Amazing evidence of just how incredibly backward and savage Africa is

I went to Lesotho back in the 80s to do some installation work for a telephone exchange. The field engineer I was working with always carried a gun with him whenever he went anywhere.

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I do that here in Oklahoma...not because of any war though. That's terrible. I do it just because I can.
Obviously 'countries' dependent on whatever thieves pay their politicians for the opportunity to steal their resources are very poor, and laws are not enforced because colonialism forces unpaid, or poorly paid people to demand bribes. Almost certainly the 'accident' statistics are about those who couldn't pay those bribes. Read up on what has happened in the Congo since the murder of Lumumba, and try to give up your racist brainwashing.
Read up on what has happened in the Congo since the murder of Lumumba, and try to give up your racist brainwashing.

You're the one who needs to read. 60 years ago, when white people ran the Congo, it was fairly advanced. Not first world but strong second world anyway. They had lots of roads and schools and hospitals. Then blacks took over and now it's crime, poverty, and misery everywhere. Same with former rhodesia. Just like in american cities when blacks take over.
The places that voted for Trump are the least civilized parts of the nation. You think that fucking West Virginia and Mississippi are centers of civilization? Tard. Racists aren't civilized.

FYI: The majority of the entire system of US jurisprudence was conceived, drafted and implemented by the Southern States. Ranging from the Declaration of Independence to the US the Bill of Rights.
Which is not an improvement. I doubt I will ever take any joy out of carrying a gun everywhere I go, just as I will never enjoy fishing. Perhaps I'll give an edge to fishing, because it's safer to pack beer on the lake than it is to pack beer on the range.

You afraid you'll get drunk and shoot yourself?
The Democratic Republic of Congo has 6504 highway fatalities per 100,000 motor vehicles compared to 13 in america!!! A ratio of 500 to 1. All the countries at the top of the list are african. It would be better to look at deaths per million miles driven but african countries don't have stats on that.

Obama let millions of these african animals come here and hillary would have continued that policy.

Latin america also has very high numbers of highway deaths per 100,000 motor vehicles though no where's near as bad as africa. Brazil has 50 compared to america's 13 The best, meaning lowest numbers are found in europe and north america - as expected . We are civilized and trump will no doubt make us even more so.

Take a look at the number of firearms deaths in the US versus the rest of the world. Not so good on the numbers game.
Take a look at the number of firearms deaths in the US versus the rest of the world. Not so good on the numbers game.

HAHAHA. What a stupid argument. Most of the world DOESN'T ALLOW people to have guns. It's called dictatorship and luckily america has avoided that, though you libs want to take away our guns and make us a fascist state where the govt controls everybody.
HAHAHA. What a stupid argument. Most of the world DOESN'T ALLOW people to have guns. It's called dictatorship and luckily america has avoided that, though you libs want to take away our guns and make us a fascist state where the govt controls everybody.

Let's review again, retard. Your absurd OP was about violence in Africa. This so-called "civilized" country has gun violence to challenge and exceed even third world countries
Let's review again, retard. Your absurd OP was about violence in Africa. This so-called "civilized" country has gun violence to challenge and exceed even third world countries

As always you "document" your BS with evidence. LMAO

Show the evidence that demonstrates that more people in the US die daily by violence with guns than the majority of the 3rd world nations. The two things wrong with that false premise...that you are omitting.? 1. These 3rd world nations don't kill people with guns...why? Because their governments have made it a crime to own or possess they use KNIVES to behead their enemies, like the black kid in Ohio. 2. To get anywhere near the number you are speaking would have to include "accidental" gun deaths, not caused by the gun but by the stupidity of its owner.

But I would like to see your source for this left wing propaganda documented. But just like your science "bill nye" will not document anything because you can't. :) In reality? Per Capita gun violence is headed not by the US...but by the social fascists nations.
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You're the one who needs to read. 60 years ago, when white people ran the Congo, it was fairly advanced. Not first world but strong second world anyway. They had lots of roads and schools and hospitals. Then blacks took over and now it's crime, poverty, and misery everywhere. Same with former rhodesia. Just like in american cities when blacks take over.

It was the nastiest of all the nasty colonial holes, and when it tried to become free, its democratic leader was murdered and replaced with puppet warlords, as you know. Rhodesia was another shithole, run by the Nazi Smith. You racists are a ridiculous idiots' chorus of lying porkers, as you also know. Seig oink Trump, fart fart.
It was the nastiest of all the nasty colonial holes, and when it tried to become free, its democratic leader was murdered and replaced with puppet warlords, as you know. Rhodesia was another shithole, run by the Nazi Smith. You racists are a ridiculous idiots' chorus of lying porkers, as you also know. Seig oink Trump, fart fart.

puppet war lords? sounds much like our barry obama, jesse jackson, al sharpton. all pretending to be something other than the leftist race baiters they are promoting hate and violence by their false accusations and racism. indeed the United States has several "house negro's"....I believe that was the term coined by Malcom X.