...Aliens Exist but Are Dangerous


And today's tinfoil beanie goes to--- Stephen Hawking! :foil:

LONDON (April 25) -- British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking says aliens are out there, but it could be too dangerous for humans to interact with extraterrestrial life.

Hawking claims in a new documentary that intelligent alien lifeforms almost certainly exist, but warns that communicating with them could be "too risky."
The 68-year-old scientist says a visit by extraterrestrials to Earth would be like Christopher Columbus arriving in the Americas, "which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans."

He speculates most extraterrestrial life will be similar to microbes, or small animals - but adds advanced lifeforms may be "nomads, looking to conquer and colonize."

The Discovery Channel said Sunday it will broadcast "Stephen Hawking's Universe" in Britain next month.

I have heard him speak on this before. (Is that 'technically' accurate?)

In any event, from what he was saying (at one point), the human species is like a bacteria, and the universe is like the human body. The 'intelligence' we have in 'exploring' the universe, is akin to bacteria present in the body, triggering antibodies, which destroy the bacteria. He cautions against programs like SETI, because they could 'trigger' a reaction from more advanced life in the universe, life we don't understand or comprehend any more than a bacteria understands antibodies.
This story pissed off my roommate, who denounced Hawking as "barbaric." I think its fucking hilarious!! My only question is, why does everyone always assume that the intelligent aliens we come in contact with will be more advanced than us technologically? Suppose the UFOs and death rays are in our court?
This story pissed off my roommate, who denounced Hawking as "barbaric." I think its fucking hilarious!! My only question is, why does everyone always assume that the intelligent aliens we come in contact with will be more advanced than us technologically? Suppose the UFOs and death rays are in our court?

And what Hawking is saying is, what if the universe has some kind of 'antibody' element we aren't aware of, a 'self-cleaning' process of dealing with undesirable 'virus' detected? Our sending signals out into space, looking for some other life form, could be very dangerous for our existence. We might be better served to remain 'quiet' and hope we aren't noticed.
And what Hawking is saying is, what if the universe has some kind of 'antibody' element we aren't aware of, a 'self-cleaning' process of dealing with undesirable 'virus' detected? Our sending signals out into space, looking for some other life form, could be very dangerous for our existence. We might be better served to remain 'quiet' and hope we aren't noticed.

They know we're here. Erich Von Daniken explained it years ago and the Sumerians tell of the Anunnaki and the planet Nibiru. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNKctJV07DE&feature=related[/ame]
And today's tinfoil beanie goes to--- Stephen Hawking! :foil:

LONDON (April 25) -- British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking says aliens are out there, but it could be too dangerous for humans to interact with extraterrestrial life.

Hawking claims in a new documentary that intelligent alien lifeforms almost certainly exist, but warns that communicating with them could be "too risky."
The 68-year-old scientist says a visit by extraterrestrials to Earth would be like Christopher Columbus arriving in the Americas, "which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans."

He speculates most extraterrestrial life will be similar to microbes, or small animals - but adds advanced lifeforms may be "nomads, looking to conquer and colonize."

The Discovery Channel said Sunday it will broadcast "Stephen Hawking's Universe" in Britain next month.


Sounds like Hawking finally got around to watching Independence Day.
And what Hawking is saying is, what if the universe has some kind of 'antibody' element we aren't aware of, a 'self-cleaning' process of dealing with undesirable 'virus' detected? Our sending signals out into space, looking for some other life form, could be very dangerous for our existence. We might be better served to remain 'quiet' and hope we aren't noticed.

Well, as long as it isn't racist douchebags like you doing the shouting into the cosmos, I think the Earth will be okay.
Well, as long as it isn't racist douchebags like you doing the shouting into the cosmos, I think the Earth will be okay.

We know you're going to try and tell us that thing that crawled up your a$$, and took residency in your gut is an alien being, but prick, come on!

When's the due date for reals? You been hatching that thang about 9-10 mos since the surgery. You could officially name it Lambchop! :cof1:
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And today's tinfoil beanie goes to--- Stephen Hawking! :foil:

LONDON (April 25) -- British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking says aliens are out there, but it could be too dangerous for humans to interact with extraterrestrial life.

Hawking claims in a new documentary that intelligent alien lifeforms almost certainly exist, but warns that communicating with them could be "too risky."
The 68-year-old scientist says a visit by extraterrestrials to Earth would be like Christopher Columbus arriving in the Americas, "which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans."

He speculates most extraterrestrial life will be similar to microbes, or small animals - but adds advanced lifeforms may be "nomads, looking to conquer and colonize."

