AI Urges World to Boycott US Kangeroo Courts

Hmm, I don't think BB believes me. OH well.
Must have been the no Viagra part that made him disbelieve it all :D

Damo check with your doc, all us old farts do not have limp weenie syndrome.
For one thing I take no chlosterol or BP medicine.
Health is excellent except for a degenerative spinal condition.

eat your heart out BB :)
Life is good to me lately, Just a laid back old fart with a good rep in the area.

what porn channel ? You would know I suppose :)

there are lots more single older ladies out there than single old men that the laides want to be around.
oh and btw no viagra is needed :D

Porn is akin to going to a candy store without a for Viagra...who really knows for sure...i had a accident about 4 years ago....on the job...ed was a issue with the I was diagnosed with residual mylopathy in the lower extremities( was para palegic for over 10 weeks)...scarry day for this vet who got through it without a misshap...but they were wrong...I worked out the problemo without Viagra...see we old farts are capable of doing the right thingee..well
Hey maybe I run like a 'Duck' now but the rest is cool...or so the ladies say..they may be liars....but thats okay...Just a word for the returning vets with problemos..there are ladies out there who are cool and can help...need I say more..never mind it doesn't matter...Have a great day fantasizing about Australia and whatever...
I am dissappointed that the Democratis in congress have not moved to shut down Gitmo.....

wait.... you actuly think thats somthing they relly wanted to do?

the dems are no diffrent then the repubs... they just have diffrent agendas for the same goal...and thats power...
wait.... you actuly think thats somthing they relly wanted to do?

the dems are no diffrent then the repubs... they just have diffrent agendas for the same goal...and thats power...

You make an excellent point Bob. More often than not politicians would rather have an issue to campaign on than actually solve a problem. Unless of course it's an issue you can take away from your opponent, examples being Bill Clinton signing welfare reform in 1996 and George W. Bush signing the Prescription Drug Bill in 2004.