After Trump is convicted then elected...


If Trump is elected POTUS he will be able to set aside any Federal charges or convictions by just appealing them and then ordering his DoJ to withdraw the cases.
Incorrect. I told you that you should run your ideas by me before you post them, and save yourself the embarrassment of posting your usual stupid shit.

Congress provides oversight over the DoJ and the FBI. Both the Attorney General and the FBI Director can always give the President the bird and go running to Congress for support. If the DoJ and the FBI are full of TDS-ridden deep-staters, they can fuck with Trump all the while Trump is simply trying to get them to do their actual jobs. If Trump tries to fire either the Attorney General or the FBI Director, the Senate yells "Hey, not so fast there, Buck-o! We confirmed him, and you therefore can't fire him unless we say you can ... and we don't say you can."

Really, check with me before you post. You are dimmer than dark room and not quite as sharp as a billiard ball.

If State cases are ongoing or being pursued, i would suspect Trump will take that to the Supreme Court and at a minimum the SC will delay all State charges and cases until after his term of POTUS is done, on a Principle that a POTUS has to be able to do his job or the country is imperiled.
That is not a principle written anywhere. The Supreme Court has not implemented that principle in the case of Biden who is not able to do his job.

Imagine a future Obama being litigated constantly, even though frivolous ...
Imagine an amazingly effective President being impeached frivolously by a traitorous political party majority, creating an untenable situation. The Supreme Court will neither throw it out nor delay it; the Supreme Court will preside over it!

I don't really support or defend Trump. All you anti-Trumpers here just can't grasp that someone can't viscerally hate the guy with every fiber of their being without being a Trump supporter. It's all-or-nothing with you guys...

Or, it could be that you just defend him pretty much every time...
Or, it could be that you just defend him pretty much every time...

No, I'm reasonable and represent a little balance here. You on the other hand, think that ANY defense of Trump, no matter how tepid and modest, makes whoever is doing it automatically some sort of sycophant MAGA / uber conservative Right wing nutjob. It doesn't, but the anti-Trumpers can't fathom that.
That won't work. If the current sitting president did that to the newly elected one, it would amount to overthrowing the system of elections we have. Same goes for congress. The only sure way to do it is to hold an impeachment, try the newly elected president, and impeach him after a trial where he can mount a defense. Even that is fraught with danger since it overturns the immediately prior popular election of the president being impeached.

Creates quite the dilemma doesn't it?

You asked how a president would preside from prison. I explained what would probably happen. What's the issue?
(...or elected then convicted)

1. Trump is convicted and imprisoned
2. Trump chooses a VP that will pardon him.
3. Trump elected 47th President of the United States
4. 25th Amendment is invoked. (It also provides for the temporary transfer of the president's powers and duties to the vice president, either on the initiative of the president alone or on the initiative of the vice president together with a majority of the president's cabinet. In either case, the vice president becomes acting president until the presidential powers and duties are returned to the president.
5. Trump is pardoned by the acting president.
6. Trump returns as president.

The second he is sworn in he will just pardon himself, as he should, he doesn't need to go through all the rest of that.