Am I the most hated republican 9n jpp


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I have been trying hard the last couple days to piss off liberals with the truth and it seems to be working.
Wish me luck.
your willingness to keep your head up trump's fat ass and your ignorant fucking posts that show you never finished grade school are perfect examples of the shithead morons who vote for trump and watch fox. kudos- sick ass racist scumbag.
your willingness to keep your head up trump's fat ass and your ignorant fucking posts that show you never finished grade school are perfect examples of the shithead morons who vote for trump and watch fox. kudos- sick ass racist scumbag.

Why thank you fag daddy. Your one of the reason I do it. Maybe you remember when I first came here I was very polite and didn't use foul language it's scumbags like you and buy new president attack me instantly for being a Republican and I still tried to be nice now I don't And its all due to assholes like you katgar dutch and biden president
Why thank you fag daddy. Your one of the reason I do it. Maybe you remember when I first came here I was very polite and didn't use foul language it's scumbags like you and buy new president attack me instantly for being a Republican and I still tried to be nice now I don't And its all due to assholes like you katgar dutch and biden president

you are a troll- you just spew bullshit. who needs ya?
#It'sNotWorking #FeatherWeight #SpellCheck

Even a few Conservatives laugh at you. #Dutchie'sScratchingPost
Well, Boob, you definitely have succeeded -- almost -- in out-attention-whoring some others around here. Legion is going to be furious and so is his needy and toxic bf. But hate? Pfft. Why would anyone waste any emotion on a cut-rate troll like yourself? lol
Well, Boob, you definitely have succeeded -- almost -- in out-attention-whoring some others around here. Legion is going to be furious and so is his needy and toxic bf. But hate? Pfft. Why would anyone waste any emotion on a cut-rate troll like yourself? lol

your right hell they can come see you and spend a quarter
I have been trying hard the last couple days to piss off liberals with the truth and it seems to be working.
Wish me luck.
Well, I'm not an R but if you had said "hated conservative" I would bet that would be me. It really chaps their ass when I butt pole their mom and then wipe off on their Obama doll.