...Aliens Exist but Are Dangerous

I have no way of knowing. Von Daniken did raise some interesting points, but much of his work was unscientific.

I believe, if we have been discovered, we are viewed as a sort of galactic dumpster spilling garbage out around us. I cannot see any alien race being impressed with what they found here.

Again, aliens would be so radically different from us in emotion, morality, and thought that it's pointless to even speculate what they'd think.

(Excerpt)In 1957, 23 year old Antonio Villas Boas was a Brazilian farmer by trade....... Several small humanoid creatures captured him and took him into the saucer.

Now in walks a completely naked woman with hair so blonde it was almost white. She had elongated blue eyes and very pale skin with a concentration of freckles on her arms. She had high cheekbones, normal nose and a mouth with thin, almost non-existent lips, and a very pointed chin. Her underarm and pubic hair was almost blood red. She had the most beautiful body that Boas had ever seen. (End)

One reason I have doubts about this story is because when it comes to "almost non-existent lips" one would think technically superior aliens would be aware of lip augmentation with collagen injections. :rolleyes:
And today's tinfoil beanie goes to--- Stephen Hawking! :foil:

LONDON (April 25) -- British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking says aliens are out there, but it could be too dangerous for humans to interact with extraterrestrial life.

Hawking claims in a new documentary that intelligent alien lifeforms almost certainly exist, but warns that communicating with them could be "too risky."
The 68-year-old scientist says a visit by extraterrestrials to Earth would be like Christopher Columbus arriving in the Americas, "which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans."

He speculates most extraterrestrial life will be similar to microbes, or small animals - but adds advanced lifeforms may be "nomads, looking to conquer and colonize."

The Discovery Channel said Sunday it will broadcast "Stephen Hawking's Universe" in Britain next month.


I disagree with Hawking, the only reason advanced lifeforms have not contacted us, is because we are still, half savage! Here is a quote from Star Trek:

"Perhaps... in several thousand years... your people, and mine, shall meet to reach an agreement. You are still half savage... but there is hope."

- Metron

I can't see advance lifeforms waging wars and taking over planets! There are more than likely thousands of earth like planets out there, in different forms of evolutions! If I was 5,000 or 10,000 years or even more years ahead of present day earth, why would I make contact with it? If I came past it, I would take some reading, pics and samples and leave!
I disagree with Hawking, the only reason advanced lifeforms have not contacted us, is because we are still, half savage! Here is a quote from Star Trek:

"Perhaps... in several thousand years... your people, and mine, shall meet to reach an agreement. You are still half savage... but there is hope."

- Metron

I can't see advance lifeforms waging wars and taking over planets! There are more than likely thousands of earth like planets out there, in different forms of evolutions! If I was 5,000 or 10,000 years or even more years ahead of present day earth, why would I make contact with it? If I came past it, I would take some reading, pics and samples and leave!

Assuming they are intelligent they would have way to communicate with us. They could try explaining things and see if we're interested in not being savages.

Considering cultures like the Mayans and the Egyptians knew things that were "rediscovered" thousands of years later it does pose the question, "How did they know?" Did some one show/tell them?
Assuming they are intelligent they would have way to communicate with us. They could try explaining things and see if we're interested in not being savages.

Considering cultures like the Mayans and the Egyptians knew things that were "rediscovered" thousands of years later it does pose the question, "How did they know?" Did some one show/tell them?

Mankind will need to solve it's own problems such as war, poverty, and all the other human short comings without outside interference! If this planet still has wars and poverty, and all the other human short comings by the year 3,000, I think we will be doomed as a civilization!
Mankind will need to solve it's own problems such as war, poverty, and all the other human short comings without outside interference! If this planet still has wars and poverty, and all the other human short comings by the year 3,000, I think we will be doomed as a civilization!

If there was less poverty there would be less wars.
Dixie, the universe doesn't care. It isn't alive.

You do not "KNOW" this for a fact, and can't provide any evidence to support this conclusion. You may argue, in our limited knowledge, we don't believe the universe to be a living entity, but there is a LOT of things we totally do not know! Perhaps, like bacteria once were, it is simply a form of life we do not yet comprehend or understand? You know, they thought Louie Pasteur was certifiably nuts when he theorized bacteria "lived" in our food and water! They ridiculed him, scoffed at his theory, and nearly ran the man out of France, because he dared to claim such a thing.

Again, aliens would be so radically different from us in emotion, morality, and thought that it's pointless to even speculate what they'd think.

Again, something you do not "KNOW" and can not provide evidence to support. I appreciate that you THINK this would be the case, and chances are, alien life would probably be much different than our own, but making bonehead assertions of what IS and ISN'T a possibility, is just plain... boneheaded! You fucking just don't know... maybe alien life is EXACTLY the same morally and emotionally? If our morals and emotions are naturally derived through an evolutionary process, why wouldn't they be naturally derived the same way elsewhere? Nothing "scientific" indicates they would not be.
Isn't that the one where he kissed some hot alien woman with differently colored hair?

He makes out with a gal in the picture in post 31. The gal in front, on the right hand side.

Kirk always got the gal. He was a true hero. At least a hero for an adolescent boy. :)
He makes out with a gal in the picture in post 31. The gal in front, on the right hand side.

Kirk always got the gal. He was a true hero. At least a hero for an adolescent boy. :)
I could have picked it randomly. He made out with some alien woman in almost every episode...
He makes out with a gal in the picture in post 31. The gal in front, on the right hand side.

Kirk always got the gal. He was a true hero. At least a hero for an adolescent boy. :)

Maybe ... but I always found him a bit creepy, kind of smarmy. But then, I've never been an adolescent male either.
Hmmm -- that looks something like one of my old Hallowe'en costumes. Except that I was supposed to be the Little Green Sprout.

Assuming you were an adult and went to a Hallowe'en costume party I bet a lot of guys claimed to be vegetarians. :)