Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: A Warning to the West

You don't give a rat's ass about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, his literature, his philosophy, his views on the human condition.

You attempted to use a great Russian writer to bash lefties, and presumably by extension, Bernie Sanders.

Solzhenitsyn despised communism and capitalism in nearly equal measure. He was a spiritualist who rejected the capitalist west, and valued a return to traditional Russian Orthodox Christian roots.

Solzhenitsyn thought materialism, profit, and pursuit of wealth were despicable, and he would have found your Orange God morally repulsive.

There is no point getting mad at me and having death fantasies. I am allowed to call you out when you cynically attempt to use a great Russian novelist you know nothing about to support your pro-Trumpist, anti-leftist agenda.

So why did he end up living in the US then? I know a fair bit about him and I don't need a Russian arsehole with a penchant for rewriting history to 'educate' me. Sanders is a naive arsehole, he was exactly the type, termed by Lenin, as a useful idiot.
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So why did he end living in the US then? I know a fair bit about him and I don't need a Russian arsehole with a penchant for rewriting history to 'educate' me. Sanders is a naive arsehole, he was exactly the type, termed by Lenin, as a useful idiot.

He was exiled from the USSR and needed a place to live. He moved back to Mother Russia as soon as legally practical.

American conservatives were sorely disappointed when they realized belatedly he was not going to be a poster child for capitalism and western values.

I believe his rejection of capitalism and the West left rightwing American dupes aghast
So why did he end living in the US then? I know a fair bit about him and I don't need a Russian arsehole with a penchant for rewriting history to 'educate' me. Sanders is a naive arsehole, he was exactly the type, termed by Lenin, as a useful idiot.

He could have gone to many places including Canada, France, Germany, Scandinavia or the UK.
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I read this....


It was quite good.

And at around 150 pages +/- it's short enough for a casual read.

I recommend it for anyone who wants to sample Solzhenitsyn's work without committing to a thousand + page endeavor.

I've read this one, as well. It IS quite good, and tells a realistic and a very grim story about life in a prison camp.
“Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. … In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.”

~ Antonio Gramsci
(1891-1937) Italian Marxist theoretician and politician, “class warrior”
So why did he end up living in the US then? I know a fair bit about him and I don't need a Russian arsehole with a penchant for rewriting history to 'educate' me. Sanders is a naive arsehole, he was exactly the type, termed by Lenin, as a useful idiot.

You are literally angry at me for knowing more about Solzhenitsyn than you.

You attempted to use Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn asa pawn and a poster boy to support your pro-Trumpist, anti-leftists bias.

Since you choose to attempt to use a prominent Russian you know very little about as your pawn, you should have known you would run the risk someone might know more about Solzhenitsyn than you.

Solzhenitsyn did not come to the West because he was enamored with capitalism, nor did he worship at the alters of the capitalist free markets.

He came here because he was exiled from his homeland by the government of the USSR.

I personally think Solzhenitsyn used his sojourn to the west to try to make connections with the Russian diaspora. Solzhenitsyn once asked to meet my cousin Nikita and talk to him, and apparently it was because Solzhenitsyn naively thought there still existed a viable White Russian movement in the diaspora; that these imaginary White Russians represented a true alternative to Soviet communism. That they could be cultivated to be a replacement to communism.
According to what my cousin told me about his meeting, Solzhenitsyn actually had a romantic and unrealistic vision of returning to a ‘lost” traditional Christian Orthodox Russia he imagined would be cultivated by residual Russian White movement in the diaspora.

My cousin Nikita told him that there was no such remaining White Russian movement in the diaspora.

But the bottom line is that Solzhenitsyn never, ever, under any circumstances viewed western capitalism and materialism as a model to follow. He was, in a sense, a religious mystic, who imagined a lost Orthodox Christian Russia which would be morally superior to both capitalism and communism.
You are literally angry at me for knowing more about Solzhenitsyn than you.

You attempted to use Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn asa pawn and a poster boy to support your pro-Trumpist, anti-leftists bias.

