...Aliens Exist but Are Dangerous

He speculates most extraterrestrial life will be similar to microbes, or small animals - but adds advanced lifeforms may be "nomads, looking to conquer and colonize."

I've always found that a successful survival strategy is to curry favor with one's superiors.

I for one, welcome the pending arrival of our benevolent Alien Overlords.
Originally Posted by Cypress
I've always found that a successful survival strategy is to curry favor with one's superiors.
I for one, welcome the pending arrival of our benevolent Alien Overlords.

So, you are a kiss ass!! :good4u:

Check out the Pleiadians: (Excerpt)These beings reside and come from the star constellation named the Pleiades.......There is no dishonesty on Erra as their form of communication is through telepathy..........Pleiadians resemble earth beings, the only difference is lighter skin."(End)

Communicating through telepathy. Take a moment to consider what that means. Just thinking about what one desires is immediately conveyed to ones partner. Talk about being in sync!! :D
And what Hawking is saying is, what if the universe has some kind of 'antibody' element we aren't aware of, a 'self-cleaning' process of dealing with undesirable 'virus' detected? Our sending signals out into space, looking for some other life form, could be very dangerous for our existence. We might be better served to remain 'quiet' and hope we aren't noticed.

You're a pussy for being afraid of aliens.

I will smash their entire existence with my cosmic mind strings. Isn't that what you would do?

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
UFO's are really antimatter meteors. That explains why their is never any evidence at crash sites. They disappear because the entire thing is turned into energy. They move strangly because gravity and the atomposhere effect anti mater differently from regular matter. Burned bodies found at sites of UFO's are just humans fried with a lot of radiation. Radiation realised from matter and anti matter destroying each other is extremely powerful and deadly. The Radiation might also cause hullucinations and brain damage.