Aint it Great That We Have the Government Protecting Dogs From Cruelty

Do they dogs who have been trained to kill have any chance at being normal?

It seems to me that they aren't very adoptable, and wouldn't that be pretty risky for the city to have them up for adoption considering their history?
What .. no PETA rushing in to the rescue?

By the way ... Atlanta Falcons season tickets are going for 50 cents on the dollar as many are rushing to get rid of them.
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What .. no PETA rushing in to the rescue?

By the way ... Atlanta Falcons season tickets are going for 50 cents on the dollar as many are rushing to get rid of them.
Sad for the rest of the team and fans. But it is the price of hero worship of one human.

btw for myself all pro sports could dissappear anytime and I would not care.
Butt I understand that they are an important part of life for many.
50 less pits = better world.
YOu are a fucking idiot. A moron. A real dyed in the wool, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging idiot. I bet your lips are moving right now as you read this quietly to yourself. I bet when you see a dog you even think is a pit bull on the street you run around shrieking at the top of your lungs like a 3 year old girl, jump up on a park bench and start hyperventilating.
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What .. no PETA rushing in to the rescue?

By the way ... Atlanta Falcons season tickets are going for 50 cents on the dollar as many are rushing to get rid of them.
Sweet, get your season tickets now that people are bailing all because of one player.
Do they dogs who have been trained to kill have any chance at being normal?

It seems to me that they aren't very adoptable, and wouldn't that be pretty risky for the city to have them up for adoption considering their history?
Yes, they can be retrained, it takes patience and a person who really knows the breed. Socrtease could probably do it.
You all are aware that dogs used by the police are ACTUALLY trained to attack adults if the need arises, right? I used to actually be the agitator for a dog trainer. We trained German Shepherd Dogs to bite PEOPLE, to hold them until they stopped moving and then to bite them again if they started moving. These dogs where then placed in family homes to protect the HUMANS in side even though they had been trained to bite humans. Pits that fight aren't trained to attack humans, they don't train on humans, matter of fact there are usually two humans that they completely ignore in the Pit during the fight. Just because a Pit Bull is TRAINED to fight other DOGS, does not mean they will transfer that agression to humans. Just because a small few Pit Bulls attack humans, does not mean the breed is prone to attack humans. Jesus Christ I get accused of emotionalism because I defend the breed when it is you Banners that are all caught up in the emotion of a few incidents committed by a dog that is a member of a breed that probably passes the Temperment test at a higher rate than your dog at home. I bet all of you are afraid of guns too huh?
Don't have the room for them or I probably would

Good for you. As you say it would take the right type to adopt and rehabilitate them. also these were not trained in proper ways for guard useage and such and might not be slavageable. a pity but maybe true.
You all are aware that dogs used by the police are ACTUALLY trained to attack adults if the need arises, right? I used to actually be the agitator for a dog trainer. We trained German Shepherd Dogs to bite PEOPLE, to hold them until they stopped moving and then to bite them again if they started moving. These dogs where then placed in family homes to protect the HUMANS in side even though they had been trained to bite humans. Pits that fight aren't trained to attack humans, they don't train on humans, matter of fact there are usually two humans that they completely ignore in the Pit during the fight. Just because a Pit Bull is TRAINED to fight other DOGS, does not mean they will transfer that agression to humans. Just because a small few Pit Bulls attack humans, does not mean the breed is prone to attack humans. Jesus Christ I get accused of emotionalism because I defend the breed when it is you Banners that are all caught up in the emotion of a few incidents committed by a dog that is a member of a breed that probably passes the Temperment test at a higher rate than your dog at home. I bet all of you are afraid of guns too huh?

Absolutely well said.

I've also worked as agitator for police departments, schutzund, and personal protection training. Even those dogs are trained so that the agitator can walk up and pet them after the training.

In my opinion the most dangerous dogs belong to people who do not understand there is a responsibility to dog ownership. They are not toys. They need to be socialized, and if it's a large dog, it needs to be trained.

Serious and responsible breeders will not sell puppies to people who do not understand this responsibility.

You are correct. Pits that have been trained to fight other dogs can often be handled by almost anyone.
YOu are a fucking idiot. A moron. A real dyed in the wool, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging idiot. I bet your lips are moving right now as you read this quietly to yourself. I bet when you see a dog you even think is a pit bull on the street you run around shrieking at the top of your lungs like a 3 year old girl, jump up on a park bench and start hyperventilating.
All of this because he disagrees with you? --- now just whitch one is the Knuckle-draging idiot????
YOu are a fucking idiot. A moron. A real dyed in the wool, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging idiot. I bet your lips are moving right now as you read this quietly to yourself. I bet when you see a dog you even think is a pit bull on the street you run around shrieking at the top of your lungs like a 3 year old girl, jump up on a park bench and start hyperventilating.
