Al Jazeera America fails to attract US audience

How many people know Al Jazeera America even exists? I've never seen an ad for it. Do DirectTV, Time Warner and Comcast all carry it?


And since you've never seen an ad for it and don't know how to read numbers, or still haven't figured out that the first posts are at the top of the page and don't know what the word "subtle" means then I guess we should just assume that very few people in America even know that Al Jazeera America even exists. and yet you did brag at one point about being a college graduate. What exactly was your major? Or are you one of those general studies guys?

And since you've never seen an ad for it and don't know how to read numbers, or still haven't figured out that the first posts are at the top of the page and don't know what the word "subtle" means then I guess we should just assume that very few people in America even know that Al Jazeera America even exists. and yet you did brag at one point about being a college graduate. What exactly was your major? Or are you one of those general studies guys?

Ahhh, you have a crush on me. I must say you have good taste.