Al Gore - Man of Conscience


I’m surprised Dano hasn’t posted this? I mean I would think it would relieve the burning hemorrhoids he seems to suffer every time he spots the most miniscule case of “LIBERAL HYPOCRISY!”, that causes him to jump and down and run here to post the latest “LIBERAL OUTRAGE”.

You’d think this would make him feel better. I know I found it very soothing and I don’t even have hemorrhoids.

Al Gore. Sigh.

"Former Vice President Al Gore, wife Tipper arrived in Oslo today for Al to accept the Nobel Peace Prize for his work publicizing the dangers of global warming.

True to message, Gore avoided the gas-guzzling motorcade that traditionally picks up winners from the airport. Instead, he opted for a the environmentally-friendly airport train.

Gore will receive his medal on Monday.
"Yeah, but how did he get to Norway? A fuel-guzzling passenger jet??!!! He should have not been such a hypocrite, and paddled a canoe to Norway!"

Think of what the world would look like if this guy would have been allowed to take office like the American people wanted?
He's the one that suggested that tactic. What a great man of peace. :rolleyes:

He didn’t “suggest” that tactic. And you are conflating two different things, and if this was Ron Paul we would have had to call in a nurse to diaper and powder you by now.

There was a debate within the Clinton administration over whether to kidnap a person they had a terrorism case against, and bring him to the United States…to be tried.

This was later perverted into so-called extraordinary rendition under our current administration, defined as kidnapping a foreign national and flying him covertly to another country, not the United States, where he is to be tortured.

Now, I am not in support of the first either. It does break international law. But you’d find a lot more people in support of the first, than of the second.

Well ,well ,well I guess Gore is a tuff on terror kinda guy huh?

To bad the stooges we have running the show turned it into grab anyone who looks like a terrorist and we will waterboard them until they "create" the intell we need.

At least Al and Bill were so concerned about who deserved such extraordinary methods that they had to have a detailed meeting of the minds about it.

Bush has no idea who and how many and I doubt even Dick can keep track of who and how many.
BS, darla! He advocated EO. You guys are nothing but apologists. You use these civil rights and war issues to attack Repubs and support Dems who do the same damn thing.
BS, darla! He advocated EO. You guys are nothing but apologists. You use these civil rights and war issues to attack Repubs and support Dems who do the same damn thing.

I read Clarke's book and that is what I remember from it. I have the book at home, and will read that part again tonight.

Do you have any cases of suspects being tortured either on Al Gore's say so, or even during the Clinton adminstration?

I'd be interested in reading them.