Since you choose to attempt to use a prominent Russian you know very little about as your pawn, you should have known you would run the risk someone might know more about Solzhenitsyn than you.

Solzhenitsyn did not come to the West because he was enamored with capitalism, nor did he worship at the alters of the capitalist free markets.

He came here because he was exiled from his homeland by the government of the USSR.

I personally think Solzhenitsyn used his sojourn to the west to try to make connections with the Russian diaspora. Solzhenitsyn once asked to meet my cousin Nikita and talk to him, and apparently it was because Solzhenitsyn naively thought there still existed a viable White Russian movement in the diaspora; that these imaginary White Russians represented a true alternative to Soviet communism. That they could be cultivated to be a replacement to communism.
According to what my cousin told me about his meeting, Solzhenitsyn actually had a romantic and unrealistic vision of returning to a ‘lost” traditional Christian Orthodox Russia he imagined would be cultivated by residual Russian White movement in the diaspora.

My cousin Nikita told him that there was no such remaining White Russian movement in the diaspora.

But the bottom line is that Solzhenitsyn never, ever, under any circumstances viewed western capitalism and materialism as a model to follow. He was, in a sense, a religious mystic, who imagined a lost Orthodox Christian Russia which would be morally superior to both capitalism and communism.

There is nothing that you've said so far that I didn't know already, apart from your cousin, fictional or otherwise. He warned about the dangers of Communism and profound words they are indeed. I have also posted this quote, do you have a cousin who knew Gramsci as well?

“Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. … In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.”

~ Antonio Gramsci
(1891-1937) Italian Marxist theoretician and politician, “class warrior”
There is nothing that you've said so far that I didn't know already, apart from your cousin, fictional or otherwise. He warned about the dangers of Communism and profound words they are indeed. I have also posted this quote, do you have a cousin who knew Gramsci as well?

“Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. … In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.”

~ Antonio Gramsci
(1891-1937) Italian Marxist theoretician and politician, “class warrior”
You will have to explain to me what the point is of lying on an obscure message board to people one has never met. That seems to be something you are attuned to and expert in.

Now, running quickly to Google to cherry pick a Solzhenitsy quote and rushing back here with it does not cut the mustard to characterize this complex and complicated man.

I have not had to use Google one single time to write my thoughts about Solzhenitsyn.

Three seconds before you created this thread, you obviously were vastly uninformed about Solzhenitsyn the man, his literature, his philosophy, and his views on capitalism.

Since you are not knowledgeable in the least about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, it is a waste of my time to educate you or engage with you about it.

I leave you to wallow in your petty resentments, you tepid insults, and your lingering hate fetishes.
You will have to explain to me what the point is of lying on an obscure message board to people one has never met. That seems to be something you are attuned to and expert in.

Now, running quickly to Google to cherry pick a Solzhenitsy quote and rushing back here with it does not cut the mustard to characterize this complex and complicated man.

I have not had to use Google one single time to write my thoughts about Solzhenitsyn.

Three seconds before you created this thread, you obviously were vastly uninformed about Solzhenitsyn the man, his literature, his philosophy, and his views on capitalism.

Since you are not knowledgeable in the least about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, it is a waste of my time to educate you or engage with you about it.

I leave you to wallow in your petty resentments, you tepid insults, and your lingering hate fetishes.

Again this piss poor excuse for a human being is incapable of posting in anyone other than the first person. So back to the trenches then, it works for me. I doubt if you can even kick a football.

There is an excellent article in the Spectator by Rod Liddle that truly sums up the infantile naive Left in the US and the UK, I commend it to all that haven't lost their minds.

Words we are not allowed to use any more now include ‘cultural Marxism’. Suella Braverman, now the Attorney General, used them last year and was immediately upbraided by the organisation Hope Not Hate. Very right-wing people sometimes use it too, you see, so it must never be uttered by anyone else. Banning the use of the phrase ‘cultural Marxism’ is about as culturally Marxist as it is possible to get, but I don’t suppose the cultural Marxists at Hope Not Hate appreciated the irony.

