all even number posters get POINTSSSS

guys the even after odd stuff was canceled. you have the reading comprehension of dixie. I'll square up the evens tomorrow.
Looks like the first call I went on as a Firefighter, it was a suicide. She had a dog. The dog hadn't been fed for a while....

Well, I'm sure you can add two and two.

I was going for the shock value after Grind called us idiots for not posting a picture.

Think it worked?

3.) If someone asks ANY QUESTION that is more than one word in length, and the CORRECT answer is not given by the person that posts 4 posts after said question, they lose points and the question asker GAINS points. (#42 asks, #46 must answer). It has to be a question however, that is somehow find-outable. (nothing like.. what's my middle name?)

4.) Funny insults involving damocles, watermark, or dixie in the 120's gets points.

5.) Whoever gets posts 115, 127, 134, 146 and 155 must post a picture of ALL of the following: (or lose THREE HUNDRED POINTS points)

- dancing cat
- someone doing a handstand
- someone missing an eye,
- a pyramid
- an image created by tim burton
- an image created by salvidor dali
- an image of a burning hand (or another irrelevant thing if you fail in this search)

google images is your friend for all you old folks.
But I do get to claim another REP point.

Go for it...It would be nice if you shared back.







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