Amazon Tavern

Oh come HM you know that all forums require new people or it will turn stale and die. Besides look at all the free entertainment we old Amazon folk give you. ;)

They don't give entertainment, all we get is their bitching about their old board battles.
Oh come HM you know that all forums require new people or it will turn stale and die. Besides look at all the free entertainment we old Amazon folk give you. ;)

Hims just mad because most of us don't buy his climate-change-is-a-big-fat-hoax drivel. Like his idol the Toadstool, he loves the poorly-educated. :laugh:
It had a wide array of topic forums, from science, to the metal forum I visited. It got out of hand with trolls, and socks. Accounts that were banned could still report people, and people I won't name probably spent a good bit of time reporting each other. Eventually people were disappearing for no reason at all, even Aimee. Socks became a norm, so you could stay ahead of things. It seems Amazon was just fed up with the forums, and they were just banning people rather then addressing issues. They eventually gave notice, that they were discontinuing the forums in Oct, 2017.
Oh I see, thanks. But the common denominator was being a subscriber/user of Amazon, right? I love Amazon myself. Prime is the best. My Fitbit Versa charger died last night, I ordered a new one and it was just delivered.
Oh I see, thanks. But the common denominator was being a subscriber/user of Amazon, right? I love Amazon myself. Prime is the best. My Fitbit Versa charger died last night, I ordered a new one and it was just delivered.

Yep, you had to have made a purchase to post reviews and/or on the various forums. I think it was minimal at first, like $0.99 or something, but then they upped it to $5, then $50.

"To contribute to Customer features (for example, Customer Reviews, Customer Answers, Idea Lists) or to follow other contributors, you must have spent at least $50 on using a valid credit or debit card in the past 12 months. Promotional discounts don't qualify towards the $50 minimum." (

Eventually they got tired of policing the forums and closed all of them except for the Top Reviewers one. Vine might still be there too, I don't know for sure.
Oh I see, thanks. But the common denominator was being a subscriber/user of Amazon, right? I love Amazon myself. Prime is the best. My Fitbit Versa charger died last night, I ordered a new one and it was just delivered.

It was, but there were ways around it. I still use Amazon a lot since I have their credit card. Mom has me continuing prime, since we enjoy the free streaming. I also get all my supplements off Amazon
I think Amazon started it to advertise,but there were many subforums,movies,sports,religion,music,many more.But the group that landed here,were from the Amazon Political Forum.

I liked the science and sci-fi forums as well as the political one. Tried the various religion forums when I first found out that Amazon even had forums. But like you said in another thread, it was just a huge pile of bickering and screeching and everyone proclaiming that his/her religion was the best ever and you all stink. Anne Rice, who wrote all those vampire books, used to post in the Catholic religious forum.
Another one?

You guys have dozens of threads about your selves and your stupid petty feuds. And now you assholes think you need another thread dedicated to your selves.

Go find the internet and create a board of your own. GET THE FUCK OUT.

Thanks for your input Yurt,you're picking up on the spirit it was created for!
It had a wide array of topic forums, from science, to the metal forum I visited. It got out of hand with trolls, and socks. Accounts that were banned could still report people, and people I won't name probably spent a good bit of time reporting each other. Eventually people were disappearing for no reason at all, even Aimee. Socks became a norm, so you could stay ahead of things. It seems Amazon was just fed up with the forums, and they were just banning people rather then addressing issues. They eventually gave notice, that they were discontinuing the forums in Oct, 2017.

They opened new forums,but they are shopping oriented.
I liked the science and sci-fi forums as well as the political one. Tried the various religion forums when I first found out that Amazon even had forums. But like you said in another thread, it was just a huge pile of bickering and screeching and everyone proclaiming that his/her religion was the best ever and you all stink. Anne Rice, who wrote all those vampire books, used to post in the Catholic religious forum.

The biggest daily battle was whether Mary was a virgin for life!(poor Joseph)!