Ahmalittlehitlers letter to America


it's a big multicultural world we live in.... to cram your beliefs down the throats of others might have worked a hundred years ago when the world was bigger and weapons were smaller...but now we can get to anywhere on the planet in hours and deliver weaponry that boggles the mind in devastation and power..... your narrow bigotted viewpoint will end up getting us ALL killed. Thank God your side is and will be in the increasing minority.

Your sides Kumbia philosophy will get us all killed...wake up and smell the coffee!
it's a big multicultural world we live in.... to cram your beliefs down the throats of others might have worked a hundred years ago when the world was bigger and weapons were smaller...but now we can get to anywhere on the planet in hours and deliver weaponry that boggles the mind in devastation and power..... your narrow bigotted viewpoint will end up getting us ALL killed. Thank God your side is and will be in the increasing minority.

I'm not going to argue your point. I do wonder though, what about those tha† wish to ram their beliefs down the throats of Christians, Jews, atheists, Muslims, agnostics? Are we just to acquiesce?
we must agree to disagree. Luckily...the American voter has spoken and agrees with my views and not yours.

too fuckin' bad for you.

BB, of course. I think that unilaterally bombing Iran at this time would be profoundly destabilizing to the world..and I am glad that the majority of Americans do not hold with this wacko.

can you respond without name calling or the 'F' word...geeez!
I am sorry. I think that anyone who suggest we unilaterally bomb Iran at this point in time is not playing with a full deck...or is deranged. And I am fairly certain that the vast majority of American citizens agree with me.

and don't forget...it was YOU who accused me of bragging about homosexual exploits. People in glass houses oughtn't throw stones.

I am sorry. I think that anyone who suggest we unilaterally bomb Iran at this point in time is not playing with a full deck...or is deranged. And I am fairly certain that the vast majority of American citizens agree with me.

and don't forget...it was YOU who accused me of bragging about homosexual exploits. People in glass houses oughtn't throw stones.

Many Generals feel the same as I do...Iran is a problemo...whether you like it or not...The little Dictator made it very clear that he wanted Israel and the US to vanish...I take him for his word...and do not want to wait until it is too late...as for your other comment I already clarified the issue as a blast at your continued use of name calling....I haven't brought it up since!
as I said, I am pleased that the majority of American voters rejected your vision of foreign policy zeitgeist.

and I notice you have yet to produce any documentation of the existence of Hezbollah prior to 1982..... oh...except for the fact that the organization's "roots" were earlier. HAHAHAHA.

roots....my ass.

We should measure American independence back to the glory days in Athens.

Your inability to admit when you fucked up is as repugnant to me as your politics.

goodnight sir.

as I said, I am pleased that the majority of American voters rejected your vision of foreign policy zeitgeist.

and I notice you have yet to produce any documentation of the existence of Hezbollah prior to 1982..... oh...except for the fact that the organization's "roots" were earlier. HAHAHAHA.

roots....my ass.

We should measure American independence back to the glory days in Athens.

Your inability to admit when you fucked up is as repugnant to me as your politics.

goodnight sir.

and your playing in a message board while at work is also repugnant to me...oh manager of a public utility facility...no wonder our utilitiy rates are so high!
and your playing in a message board while at work is also repugnant to me...oh manager of a public utility facility...no wonder our utilitiy rates are so high!

At 9 at night? Gee, you are still insinuating threats. Stop with that, and address the issues.
Excuse me....

At 9 at night? Gee, you are still insinuating threats. Stop with that, and address the issues.

What threat?...I just answered his repugnant comment to me...a mild flame... as he does play in here during working hours! He dished it out and got it back...thats all!
What threat?...I just answered his repugnant comment to me...a mild flame... as he does play in here during working hours! He dished it out and got it back...thats all!
Nothing with you is 'just all', it's all about your being the biggest badass in town. If that is not acknowledged, you threaten others with what you ''think" you can. Really you are not that important, probably less now than previously, but even then, not much.

Nothing with you is 'just all', it's all about your being the biggest badass in town. If that is not acknowledged, you threaten others with what you ''think" you can. Really you are not that important, probably less now than previously, but even then, not much.

And 'Who are You'?( a duel personality) Stolen from the Jackie Chan movie..."Who am I" a badass/hardass...probably...must blame it on my military and law enforcement careers...I only hit back when toy poodles nip at my ankles...maineman has a habit of baiting for flames(loves to bilittle and name call)...so I obliged him! Must have struck a nerve with you...sorry bout that....no threat intended...I just use the ammo supplied...thats me...:shock:
and your playing in a message board while at work is also repugnant to me...oh manager of a public utility facility...no wonder our utilitiy rates are so high!

and I notice that you still avoid owning up for your own misstatements.

Not too much of a badass, if you ask me....you cower from honor and responsibility. You would have found your way into a garbage bad tossed over the fantail at evening sweepers on any ship I ever served on..... wimps never lasted very long.
You know what we need? We need a good gargantuan big budget remake..... maybe under the direction of Spielberg or Shyamalan ...or both together .... of "The Day the Earth Stood Still" ...and get that message out again... because man 'o man...do we need it bad ....