Cultural Marxism is a largely 1960s excrescence in which everything must be seen through the prism of unequal power relations, other than which nothing else matters at all. Especially power relations regarding race and gender, the basis of identity politics. As such, then, cultural Marxism is a dominant paradigm in university courses across the country which deal with what we once knew as history (but now might be better named ‘resentment studies’), geography, sociology and all those non-academic subjects of no use to man nor beast, such as gender studies or urban studies.

Of course, unequal power relations between black and white, male and female, gay and straight are interesting issues, worthy of discussion and debate. But with the cultural Marxist there is no debate or discussion: it is a bovine implacability and authoritarianism which defines the approach. And so if a university professor suggests that while western colonialism was undoubtedly a morally flawed venture, not absolutely everything that came out of it was bad, he will be eviscerated by the cultural Marxists, despite the fact that his statement is incontestable — even if that comparative ‘good’ is only a useful railway bridge, a schoolhouse or, er, democracy. Cultural Marxism is one-dimensional, tautologous, absolutist and intellectually stunted. And yet it has great purchase, even away from our campuses.

I listened to a programme on BBC Radio 4 last week — a rare occurrence, for sure, given that the station has become a conduit for incessant whining, acquired victimhood and existential misery. It was a documentary called Not Enough Pride for Charley Pride and concerned the black middle-of-the-road US country singer named in the title. It was the perfect example of how the monomaniacal paradigm of cultural Marxism is now au courant pretty much everywhere.

There is no debate or discussion: just a bovine implacability and authoritarianism
I listened to this programme because I like country music, and quite enjoy Charley Pride, not least for his fine voice. But this programme was concerned with one thing and one thing alone — the fact that Charley was black in a predominantly white oeuvre. Nothing else mattered. Not his singing, his guitar-playing, his music (!), his very existence and character and essence — nothing mattered in this documentary beyond the colour of the man’s skin.

Had I listened to the trailers or read the blurb on the BBC’s website I would have known what to expect. There was the implication, first of all, that we didn’t know about Charley because he was black. Well, sorry, I knew about him. Further, last July BBC Four ran a documentary about the bloke called Charley Pride — I’m Just Me, which covered identical ground. So, two documentaries in seven months. I don’t remember a single doc in the past ten years on the BBC about, say, Don Gibson, Marty Robbins, Chet Atkins or Kitty Wells, all of whom were white contemporaries of Charley and in musical terms arguably more important. This is the first point to make about cultural Marxism — its proponents will softly lie to you, to suit their agenda. Charley Pride — a man ignored because of his skin colour. No, and no again. He was inducted into the Grand Ole Opry by the time cultural Marxism had taken hold and started rewriting history.

But the real issue is with cultural Marxism’s blindness, its funnel-thinking, its reductiveness, its impoverishment. There’s no doubt in my mind that Charley Pride’s blackness is of importance, especially as he was touring the USA at a time when Jim Crow had a certain hegemony: segregated towns and cities and schools, racial hatred, inequality. Country music was largely created by the poor white trash of the southern states and fans sometimes turned up to hear Charley Pride sing not knowing he was black, although it seems they quickly got over their shock. All of that is well worth remembering and should be part of any documentary about the chap.

But it is a long way short of the totality, surely. To be defined not by the quality of your music or your voice, but solely by the fact that he was un-white. It does such a disservice to a talented man who, in his interviews, seemed far more interested in talking about baseball — his first and real love — than in the obsessive questioning of his racial origin. And yet it seems to me that Charley Pride’s skin colour was a big part of the reason Radio 4 decided to make a documentary about the man, and perhaps a big part of the reason BBC Four did the same thing.

Jean-Paul Sartre, a Marxist himself, had it right: we are not like rocks. Our existence precedes our essence and however much we are influenced by the circumstances of our origins, we can nonetheless escape them. For the cultural Marxist, though, this escape is not possible. We are forever imprisoned by either victimhood or privilege and neither of these two things are in any way alterable, they simply are. Such a moronic way in which to view humankind.
Adam Smith's view was that humans and societies are primarily and generally pursuing economic interests.

