignorance.

Simple test: At what point would you decide that Trump is the criminal that we're all saying he is? If the answer is “never,” then your faith in him is religious and irrational.
You asked me how Trump is so successful and I explained it. Sorry if it offends you. The fact that you choose to stand with Trump even after his vice president and other top officials in his administration have flipped on him says a lot about your level of ignorance.

Simple test: At what point would you decide that Trump is the criminal that we're all saying he is? If the answer is “never,” then your faith him is religious and irrational.

No, you didn't. You went on a rant about what an awful, evil, etc., person Trump is. There was no explanation in any of that.
It takes an impeachment by Congress and if and until that happens a felon in prison would be officially the president with all the powers of that office.

It wouldn't take an impeachment of Congress to enact Section 4. The Amendment was ratified after Kennedy was assassinated. The point was to be able to quickly remove a POTUS who needs to be removed quickly in extreme situations, such as for medical reasons or in the case of imprisonment.

Section 4
Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Let me simplify if further for you:

Trump leads a cult of personality and you drink the Kool-Aid.

See! A typical TDS anti-Trumper simply cannot grasp reality about anything to do with the guy. You went on a rant, now you are resorting to insults, bypassing the ad hominem stage entirely.
It wouldn't take an impeachment of Congress to enact Section 4. The Amendment was ratified after Kennedy was assassinated. The point was to be able to quickly remove a POTUS who needs to be removed quickly in extreme situations, such as for medical reasons or in the case of imprisonment.

That won't work. If the current sitting president did that to the newly elected one, it would amount to overthrowing the system of elections we have. Same goes for congress. The only sure way to do it is to hold an impeachment, try the newly elected president, and impeach him after a trial where he can mount a defense. Even that is fraught with danger since it overturns the immediately prior popular election of the president being impeached.

Creates quite the dilemma doesn't it?
You know, for a poster who always says he doesn't really support or defend Trump....

I don't really support or defend Trump. All you anti-Trumpers here just can't grasp that someone can't viscerally hate the guy with every fiber of their being without being a Trump supporter. It's all-or-nothing with you guys...