Amazon Tavern

Mason Michaels

Verified User
At the old Amazon,besides all the fighting ,back stabbing,mass reporting,sock wars.
We had one thread that everyone agreed,was an oasis.No fighting was allowed and everyone followed the keep civil rules.
That is what this thread is for.
I suspect it will fail miserably,but here goes!
At the old Amazon,besides all the fighting ,back stabbing,mass reporting,sock wars.
We had one thread that everyone agreed,was an oasis.No fighting was allowed and everyone followed the keep civil rules.
That is what this thread is for.
I suspect it will fail miserably,but here goes!

Uh, if I remember correctly, Len took out the 25 cent Bull Ride Machine and replaced it with the one dollar Sybian Ride Machine. Will that still be a standard feature?

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Mostly Intellectuals, Scholars, Professional-types. (Mason, Jade, and Owl spring to mind)

I have to laugh at that. You're thinking more along the lines of the reviewers forum, for those types. You had quite a few top reviewers posting there. I had a friend there, that her well over 2,000 reviews. Most of them were highly intricate.
Another one?

You guys have dozens of threads about your selves and your stupid petty feuds. And now you assholes think you need another thread dedicated to your selves.

Go find the internet and create a board of your own. GET THE FUCK OUT.
So what was the Amazon forum all about? Was it just a bunch of people who subscribe to Amazon?

It had a wide array of topic forums, from science, to the metal forum I visited. It got out of hand with trolls, and socks. Accounts that were banned could still report people, and people I won't name probably spent a good bit of time reporting each other. Eventually people were disappearing for no reason at all, even Aimee. Socks became a norm, so you could stay ahead of things. It seems Amazon was just fed up with the forums, and they were just banning people rather then addressing issues. They eventually gave notice, that they were discontinuing the forums in Oct, 2017.