That is exactly what Solzhenitsyn would have considered the most pointless kind of life possible.

Solzhenitsyn was repulsed by the rampant materialism, the avarice, the obsession with profit, the celebrity gossip industry, the pervasive shallowness of life he perceived in the capitalist west. He viewed the capitalist west as degenerate and hopelessly decadent.

He maintained that the right kind of life, the right kind of society was spiritual. I think of him as a religious mystic, perhaps even a religious reactionary, who eschewed the excesses of both Soviet communism and western capitalism.

I think of Tolstoy and Chekhov as the great liberal humanists of the Russian literary tradition,
While Solzhenitsyn and Dostoyevsky are the great theocratic Russian nationalists.

"A return to the forms of religion which perhaps existed a couple of centuries ago is absolutely impossible. On the contrary, in order to combat modern materialistic mores, as religion must, to fight nihilism and egotism, religion must also develop, must be flexible in its forms, and it must have a correlation with the cultural forms of the epoch. Religion always remains higher than everyday life. In order to make the elevation towards religion easier for people, religion must be able to alter its forms in relation to the consciousness of modern man."

A. Solzhenitsyn
It is always wise to consider what actual Russians wrote about Solzhenitsyn.

That carries more weight than the perceptions of rightwing posters who actually know almost nothing about the man, but are eager to exploit his legacy in a clumsy attempt to bash lefties and Bernie Sanders.

Money quotes: While there were high hopes by American conservatives to exploit Solzhenitsyn as their pro-capitalist golden boy in the propaganda showdown with the USSR, in fact Solzhenitsyn shunned Ronald Reagan, declined to praise Western capitalism, and considered the West to be decadent and morally bankrupt.

Remembering Solzhenitsyn: the chronicler of the Gulag

Thursday marks 90 years since the birth of the late Nobel Prize-winning author, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. He died this August at his home outside Moscow, leaving behind an enduring legacy.

The story of Solzhenitsyn’s life was one of survival. He lived through the horrors of Stalin’s labour camps, an assassination attempt, cancer, persecution – and 20 years in exile.

He fought for his country in World War II but was sentenced to eight years in a labour camp for criticizing Stalin in a personal letter to a friend.

In prison he worked as a scientist, a miner and a bricklayer. But his mind was far away, creating and memorizing novels as 'One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich' and the Nobel-winning 'The First Circle'.

After his 'Gulag Archipelago' was published in the West, the authorities accused him of treason and expelled him from the Soviet Union. His wife, Natalya, says Solzhenitsyn was surprised that all he faced was exile.

Exile in the United States
Rural Vermont in the United States became home for Solzhenitsyn, his wife and three sons.

The writer spent up to 15 hours a day working, but he always found time for his children.

“Our kids were still very little,” said Natalya Solzhenitsyna. “When they went to his classes they would all gather at his study door, waiting and they wouldn’t even think to be 30 seconds late, because they respected his time.”

Seen as a beacon of freedom in the West, the writer never returned the praise it heaped upon him. Regarding the West as spiritually decadent, he criticized its democracy – and even declined an invitation to dinner with U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, Solzhenitsyn returned to Russia as a hero – a prophet of the post-Soviet era. But the country he came back to was unknown to him.

Although the writer won a state medal for his achievements, he was never really in step in what he described as an increasingly Western and materialistic new Russia.

Solzhenitsyn shunned the limelight and spent his last years quietly with his family.

He insisted that no monuments or museum be dedicated to him, and that his only legacy be his collection of works.
There is an excellent article in the Spectator by Rod Liddle that truly sums up the infantile naive Left in the US and the UK, I commend it to all that haven't lost their minds.
Article by "Rob Liddle".

Not a whiff of anything Slavic about that name.

Having American and British writers tell us what to think about the Soviet Union does not cut the mustard. One has to go to the primary source - Russian dissidents, Russian writers, Russian intellectuals, ordinary Russian citizens - to have any hope of understanding what happened in the USSR during the 20th century.

