all even number posters get POINTSSSS

rules 1 and 2 are no longer valid. they are too much of a pain in the ass. 3 4 and 5 still apply.

also: indeed.
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LOL. Or there's something been done that we don't know about.

(BTW - I am indeed sorry that your mother passed.)
I appreciate your sentiment- thanks. But we had her cremated, and I've got a portion of her ashes spread into my favorite wildflower garden, so writing anything there would obviously be impossible; someone lied.
I appreciate your sentiment- thanks. But we had her cremated, and I've got a portion of her ashes spread into my favorite wildflower garden, so writing anything there would obviously be impossible; someone lied.
I'll have to stop now, I don't want you thinking I am heartless. I had more jokes and everything, but it is too new for you for jokes to be taken the right way.
I'll have to stop now, I don't want you thinking I am heartless. I had more jokes and everything, but it is too new for you for jokes to be taken the right way.
I haven't had much sadness at all with the news Damo. She was a good Catholic woman and I know that she's shining her light down on me. In fact when I heard the news I was at a po-dunk inn 20 miles inside of no cell zone, just finished up a day skiing in constant rain, I knocked down some Manhattans from my flask in her honor, met up with some friends for beer and pizza, slept well, and skied the next day under blue skies.
My condolances also.
My mother died in 1999 and there are still times I think about calling her and telling her something.
The moments come fewer and farther between, as the years go by.
Thanks man. Yeah I miss that too, making a phone call in the middle of the day. :clink: