You keep posting that as if you have. Put up or shut up.You know I continue to be amazed that people quote wiki as absolute fact.
Did you look at the revision history ?
You keep posting that as if you have. Put up or shut up.
So we have one guy writing one book and it is fact ?
amazing how that works....
You know I continue to be amazed that people quote wiki as absolute fact.
Did you look at the revision history ?
I did look at the history...Did you ?
I did not take the time to compare the several hundred versions though to see what had changed.
Why do you people accept wiki stuff as fact ?
It's directly quoted from Clarke's book and other articles. Are you denying that it appears in the book or the articles?
If you are going to try to attack a source, first figure out what source you are attacking.
It's directly quoted from Clarke's book and other articles. Are you denying that it appears in the book or the articles?
If you are going to try to attack a source, first figure out what source you are attacking.
The only thing I am accepting from wiki here is that these quotes come from the book and articles that they claimed. The same sources are used all over the place and are well known. I have not heard deny that the quotes are accurate. So I am fine accepting them as actual quotes. I just posted the link to wiki for you, but you still don't actually understand what the source is. Clarke and Scheuer are the sources, not wiki.
Either you can point to something incorrect in the article or you are just typing to see you words in white.I did look at the history...Did you ?
I did not take the time to compare the several hundred versions though to see what had changed.
Why do you people accept wiki stuff as fact ?
I actually believe Clarke is truthful.
Where in Clarke's book does it present any case of a person being tortured on the say-so of Al Gore, or even during the Clinton adminstration?
Paper does not care what you write on it and neither does internet "paper".
Either you can point to something incorrect in the article or you are just typing to see you words in white.
As I said, put up or shut up. Wiki has been found to be as accurate as Britannica when tested. It seems the people who run it are careful with the changes.
No, however you must have missed the fact that the edits were never applied. The edits have to be approved before they are seen by the public. While edits go in, they do not usually appear on the article as they are not often approved if they are inaccurate.ohh you missed all the articles on Wiki being edited for political and corporate reasons then ?
ohh you missed all the articles on Wiki being edited for political and corporate reasons then ?
You're fucking retarded.
The edits are irrelevant. That's how wiki works.
Clarke and Scheuer are the sources, unless you can give us something to show the quotes are inaccurate. Otherwise, you are just wasting our time.
It's a peace prize and obscene to give a man like Gore one for doing nothing than grossly exaggerating the truth for profit, while advocating our nations use of torture. Kind of like the naming of the Patriot Act.