Ahmalittlehitlers letter to America

You know what we need? We need a good gargantuan big budget remake..... maybe under the direction of Spielberg or Shyamalan ...or both together .... of "The Day the Earth Stood Still" ...and get that message out again... because man 'o man...do we need it bad ....

do you really think that anyone would understand your namesake any better now than they did a half a century ago?
If you want to be a convert...thats your choice...me I prefer the Christain doctrine....of which our country was founded on...and I prefer my kids and grandkids to stay safe...without fear of terrorist attacks in the near future using nukes...carry on Pvt Gomer!
The christian doctrine of forgiveness and turning the other cheek ?
Many Generals feel the same as I do...Iran is a problemo...whether you like it or not...The little Dictator made it very clear that he wanted Israel and the US to vanish...I take him for his word...and do not want to wait until it is too late...as for your other comment I already clarified the issue as a blast at your continued use of name calling....I haven't brought it up since!

For someone who came in here with guns blazing, you're mighty damned thin skinned. Whiner.
I did not ask you!

and I notice that you still avoid owning up for your own misstatements.

Not too much of a badass, if you ask me....you cower from honor and responsibility. You would have found your way into a garbage bad tossed over the fantail at evening sweepers on any ship I ever served on..... wimps never lasted very long.

and isn't it illegal to throw plastic trash bags into the sea? What kind of Green Peace ecology guy are you? Never mind you have a double standard!:rolleyes:
He has some serious issues with Jews. Even when attempting to not "sound" racist he was anti-jew in every other Paragraph.

Basically, after reading that thing, he said, "Well, if you just stop helping those dirty Jews"...

Not read the letter, but are you sure he isn't saying Israelis rather than Jews?

Criticising Israel isn't anti-semitic in the slightest, unless it is soley on the basis of their ethnicity. If it is a criticism of Israel's occupation of Palestine, then it is fair criticism.
Not read the letter, but are you sure he isn't saying Israelis rather than Jews?

Criticising Israel isn't anti-semitic in the slightest, unless it is soley on the basis of their ethnicity. If it is a criticism of Israel's occupation of Palestine, then it is fair criticism.
Actually it criticizes Jews as a whole, and I didn't say anti-Semitic. Being as the Palis are Semitic he is clearly not anti-Semitic, just anti-Jew.

When the letter goes into the tin-foil "jews own the banks, etc" crap it is clearly anti-Jew.
When the letter goes into the tin-foil "jews own the banks, etc" crap it is clearly anti-Jew.

Fair enough, as I said, I've not read the letter.

I just know that I've been accused of being anti-Jew for my criticisms of Israel, but the 'Jews own all the banks' thing is clearly anti Jewish.
When the letter goes into the tin-foil "jews own the banks, etc" crap it is clearly anti-Jew.

Fair enough, as I said, I've not read the letter.

I just know that I've been accused of being anti-Jew for my criticisms of Israel, but the 'Jews own all the banks' thing is clearly anti Jewish.

But they do own all the banks!! :D