All you Affirmative Action Whiners Can STFU Now

I wonder if, after you lose your virginity and have sex for the first time, you'll be less bitter, and have less rage towards women?

Of course, that's something we might never find out.

Au contraire, it's my exposure to women over the years which has led me to my conclusions.
Au contraire, it's my exposure to women over the years which has led me to my conclusions.

We're not counting the wierd, mental abuse your twisted Mom put you through. Dressing you up in little girl clothes must have been traumatic. There's therapy that can help you.
Au contraire, it's my exposure to women over the years which has led me to my conclusions.

Stop exposing yourself to them and maybe they'll stop getting restraining orders!

For God sakes, keep it in your pants, and maybe you'll get a chance to take it out one day. Perv.
Stop exposing yourself to them and maybe they'll stop getting restraining orders!

For God sakes, keep it in your pants, and maybe you'll get a chance to take it out one day. Perv.


Speaking on behalf of all males, there is no way this "guy" is having any kind of healthy relationships with women, let alone getting laid.
LOL. Do your "women are superior" memes get you any?


You're clueless dude. If you want my advice on how to treat women, have good relationships and good sex with them, it'll cost you money. Let's start at $100 per consultation.

PM me, if you want to learn, and if you want to finally see what all the fuss about sex is.
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You're clueless dude. If you want my advice on how to treat women, have good relationships and good sex with them, it'll cost you money. Let's start at $100 per consultation.

PM me, if you want to learn, and if you want to finally see what all the fuss about sex it.

Just as I thought, no success with your "women are superior" memes.
WHy the question mark? If you're gonna be a conniviing little name calling asshole, do it with confidence!:)

Because I was not absolutely certain, and was looking for others to confirm my hypothesis.
I am not nearly as self assured as you are. But I am correct far more often than you are :D
Because I was not absolutely certain, and was looking for others to confirm my hypothesis.
I am not nearly as self assured as you are. But I am correct far more often than you are :D

really? Cuz it seems like you like to spout poorly thoughout little witticisms intended to convey a deepness and intellect which just isn't there.:clink:
really? Cuz it seems like you like to spout poorly thoughout little witticisms intended to convey a deepness and intellect which just isn't there.:clink:

Just because you are unable to grasp a concept does not mean it is not there.

Because you cannot see an atom does not mean it is not there.
Just because you are unable to grasp a concept does not mean it is not there.

Because you cannot see an atom does not mean it is not there.

But it's not that I can't grasp your statements. It's that they're vague, and when pressed to elaborate on your implication, you generally fail.