Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: A Warning to the West

I have wish to talk to you at all, now kindly fuck off! You will be banned from all future threads.
You shouldn't start threads if you are ignorant about the topic

You attempted to lecture the board when you actually didn't know anything about Solzhenitsyn, and you obviously have no substantive knowlege about the distinctions between marxism, socialism, and totalitarian communism.

Getting angry at me for pointing out you ignorance speaks to your lack of self control.

In the future you should stick to topics you actually know something about
You shouldn't start threads if you are ignorant about the topic

You attempted to lecture the board when you actually didn't know anything about Solzhenitsyn, and you obviously have no substantive knowlege about the distinctions between marxism, socialism, and totalitarian communism.

Getting angry at me for pointing out you ignorance speaks to your lack of self control.

In the future you should stick to topics you actually know something about

Go cry to the Pussy Posse, cunt!!
Go cry to the Pussy Posse, cunt!!
Now there is a topic you are an expert in: lying.

You will be hard pressed to find any examples of me whining, crying, complaining. To anyone.

The fair minded and reasonable person who observed my overall body of posts would conclude I have self control and discipline by message board standards.

If you ever want to actually learn about the nature and history of communism, give me a holler. I have read quite a few Russian dissidents, writers, satirists, and poets of the Soviet era.

You really aren't going to learn anything from obscure British bloggers
Thanks, but no thanks. Communism is practically non-existent in the West, so no need to worry about these things.
I'm much more concerned with Fascism, since that actually has made a comeback in the West.

Listen I know you're only a Millennial and haven't actually been anywhere. I travelled extensively around Eastern Europe in the early 90s on business and saw the effects of Communism first hand. I also lived through Socialism in England in the 70s. I even went to Russia a couple of times, and Romania one year after Nicolae Ceaușescu was toppled. I have also been to Albania just after Hoxha was deposed and to Laos and Vietnam several times.
Holy shit, you're an ocean going fuckwit, pay a fucking attention. Rod Liddle is talking about the likes of Sanders and Corbyn and their purile attempts to resurrect the past. Oh, and by the way, I've been to Russia twice on business in the 90s so do shut the fuck up, you ponsified preening prick.

He-he, "ponsified preening prick". Now THAT'S funny.
Me too. An iconic book.

Gulag archipelago is a slog to read, it is a veritable tome of a book. But it is required reading anyone who claims be an knowledgeable about Soviet communism, the Great Terror, and the GULAG. That means rightwing message board dunces basically know nothing of substance about the Soviet Union. One really can't learn about the Soviet Union by listening to Limbaugh and watching Fox. The way to learn about the Soviet Union is to read the great Russian authors of the Soviet era, to read the dissidents, and to actually talk to people who lived it.

Okay, Brian.
He is such an arsehole, isn't he?!!!

Never listened to Rush Limbaugh in my life and only occasionally watch Fox. I can get all the UK channels and many European channels using TVMucho on my phone and casting it to the TV.

By message board standards, my responses to you have been generally measured and topical. Especially considering the way you have talked about me for a decade.

You are literally outraged and irate that I participated in your thread and demostrated I know more about this topic than you.

By message board standards, it is reasonable for me to point out how weak your sources are: obscure British bloggers rather than primary sources, actual Russians, dissidents and soviet era writers.

I generally keep my mouth shut about topics I am ignorant of. You should consider doing the same.
By message board standards, my responses to you have been generally measured and topical. Especially considering the way you have talked about me for a decade.

You are literally outraged and irate that I participated in your thread and demostrated I know more about this topic than you.

By message board standards, it is reasonable for me to point out how weak your sources are: obscure British bloggers rather than primary sources, actual Russians, dissidents and soviet era writers.

I generally keep my mouth shut about topics I am ignorant of. You should consider doing the same.

Holy fuck, you must bore people to death in real life!
Holy fuck, you must bore people to death in real life!
^^^ Obviously a blatant lie.

You make it a point to follow me around, lurk me, and read almost everything I write.

Literally for years on end.

Clearly you find my writing extremely interesting.

Since you cannot respond substantively to what I am saying about Solzhenitsyn and have been reduced to personal attacks, death fantasies, and frothing at the mouth angry retorts I am going to assume you are out of ammunition concerning the topic of the thread