Amazon Tavern

I liked the science and sci-fi forums as well as the political one. Tried the various religion forums when I first found out that Amazon even had forums. But like you said in another thread, it was just a huge pile of bickering and screeching and everyone proclaiming that his/her religion was the best ever and you all stink. Anne Rice, who wrote all those vampire books, used to post in the Catholic religious forum.

The biggest daily battle was whether Mary was a virgin for life!(poor Joseph)!
Yep, you had to have made a purchase to post reviews and/or on the various forums. I think it was minimal at first, like $0.99 or something, but then they upped it to $5, then $50.

"To contribute to Customer features (for example, Customer Reviews, Customer Answers, Idea Lists) or to follow other contributors, you must have spent at least $50 on using a valid credit or debit card in the past 12 months. Promotional discounts don't qualify towards the $50 minimum." (

Eventually they got tired of policing the forums and closed all of them except for the Top Reviewers one. Vine might still be there too, I don't know for sure.
I didn't realize there was a board for Amazon. Sure it was fun while it lasted. Some boards will simply never be replaced.

There was a board for Bill Maher fans, many many years ago, completely unmoderated. It was the craziest, funniest board ever. It was sad when it shut down.
It was, but there were ways around it. I still use Amazon a lot since I have their credit card. Mom has me continuing prime, since we enjoy the free streaming. I also get all my supplements off Amazon
Amazon Prime is the BEST! From the next day delivery, to the music and movie streaming, very addicting.
Oh I see, thanks. But the common denominator was being a subscriber/user of Amazon, right? I love Amazon myself. Prime is the best. My Fitbit Versa charger died last night, I ordered a new one and it was just delivered.

Quite a few regulars never bought anything,and posted daily,somewhere along the line,they added you had to spend $50,to use the forums.
Quickly,a genius found a clitch in the system,and that opened the door to sock armies.
Yep, you had to have made a purchase to post reviews and/or on the various forums. I think it was minimal at first, like $0.99 or something, but then they upped it to $5, then $50.

"To contribute to Customer features (for example, Customer Reviews, Customer Answers, Idea Lists) or to follow other contributors, you must have spent at least $50 on using a valid credit or debit card in the past 12 months. Promotional discounts don't qualify towards the $50 minimum." (

Eventually they got tired of policing the forums and closed all of them except for the Top Reviewers one. Vine might still be there too, I don't know for sure.

They did add new forums,for product reviews,I go there once in a while.
You're a real comedian. lol

:) I try, but I've been getting a lot of Bad Reviews from USF and his sidekick Dark Soul.
L.i.G. let me ask you a question: How is it possible to get on BOTH the thread ban lists of US911 AND Owl?
(it's like both are uncaring with hardened hearts just trying to hurt my feelings, like they were both just born BAD TEMPERED and MEAN SPIRITED) :(
Hims just mad because most of us don't buy his climate-change-is-a-big-fat-hoax drivel. Like his idol the Toadstool, he loves the poorly-educated. :laugh:

How boring, I have never said that warming isn't occurring ffs! I have said many times that I'm a lukewarmist and do not buy into the CAGW bullshit. I view much of the debate to be political rather than scientific. I am also far better educated scientifically than you, try doing a degree in chemistry and you'd soon know. Biology is for girls!
How boring, I have never said that warming isn't occurring ffs! I have said many times that I'm a lukewarmist and do not buy into the CAGW bullshit. I view much of the debate to be political rather than scientific. I am also far better educated scientifically than you, try doing a degree in chemistry and you'd soon know. Biology is for girls!

Chemistry!So you make your own Viagra!
:) I try, but I've been getting a lot of Bad Reviews from USF and his sidekick Dark Soul.
L.i.G. let me ask you a question: How is it possible to get on BOTH the thread ban lists of US911 AND Owl?
(it's like both are uncaring with hardened hearts just trying to hurt my feelings, like they were both just born BAD TEMPERED and MEAN SPIRITED) :(

Bad reviews?

What are you, JPP whore?
On a serious note,when the committee decided to start this thread.There was no plan to have a ban list.
But when the test scores were reviewed,and rereviewed,we were shocked to find three top quality posters simply didn't make the final cut.
Test were retaken,but sadly,they didn't make it again.:(
The committee almost scrapped the idea,but felt
the creators had spent so many man hours,they felt,we had no choice,but to move forward,minus our three dear friends!:palm: