Amazon Tavern

I'm glad someone cares deeply about this pressing First World issue.

Owl. This is about some self-righteous pompous ass parading around like he is Pure as the Driven Snow. He constantly appears with a Bible in one hand and an American Flag in the other, sweat and drool running off his reddened face, pointing at others as Liars, Hypocrites, Traitors, and Non-Believers because they have a different view than his.

Smell the Snake Oil, Owl. Smell the Snake Oil.
Owl. This is about some self-righteous pompous ass parading around like he is Pure as the Driven Snow. He constantly appears with a Bible in one hand and an American Flag in the other, sweat and drool running off his reddened face, pointing at others as Liars, Hypocrites, Traitors, and Non-Believers because they have a different view than his.

Smell the Snake Oil, Owl. Smell the Snake Oil.

You could solve this whole problem by matching him up with SheWhoMustNotBeNamedOrIt'sAllAboutToxic. Just hope they can't procreate. :laugh:
You could solve this whole problem by matching him up with SheWhoMustNotBeNamedOrIt'sAllAboutToxic. Just hope they can't procreate. :laugh:

You know. This is really perplexing. Difficult. I'm at a loss. I go to a lot of trouble here. Why do you constantly and consistently stick up for your twin brother, US911?
(The structure of Prose, the elements, the rhythm, the tempo, the Flow ... "a well appointed vagina" ... that was a Gift for you. It's SHOCKING and BAFFLING your lack of appreciation in these matters) :(
You know. This is really perplexing. Difficult. I'm at a loss. I go to a lot of trouble here. Why do you constantly and consistently stick up for your twin brother, US911?
(The structure of Prose, the elements, the rhythm, the tempo, the Flow ... "a well appointed vagina" ... that was a Gift for you. It's SHOCKING and BAFFLING your lack of appreciation in these matters) :(

Looks like attention whoring doesn't pay what it used to. So sad. Just terrible, terrible. Unfair. Fake news. No collusion.
I didn't ban people!I banned USF,Legion and TD

This is suppose to be an 'Amazon Tavern'. Did Len ever 'ban' anyone? He gave out free drinks, where's YOUR Hospitality? You should retro-unban these people and buy them a round. Give USF the Chess Board and see if he knows how the pieces move. Let TD use the Ping Pong Game for free. Give Legina a Dollar for a ride on the Sybian Machine. Open your heart to our Brothers and Sisters here.
This is suppose to be an 'Amazon Tavern'. Did Len ever 'ban' anyone? He gave out free drinks, where's YOUR Hospitality? You should retro-unban these people and buy them a round. Give USF the Chess Board and see if he knows how the pieces move. Let TD use the Ping Pong Game for free. Give Legina a Dollar for a ride on the Sybian Machine. Open your heart to our Brothers and Sisters here.

I just tried this with a discussion, and had to ban two people just trying to start shit. Even that discussion had a few bans from the start.
I just tried this with a discussion, and had to ban two people just trying to start shit. Even that discussion had a few bans from the start.

(Oh Boy!) That's why Mason needs to hire Phantasmal as the Bouncer. Just nod and point at the Trouble Makers. Phantasmal will handle it from there.
This is suppose to be an 'Amazon Tavern'. Did Len ever 'ban' anyone? He gave out free drinks, where's YOUR Hospitality? You should retro-unban these people and buy them a round. Give USF the Chess Board and see if he knows how the pieces move. Let TD use the Ping Pong Game for free. Give Legina a Dollar for a ride on the Sybian Machine. Open your heart to our Brothers and Sisters here.

If they had been Amazonians maybe!But right wing trolls,not so much.
I tried to convince the committee,but they wouldn't budge
If they had been Amazonians maybe!But right wing trolls,not so much.
I tried to convince the committee,but they wouldn't budge

Well, you've done your best.
1. I was hoping to destroy TD in Ping Pong, make him cry, and crawl under the table, and begin to suck his thumb in the fetal position.
2. Show US911 how to move the Pawns around on the Chess Board.
3. See Legina reach his first orgasm.
Well, you've done your best.
1. I was hoping to destroy TD in Ping Pong, make him cry, and crawl under the table, and begin to suck his thumb in the fetal position.
2. Show US911 how to move the Pawns around on the Chess Board.
3. See Legina reach his first orgasm.

Now I feel bad,depriving Legion of her first orgasm