You yourself do not know jack shit about the USSR, about Soviet Communism, about what it was like to live there, and you are utterly ignorant of Russian history, culture, and the necessary historical backdrop to understand what happened. I doubt you have even actually ever spoken to anyone with first hand knowlege of the GULAG, or who lived in the USSR during the era of Stalin, Krushev, or Brezhnev.

I have many relatives who were arrested by NKVD under Article 58 of the Soviet Penal code, and were sent to forced labor camps./

There is nothing - nada, zilch - you can lecture me about the Soviet Union.

Your uninformed attempts at lecturing ignores that fact that it was democratic socialists and Russian liberals who were among the first to take up arms and resist the communist coup, while conservative landed gentry and rightwing aristocracy were fleeing the country in a panic.

The Idiot’s Guide to the Russian Revolutions and Civil War, with an Emphasis on anti-communist actions by Russian liberals and socialists

Democratic Russia, February 1917 to October 1917
Accomplishments of Russia’s liberal democratic provisional government which took power after the February 1917 revolution >> This was a government deeply committed to democracy, and its accomplishments were impressive:

1. Complete civil liberties were granted.
2. Thousands of political prisoners and exiles were released, and the old police was abolished.
3. Flogging, exile to Siberia, and the death penalty were all abolished.
4. Legal restrictions of individual rights based on nationality or religion were removed.
5. Social reforms were enacted.
6. Preparations for creating a new democratic, constitutional political system were undertaken.

The Bolsheviks Detested Russian Liberals and Democratic Socialists
Lenin and the Soviet Bolsheviks detested liberals and overthrew the Provisional Government via military coup in October.

In the elections to the Constituent Assembly in November 2017 moderate democratic socialists and liberals won the clear and overwhelming majority of the votes. The Bolsheviks only won 24% of the vote, a clear minority. The Russian people chose democratic socialism. Unwilling to give up power to democratic socialists and liberals, the Bolsheviks (who controlled the Soviets), disbanded the Constituent Assembly on January 5, 1918.

In 1918, Bolsheviks began arresting Russian liberals and socialists and imprisoning or executing them in the notorious Tsarist-era Peter and Paul Fortress, off the coast of Petrograd.

Russian Liberals and Democratic Socialists were the first to take up arms against the Bolsheviks and establish anti-Communist governments throughout Russia.
The moderate Socials Revolutionaries attempted an uprising against the Bolsheviks in the spring of 1918. Menshiviks and liberal Kadets established anti-Communist governments in various Russian cities in the late spring of 2018. While conservative oligarchs and rightwing aristocrats fled the country in a panic, Russian liberals and socialists committed to fighting the communists to the death.

Source Reference: Professor Mark Steinberg University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Vladimir Lenin denounced liberalism.
Karl Marx was emphatically not a liberal, and cared not one whit for liberal democratic institutions.
Lenin and the Bolsheviks were avowed opponents of Russian liberals and democratic socialists.
The Bolsheviks overthrew a liberal-socialist provisional government in October 1917.
Article by "Rob Liddle".

Not a whiff of anything Slavic about that name.

Having American and British writers tell us what to think about the Soviet Union does not cut the mustard. One has to go to the primary source - Russian dissidents, Russian writers, Russian intellectuals, ordinary Russian citizens - to have any hope of understanding what happened in the USSR during the 20th century.

You yourself do not know jack shit about the USSR, about Soviet Communism, about what it was like to live there, and you are utterly ignorant of Russian history, culture, and the necessary historical backdrop to understand what happened. I doubt you have even actually ever spoken to anyone with first hand knowlege of the GULAG, or who lived in the USSR during the era of Stalin, Krushev, or Brezhnev.

I have many relatives who were arrested by NKVD under Article 58 of the Soviet Penal code, and were sent to forced labor camps./

There is nothing - nada, zilch - you can lecture me about the Soviet Union.

Your uninformed attempts at lecturing ignores that fact that it was democratic socialists and Russian liberals who were among the first to take up arms and resist the communist coup, while conservative landed gentry and rightwing aristocracy were fleeing the country in a panic.

