AI Urges World to Boycott US Kangeroo Courts


Atheist Missionary
Amnesty International has called on foreign governments not to co-operate with US military trials of detainees at Guantanamo Bay.
In a report, the human rights group said other countries should refuse to provide evidence for prosecutions.

The US authorities should also abandon its system of military commissions and try suspects in civil courts on the US mainland, the report said.

The military trials are due to resume at Guantanamo next week.

"Military commissions are a complete travesty of justice - no more, no less," Amnesty International UK director, Kate Allen, said.

"These trials threaten to cut corners in pursuit of a few convictions and add to the injustice that the Guantanamo detention facility has come to symbolise," Amnesty's Americas Program Director Susan Lee added.
Yep, its gutting really. The more we act like our enemies, the longer the battle will take, the more people will die.
Exactly. Holding the moral highground was recognised as essential to winning a conflict back in the time of Sun Tsu.

If we are like our enemies, what are we fighting for?
But could we be playing into the anti drinking types plan, whose goal is to shut down the bars (pubs) by indirect means ?
AI has never seen any problems in North Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, just to name a few places they don't seem to have a problem with. But they never miss a chance to attack the USA.
Tobes, we are supposed to be the beacon of justice, democracy, and freedom for the world. Or so the myth goes...

Your equating us with those other countries shows you believe none of that to be true.
Why do you hate America toby ?
Tobes, we are supposed to be the beacon of justice, democracy, and freedom for the world. Or so the myth goes...

Your equating us with those other countries shows you believe none of that to be true.
Why do you hate America toby ?

Let's put him in Gitmo, ok usc? You file the report with the feds, that he's been heard threatening to rent a helicopter and fly himself into the Sear's Tower. And I'll swear to it.
Tobes, we are supposed to be the beacon of justice, democracy, and freedom for the world. Or so the myth goes...

Your equating us with those other countries shows you believe none of that to be true.
Why do you hate America toby ?

He's not equating us with those other coutries, you retarded rube. He's point out the double standard of Amnesty International.
He's not equating us with those other coutries, you retarded rube. He's point out the double standard of Amnesty International.
You know, I've been wondering for some time: just what planet do you live on, ButtPlug? It's sure as hell not Earth. :rolleyes:

The only "double-standard" here is that you cowardly cons insist we lefties look at everything critical of our positions yet you remain totally blind to everything -- and I do mean everything -- that doesn't support your own agenda.

AI has been harshly critical of North Korea for many years, especially during the regime of Kim Jong Il. They've been even more critical of China and nearly as critical of Cuba. Try reading for a change rather than getting what pass for ideas in your head from talk radio and TV.
You know, I've been wondering for some time: just what planet do you live on, ButtPlug? It's sure as hell not Earth. :rolleyes:

The only "double-standard" here is that you cowardly cons insist we lefties look at everything critical of our positions yet you remain totally blind to everything -- and I do mean everything -- that doesn't support your own agenda.

AI has been harshly critical of North Korea for many years, especially during the regime of Kim Jong Il. They've been even more critical of China and nearly as critical of Cuba. Try reading for a change rather than getting what pass for ideas in your head from talk radio and TV.

Hey seizure monkey, in this thread, someone was asking why Amnesty International doesn't ever mention cuba, or north korea, or any other country. That's clearly pointing out the hypocrisy of AI. USC had a temporary reading disorder. Yours appears to be permanent.:)
Hey seizure monkey, in this thread, someone was asking why Amnesty International doesn't ever mention cuba, or north korea, or any other country. That's clearly pointing out the hypocrisy of AI. USC had a temporary reading disorder. Yours appears to be permanent.:)
If someone were to ask "why isn't the sky blue" would you take that as evidence that the sky is not, in fact, blue? Damn you cons are gullible.

The point, oh confused one, is that Toby's question was disingenuous at best. More likely just stupid, but let's be nice. Amnesty International does indeed mention Cuba, North Korea and other nations besides ours. Often and in very strident terms. You cons just aren't interested in other nations, though, so you never see those press releases and reports.
If someone were to ask "why isn't the sky blue" would you take that as evidence that the sky is not, in fact, blue? Damn you cons are gullible.

The point, oh confused one, is that Toby's question was disingenuous at best. More likely just stupid, but let's be nice. Amnesty International does indeed mention Cuba, North Korea and other nations besides ours. Often and in very strident terms. You cons just aren't interested in other nations, though, so you never see those press releases and reports.

yeah, on page 15, under the weekly school lunch list, by the obituaries.
yeah, on page 15, under the weekly school lunch list, by the obituaries.
You blame Amnesty International for the way in which they're covered by U.S. newspapers? That's not their fault, even if true.

I've seen AI reports given fairly prominent coverage in my local paper but, what the hell, let's indulge you. Let's say that reports critical of other nations aren't so heavily reported here. Can you say "right wing media conglomerates"? I knew you could. If it bleeds, it leads.
You blame Amnesty International for the way in which they're covered by U.S. newspapers? That's not their fault, even if true.

I've seen AI reports given fairly prominent coverage in my local paper but, what the hell, let's indulge you. Let's say that reports critical of other nations aren't so heavily reported here. Can you say "right wing media conglomerates"? I knew you could. If it bleeds, it leads.

I'm just saying, usc missed the point of the post, whether it was right or wrong, is not my fight.:o
Can you say "right wing media conglomerates"? I knew you could.

Damo Can't say that phrase at all....

Damo is still hung up on that liberal media myth. Even thinks that this was has the same type of coverage as Nam did....
to post agins the "impedded reporters" in Iraq dropped for a27 in April to 97 in May....wonder why....
Can you say "right wing media conglomerates"? I knew you could.

Damo Can't say that phrase at all....

Damo is still hung up on that liberal media myth. Even thinks that this was has the same type of coverage as Nam did....
to post agins the "impedded reporters" in Iraq dropped for a27 in April to 97 in May....wonder why....
I never said it was the "same type of coverage" as Nam. I said that I don't think it is because they are right-wing. I then brought forward examples of stories, the wording used, and reasons that I see them as leaning left. You gave idiotic repetition a try and it wasn't working.

Anyway, the "same type of coverage" argument was in the thread about the unFairness Doctrine, not about "right-wing" media (which does exist, I can tell you that Fox leans that way as well as many blogs)...

I don't think the unFairness Doctrine had anything to do with the coverage of bodies nowadays as opposed to then.

At least don't mix the arguments up in your head before accusing me of something that is untrue.

Of course, Disney's leadership isn't "Conservative", nor are many of the Mainstream news agencies... Yet the claim is they are all supposedly conservative....

Can somebody say, "Left-wing News Conglomerates"? I knew you could.