Al Franken on getting the 9/11 jew call to stay away

Typical reactions, so far.

I saw that video years ago. I got the book from the library to confirm what Franken said.

Since it is clear that at least one of the above posters did not even watch the video, I will sum it up. At the time, Al Franken had an office in the World Trade Center. The former Mayor of New York, Ed Koch, called Franken and told him not to go to his office on 9/11, except that he referred to it as a Jewish holiday.

So, I emailed Senator Franken's office for a comment. The reply was that Senator Franken only responded to emails from his Minnesota constituents. My opinion is that Franken was doing what the CIA calls a "limited hangout," knowing that the truth will come out. Or rather, has already come out. For example, a recent poll, conducted for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth found that an overwhelming majority of respondents who watched the video of WTC # 7, come down believe that it was a controlled demolition.

SO. if one building was brought down by controlled demolition, all three were. When enough Americans wake up, the only goyim who will still support Israel are the 5 million Christian Zionists.
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Let's see ... Al Franken, the famous satirist, got the "Jew call" warning him not to go to his (supposed) office in the WTC. So, to be on the safe side, he went to Minneapolis instead. O-kay ...

As a result, he wasn't one of the 10% of WTC victims who were Jewish (that figure isn't off the top of my head, there are solid grounds for it). I guess they missed the call.

Oh yeah, and if Building 7 was "brought down by controlled demolition" it was the only SILENT controlled demolition in history. There were hundreds of first responders around. None of them heard so much as a firecracker when the building collapsed at 5.20pm.

'Course the witnesses could have been terrorized into silence by the JEWS. Or they were Jews. Or whatever. Jeez.
... a recent poll, conducted for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth found that an overwhelming majority of respondents who watched the video of WTC # 7, come down believe that it was a controlled demolition.

SO. if one building was brought down by controlled demolition, all three were.

Wow. With that logic we can prove anything.

Look up the car that burned on FDR drive. it had severe metal melting but plastic next it remained intact. Directed energy like the hutchison effect may have been use by watercraft in the surrounding waters to precipitate collapse by targeting resonant frequencies that excite metal crystalilne structures into disruption of atomic bonds.
Directed Energy Weapons
Look up the car that burned on FDR drive. it had severe metal melting but plastic next it remained intact. Directed energy like the hutchison effect may have been use by watercraft in the surrounding waters to precipitate collapse by targeting resonant frequencies that excite metal crystalilne structures into disruption of atomic bonds.
Directed Energy Weapons

Al Franken-stein is a stupid, sh*thead pervert that never deserved to be a member of Congress. You're welcome.

And yet he's more qualified and deserving to be President than the stupid, sh*thead pervert that never deserved to be President, who is in office now.

Go figure.
Let's see ... Al Franken, the famous satirist, got the "Jew call" warning him not to go to his (supposed) office in the WTC. So, to be on the safe side, he went to Minneapolis instead. O-kay ...

As a result, he wasn't one of the 10% of WTC victims who were Jewish (that figure isn't off the top of my head, there are solid grounds for it). I guess they missed the call.

Oh yeah, and if Building 7 was "brought down by controlled demolition" it was the only SILENT controlled demolition in history. There were hundreds of first responders around. None of them heard so much as a firecracker when the building collapsed at 5.20pm.

'Course the witnesses could have been terrorized into silence by the JEWS. Or they were Jews. Or whatever. Jeez.

That's like not getting the call other than from lynching enforcement joking it's always a Christian Nation "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality pedophilia patriot act that steals & burns over 24 old testaments during 3 1/2 years of university attendance.
The very next word after he made that preposterous statement was "Actually,.." and then a completely normal statement. That would indicate that the first statement was a joke making fun of antisemitic conspiracy theorists. I hope this helps you understand Franken's joke.
Typical reactions, so far.

I saw that video years ago. I got the book from the library to confirm what Franken said.

Since it is clear that at least one of the above posters did not even watch the video, I will sum it up. At the time, Al Franken had an office in the World Trade Center. The former Mayor of New York, Ed Koch, called Franken and told him not to go to his office on 9/11, except that he referred to it as a Jewish holiday.

So, I emailed Senator Franken's office for a comment. The reply was that Senator Franken only responded to emails from his Minnesota constituents. My opinion is that Franken was doing what the CIA calls a "limited hangout," knowing that the truth will come out. Or rather, has already come out. For example, a recent poll, conducted for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth found that an overwhelming majority of respondents who watched the video of WTC # 7, come down believe that it was a controlled demolition.

SO. if one building was brought down by controlled demolition, all three were. When enough Americans wake up, the only goyim who will still support Israel are the 5 million Christian Zionists.

The last people on Earth Israel should trust is the 5 million fake Christian Zionist!
The very next word after he made that preposterous statement was "Actually,.." and then a completely normal statement. That would indicate that the first statement was a joke making fun of antisemitic conspiracy theorists. I hope this helps you understand Franken's joke.

Conservatives have zero sense of humor.
They only understand Trump bullshit!
Are clueless that they are being lied to.
And yet he's more qualified and deserving to be President than the stupid, sh*thead pervert that never deserved to be President, who is in office now.

Go figure.

I could throw a dead cat,whoever it hit would be a better President,then liar Trump!
At the time, Al Franken had an office in the World Trade Center.

No, Franken did NOT have an office in the WTC.

The former Mayor of New York, Ed Koch, called Franken and told him not to go to his office on 9/11, except that he referred to it as a Jewish holiday.

No, Koch never called Franken... And the joke was Koch referred to it by the date in the Hebrew Calendar, which is not a holiday.

So, I emailed Senator Franken's office for a comment. The reply was that Senator Franken only responded to emails from his Minnesota constituents.

He has not been a Senator for two years now, so I doubt his senatorial office replied... or even exists.
An Israeli-based instant messenger service also warned Jews to stay away. The dancing Israelis on the rooftop also seemed to have expected the attack. Yes, Israel knew, just ask their spy Nick Berg. We'll sacrifice millions of gentiles for the Jews, but still the Jews will burn in Hell, where they belong.
An Israeli-based instant messenger service also warned Jews to stay away. The dancing Israelis on the rooftop also seemed to have expected the attack. Yes, Israel knew, just ask their spy Nick Berg. We'll sacrifice millions of gentiles for the Jews, but still the Jews will burn in Hell, where they belong.

How could they not know as might this Christian Nation interpretation where one nation under God with equal justice under law Catholic Church "man is God" standing from SCOTUS Rehnquist's immaculate drug conception standing by Islam bill of attainder for those burning Bush's Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" 9/11 Federal Lynching enforcements fabricated Islam misnomer for a retired Washington, D.C. born WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower as Rehnquist's Bicentennial immaculate drug conception standing for thieving US Constitutions - old glorys - old testaments - absentee voting ballots arsonists in West Nazi Germany Virginia "serve the Pope or die" megalomaniacal crusades second coming master race compulsive - obsession to nuke Temple Mount for 9/11.