AI Urges World to Boycott US Kangeroo Courts

this post is about the fairness doctrine ? Ohh sorry my bad I thought this thread was about something else.
No, you made the claim that we were arguing about "right-wing" media when arguing about the unFairness Doctrine. That was when you made the claim that the unFairness Doctrine would fix that problem. That's rubbish.
No, you made the claim that we were arguing about "right-wing" media when arguing about the unFairness Doctrine. That was when you made the claim that the unFairness Doctrine would fix that problem. That's rubbish.

I think that was a different thread, sorry I tripped over your strawman.

Hey seizure monkey, in this thread, someone was asking why Amnesty International doesn't ever mention cuba, or north korea, or any other country. That's clearly pointing out the hypocrisy of AI. USC had a temporary reading disorder. Yours appears to be permanent.:)

And was it not 'Amnesty International' reps that tied themselves to 'Targets' at the outset of the Iraq war...what was up with that..suicidal tendencies...or a 'war Protest'...'Ya be the Judge';)
I think that was a different thread, sorry I tripped over your strawman.
Yes, but you brought me up in here and made the claim that I supposedly don't think that right-wing media exists and used that as an example. It has nothing to do with a strawman, and everything to do with you mixing up your own arguments.

When you were saying the media doesn't cover this war like VN it was in a thread about the unFairness doctrine, not about right-wing media. I just ask that you be genuine in your "rebuke" rather than stating an untruth and then associating it with whatever suits your fancy at the time.

And BTW - This thread is about Amnesty International, also not about the "right-wing" media.
No, you made the claim that we were arguing about "right-wing" media when arguing about the unFairness Doctrine. That was when you made the claim that the unFairness Doctrine would fix that problem. That's rubbish.

Well now we don't know know that for a fact now do we? This problem popped up after Regan killed the Fairness doctrine.....
Yes, but you brought me up in here and made the claim that I supposedly don't think that right-wing media exists and used that as an example. It has nothing to do with a strawman, and everything to do with you mixing up your own arguments.

When you were saying the media doesn't cover this war like VN it was in a thread about the unFairness doctrine, not about right-wing media. I just ask that you be genuine in your "rebuke" rather than stating an untruth and then associating it with whatever suits your fancy at the time.

And BTW - This thread is about Amnesty International, also not about the "right-wing" media.

Damn, damo's on fire!
There is nothing in the unFairness Doctrine that would force people to show the bodies of soldiers. The suggestion that it is because of that law is preposterous. It's like saying that requiring motorcycles to always use headlights would stop speeding in sports cars. Yeah they both use the road, but they really have nothing to do with each other.
AHA! Damo brought up the Fairness doctrine in the thread not me.
apologies for you strawman will be accepted Damo.
I gotta check back and see if I bought up the fairness doctirne in this thread ....
I brought it up in this thread. YOU brought ME up and said that I "couldn't say right-wing media conglomerate" and used a misapplied example of what I "said" when we were arguing the unFairness Doctrine and not the "right-wing" media.

What part of this is difficult for you? The only time we discussed the war coverage was in a thread about the unFairness Doctrine, not about "right-wing" media, using that 'example' (using the term loosely here) was disingenuous we weren't even discussing what you were accusing me of. In that thread you asserted it was because of the unFairness Doctrine that bodies were shown in VN. I said that was bull.
Keep your arguments straight... We were not discussing "right-wing" media in the thread we argued about the coverage of the war.
That is right keep your stories straight, we were agruing about media coverage , not the unfairness doctrine on this thread. As close to an apology as I am likely to get I suppose. so I will declare victory and move on.
Can't argue about media coverage without you fairness doctrine strawman can ya ?

That is right keep your stories straight, we were agruing about media coverage , not the unfairness doctrine on this thread. As close to an apology as I am likely to get I suppose. so I will declare victory and move on.
Can't argue about media coverage without you fairness doctrine strawman can ya ?