Holy shit, you're an ocean going fuckwit, pay a fucking attention. Rod Liddle is talking about the likes of Sanders and Corbyn and their purile attempts to resurrect the past. Oh, and by the way, I've been to Russia twice on business in the 90s so do shut the fuck up, you ponsified preening prick.
Holy shit, you're an ocean going fuckwit, pay a fucking attention. Rod Liddle is talking about the likes of Sanders and Corbyn and their purile attempts to resurrect the past. Oh, and by the way, I've been to Russia twice on business in the 90s so do shut the fuck up, you ponsified preening prick.

The entire purported premise of your thread is about Solzhenitsyn, Communism, Marxism, and USSR.

You do not know Jack shit about the Soviet Union or about marxisn-communism.

There is no point getting mad at me for knowing more than you.

You and some obscure British journalist are not acceptable expert sources on communism and the USSR

If you actually had a genuine interest in the history and nature of communism you would read the primary sources: you would read what actual Russians wrote and thought. I suggest actually reading Solzhenitsyn, Sakharov, Zhoschenko, Bulgakov, Mayakovsky, Akhmatova, et al.

Citing obscure British and American journalists and bloggers is completely inadequate
The entire purported premise of your thread is about Solzhenitsyn, Communism, Marxism, and USSR.

You do not know Jack shit about the Soviet Union or about marxisn-communism.

There is no point getting mad at me for knowing more than you.

You and some obscure British journalist are not acceptable expert sources on communism and the USSR

If you actually had a genuine interest in the history and nature of communism you would read the primary sources: you would read what actual Russians wrote and thought. I suggest actually reading Solzhenitsyn, Sakharov, Zhoschenko, Bulgakov, Mayakovsky, Akhmatova, et al.

Citing obscure British and American journalists and bloggers is completely inadequate

Fuck off sex pest, I have absolutely no interest in discussing anything with you. Now fuck off out of my thread, you ban me from yours so why should I have an arrogant cunt like you in mine. Anonymoose has you banged to rights, truly wicked impression!

I am always intrigued how you admire me, my intelligence and my wit. You are obviously jealous of me. My theory is that you are uneducated and wish you had my expert knowledge about everything.

Of course we all know I am far superior due to my advanced awareness of worldly affairs because I am so well read and google lots of stuff on the interwebs.

From what I can tell, and of course my opinion is unrivaled, your jealousy of me stems from an inferiority complex whenever you engage me.
I have no doubt you read all my posts here, lurking me, trying to find a kink in my armor of vast intellect, in a vain attempt to outdo me.
Since I am adroit and skilled on every subject, including psychology , I recommend counseling from a mental health professional.
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Fuck off sex pest, I have absolutely no interest in discussing anything with you. Now fuck off out of my thread, you ban me from yours so why should I have an arrogant cunt like you in mine. Anonymoose has you banged to rights, truly wicked impression!
You are utterly confused in your own thread.

You are attempting to conflate Soviet communism, Marxism, and socialism.

Which means you do not have a substantive and informed knowlege about any of it.

You are getting irate at me, and having death fantasies about me just because I know more about this topic than you.

Soviet communists were totalitarians who committed mass murder and terror on a periodic basis.

Karl Marx never supported or advocated totalitarianism or despotism.

The Russian democratic socialists were enemies of the Bolsheviks, and were among the first to take up arms and resist them.

In your simple minded and uniformed way you are treating them as if they are all the same
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You are utterly confused in your own thread.

You are attempting to conflate Soviet communism, Marxism, and socialism.

Which means you do not have a substantive and informed knowlege about any of it.

You are getting irate at me, and having death fantasies about me just because I know more about this topic than you.

Soviet communists were totalitarians who committed mass murder and terror on a periodic basis.

Karl Marx never supported or advocated totalitarianism or despotism.

The Russian democratic socialists were enemies of the Bolsheviks, and were among the first to take up arms and resist them.

In your simple minded and uniformed way you are treating them as if they are all the same

I have wish to talk to you at all, now kindly fuck off! You will be banned from all future threads.