Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Try doing some honest research next time, instead of listening to Fox Noise and the like.
For your education:
Why don’t you listen to what Cuomo had to say in a Friday interview on Rochester public radio station WXXI.
He said “it was just incredibly frustrating because it was disingenuous, because they lied about the facts” referring to the opposing politicians including AOC.
AOC was the biggest face of the opposition against the headquarters.
Cuomo said they lost 27 billion in revenue over a ten year period as well as 25,000 jobs “because they wanted to play politics “.
Cuomo's duplicity is well known to us New Yorkers. His version of events doesn't jibe with ALL the facts. Like you, he prefers his myopic viewpoint that supports his contentions....thus leaving out what doesn't, as my links prove.