The Discovery Channel said Sunday it will broadcast "Stephen Hawking's Universe" in Britain next month.


Aliens are already here in the form of liberals.
They know we're here. Erich Von Daniken explained it years ago and the Sumerians tell of the Anunnaki and the planet Nibiru.

Except Von Daniken has been convicted of fraud before he ever wrote Chariot of the Gods. And many of the "facts" he used have been proven false. In fact, there are some that were proven false before he published his work.

Given a choice between believing Steven Hawking and Von Daniken, I'll believe Hawking.
Except Von Daniken has been convicted of fraud before he ever wrote Chariot of the Gods. And many of the "facts" he used have been proven false. In fact, there are some that were proven false before he published his work.

Given a choice between believing Steven Hawking and Von Daniken, I'll believe Hawking.

So you don't think we've been discovered yet?
why does everyone always assume that the intelligent aliens we come in contact with will be more advanced than us technologically?

probably since, because we don't know how to get to them, the only way we're going to meet is if they know how to get to us.......
So you don't think we've been discovered yet?

I have no way of knowing. Von Daniken did raise some interesting points, but much of his work was unscientific.

I believe, if we have been discovered, we are viewed as a sort of galactic dumpster spilling garbage out around us. I cannot see any alien race being impressed with what they found here.
I have no way of knowing. Von Daniken did raise some interesting points, but much of his work was unscientific.

I believe, if we have been discovered, we are viewed as a sort of galactic dumpster spilling garbage out around us. I cannot see any alien race being impressed with what they found here.

why do you assume they don't dump garbage.....perhaps they are visiting because they have ruined the ecology of their planet and need a new one....
why do you assume they don't dump garbage.....perhaps they are visiting because they have ruined the ecology of their planet and need a new one....

That is entirely possible. My belief is based on the idea that they can receive and decipher our transmissions, and see the amount of debris we have put into orbit versus the technology we have developed.

Looking at video signals transmitted, we have to look like a violent and primitive race. The amount of debris floating around us, when viewed in comparison to the progress we have made in space travel, makes us look like the spinning dumpster.

They may well be traveling looking for a new place to exploit. But they would obviously have the resources to travel from outside our galaxy. That alone would take huge amounts of resources and technology that is beyond us.
I have heard him speak on this before. (Is that 'technically' accurate?)

In any event, from what he was saying (at one point), the human species is like a bacteria, and the universe is like the human body.

No, it isn't.

he 'intelligence' we have in 'exploring' the universe, is akin to bacteria present in the body, triggering antibodies, which destroy the bacteria. He cautions against programs like SETI, because they could 'trigger' a reaction from more advanced life in the universe, life we don't understand or comprehend any more than a bacteria understands antibodies.

SETI detects signals, it doesn't send them.
That is entirely possible. My belief is based on the idea that they can receive and decipher our transmissions, and see the amount of debris we have put into orbit versus the technology we have developed.

They'd need one hell of a telescope to literally see space debris around us. We couldn't see debris around mars with the hubble.

Looking at video signals transmitted, we have to look like a violent and primitive race.

It is ironically only through human moral emotions that we seem violent and primitive. I think aliens would probably have different moral emotions, and just wouldn't care or wouldn't understand.

They may well be traveling looking for a new place to exploit. But they would obviously have the resources to travel from outside our galaxy. That alone would take huge amounts of resources and technology that is beyond us.

To transport an entire race of people from one star system to another is probably beyond anyone's technology. The amount of energy required would be unfathomable. They could send probes to other planets with to provide the seed for a colony for their race, but transporting massive amounts of resources or your entire race through interstellar space is probably impractical for any alien.
And what Hawking is saying is, what if the universe has some kind of 'antibody' element we aren't aware of, a 'self-cleaning' process of dealing with undesirable 'virus' detected? Our sending signals out into space, looking for some other life form, could be very dangerous for our existence. We might be better served to remain 'quiet' and hope we aren't noticed.

Dixie, the universe doesn't care. It isn't alive.
This story pissed off my roommate, who denounced Hawking as "barbaric."

Why would Hawking be barbaric?

If their really were aliens roaming the universe and stripping resources (something I think would be an impractical way of life, given the amount of energy required for interstellar travel), I think don't think us contacting them would make any difference in their decision to strip or not to strip Earth. Mars, Venus, Mercury, and the moons around the gas giants are just as good targets. If an alien wants to survive, it's gotta find a reason to do something besides for teh evilz.