Al Franken on getting the 9/11 jew call to stay away

Might want to work on your copy and paste skills.

As SCOTUS Rehnquist's supreme swastika up Uranus court diatribe of one nation under God with equal justice under law interpretation in American traditions of Christiananlity pedophilia churchstate business where a fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conception granting standing to those Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops stealing & burning a National Archives purchased US Constitution, which cost far more over 30 tears later in trying to buy back a misspent youth of purchasing US Constitutions at a far lesser price; after those burning Bush's 9/11 Arab "death to the infidels" lynching enforcements baptize thine eyes of one of Eisenhower's WW II retired Pentagon staff sergeants as if the incident in front of far too many of those crooks on Capital Hill to be anything other than the national religion malfeasance under color of law of thieving US Constitution arsonists where once is an accident, twice is a coincidence as there are no coincidences, while thrice is a conspiracy in Fourth Reich problems in American politics.
Lame excuse, you voted for a sexual predator. The Democrats sent Al packing for far less. You own Trump now and all his immorality. Trumpublican.

Dems sent Al packing for utter BS. He should have been gone for his rigged election. I don't see why they bothered at all, since no one else is getting in trouble for Me Too these days.
Dems sent Al packing for utter BS. He should have been gone for his rigged election. I don't see why they bothered at all, since no one else is getting in trouble for Me Too these days.
They will if they are guilty. #MeToo is not dead. There’s no going back.
His conduct suggests otherwise.

I guess you never saw him in action on ESPN when they showed his questioning of witnesses in investigations. He was one of the best, ferreting out subtle errors and evasion with regularity. Liars dreaded when his turn came up, like Warren and Porter. I understand rightys do not watch CSPAN. Infowars is better.
I guess you never saw him in action on ESPN when they showed his questioning of witnesses in investigations. He was one of the best, ferreting out subtle errors and evasion with regularity. Liars dreaded when his turn came up, like Warren and Porter. I understand rightys do not watch CSPAN. Infowars is better.

Both suck.