My friend your silly, but usual and childish "HaHaHa" indicates the fact that you know I am correct. My figure is directly from the link you provided. If you can't find it blame your inadequacy, don't complain to me. Medicare is what accompanies the figure YOU quoted, again, don't blame me. My figure is correct

Since you have offered nothing to support your supposition; you'll just have to be considered to be a liar.
My friend your silly, but usual and childish "HaHaHa" indicates the fact that you know I am correct. My figure is directly from the link you provided. If you can't find it blame your inadequacy, don't complain to me. Medicare is what accompanies the figure YOU quoted, again, don't blame me. My figure is correct

Since you have offered nothing to support your supposition; you'll just have to be considered to be a liar.

Once again, the thread was abouit AHCCCS and Medicare; but you obviously are to scared to see the FACTS.

You fail
He posted the original link and now he wants you to find the info for him!! You really couldn't make it up.

The numbers are from the link he provided, but rather than admitting a mistake or even the possibility that there are a set of several income requirements, he "can't find it" on the AHCC site. It's not surprising, I should kick myself for forgetting and giving him more credit than he deserves.
The numbers are from the link he provided, but rather than admitting a mistake or even the possibility that there are a set of several income requirements, he "can't find it" on the AHCC site. It's not surprising, I should kick myself for forgetting and giving him more credit than he deserves.

Prove it, spin boy. :)