I am truely sorry Sgt...but damo was correct by your own admission of being side tracked by all the easy(forgive my honesty...easy Liberal Pussy)The arguments you present are how should I say it...oh yeah...based on 'Boing' c'mon Sgt like ya really get it on with 'Threesomes'...only on the porn
That is right keep your stories straight, we were agruing about media coverage , not the unfairness doctrine on this thread. As close to an apology as I am likely to get I suppose. so I will declare victory and move on.
Can't argue about media coverage without you fairness doctrine strawman can ya ?
Yet you brought me up and used a supposed example from a thread where we were talking about something different. I am going to keep reminding you that when you and I spoke of that subject it was in a thread about the unFairness Doctrine until you admit that you have misapplied my words and suggested that what I stated was about the "right-wing" media (it wasn't).

I can argue against using me as an example of something when you misapply what I stated, taking it out of context and even outside the argument we were having when I stated it. And even miscontruing what I stated. You brought me up, I am arguing that you have miscontrued what I stated. You keep suggesting it as if it were true.

Can you keep up with what I am speaking of? I am objecting to your use of what I supposedly said (mistating what I said) in a thread about about the unFairness Doctrine, and applying it here saying I don't believe that there is a "right-wing" media.

There are two things wrong with that.

1. I do believe that there is a right-wing media, as well as a left-wing media on different channels.

2. When I supposedly made those misconstrued comments we were talking about an entirely different subject.
I am truely sorry Sgt...but damo was correct by your own admission of being side tracked by all the easy(forgive my honesty...easy Liberal Pussy)The arguments you present are how should I say it...oh yeah...based on 'Boing' c'mon Sgt like ya really get it on with 'Threesomes'...only on the porn

eat your heart out BB :)
Life is good to me lately, Just a laid back old fart with a good rep in the area.

what porn channel ? You would know I suppose :)

there are lots more single older ladies out there than single old men that the laides want to be around.
oh and btw no viagra is needed :D
Yet you brought me up and used a supposed example from a thread where we were talking about something different. I am going to keep reminding you that when you and I spoke of that subject it was in a thread about the unFairness Doctrine until you admit that you have misapplied my words and suggested that what I stated was about the "right-wing" media (it wasn't).

I can argue against using me as an example of something when you misapply what I stated, taking it out of context and even outside the argument we were having when I stated it. And even miscontruing what I stated. You brought me up, I am arguing that you have miscontrued what I stated. You keep suggesting it as if it were true.

Can you keep up with what I am speaking of? I am objecting to your use of what I supposedly said (mistating what I said) in a thread about about the unFairness Doctrine, and applying it here saying I don't believe that there is a "right-wing" media.

There are two things wrong with that.

1. I do believe that there is a right-wing media, as well as a left-wing media on different channels.

2. When I supposedly made those misconstrued comments we were talking about an entirely different subject.

OK how am I to argue with a guy that can talk himself out of a sealed mason jar anyway :)

Yet you brought me up and used a supposed example from a thread where we were talking about something different. I am going to keep reminding you that when you and I spoke of that subject it was in a thread about the unFairness Doctrine until you admit that you have misapplied my words and suggested that what I stated was about the "right-wing" media (it wasn't).

I can argue against using me as an example of something when you misapply what I stated, taking it out of context and even outside the argument we were having when I stated it. And even miscontruing what I stated. You brought me up, I am arguing that you have miscontrued what I stated. You keep suggesting it as if it were true.

Can you keep up with what I am speaking of? I am objecting to your use of what I supposedly said (mistating what I said) in a thread about about the unFairness Doctrine, and applying it here saying I don't believe that there is a "right-wing" media.

There are two things wrong with that.

1. I do believe that there is a right-wing media, as well as a left-wing media on different channels.

2. When I supposedly made those misconstrued comments we were talking about an entirely different subject.

And with this I will digress to making some 'fun money'..waiting for a Lady who wants to purchase the Mustang conv I gave to my GD...then gave her(the GD) my Chry conv..then she traded for a 4x4 Dodge PU gas"Life is a bitch" in the real world...albeit the Lady in question is a 'Oldies Lady'...loves all is not lost..her Hubby was cool..he gave in as she gave him her 02' Mustang to get a 4x4 deisle pu....what goes around comes around...a fact of life....for the Libs who just rant and ...Hey have a grat day... all ya studs and studettes....I am not perfect..but alas I am real...gotta run...have fun!