T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Success is none of these things.
Success often breeds those things.
Success is none of these things.
Read Toynbee sometime.
Success often breeds those things.
He isn't here. Answer the question.
Toynbee's thesis in A Study of History, among other such books, is that nations and societies that thrive and advance do so in the face of adversity. Great and successful nations are not found where there is plenty and little or nothing threatens them.
Nations go into decline when they become so successful that their population has plenty, and threats--real ones, not potential ones--don't exist. America today is in that position. Yes, China is a potential threat but not an immediate one like say, the Soviet Union was. There the threat existed, and the Cold War was impetus to do something. China isn't so obvious a threat--at least not yet.
The US has plenty too.
The combination creates a population that becomes indolent, dependent, and corrupt (socially and economically). The nation goes into decline, and when threats do appear that nation can no longer deal with them. It results in collapse.
Why this happens is the population doesn't feel, think, whatever, that they have to do anything with their life other than live one of pleasure without serious consequence. People in such a society see no reason to put forward effort when they are comfortable and have plenty. In Imperial Rome, the citizenry stopped going into military service for example. The legions of Rome became mostly filled by mercenaries and foreigners who were not beholden to Rome but to the general running the legion who might or might not be loyal to Rome.
Look at the US today. The current generations don't want to have to do anything like hard work to get ahead. They fully expect parents, the system, government, to hand them a comfortable life for no effort. Morality is pretty much gone down the shitter and the US today is almost hedonistic across the board. It's the result of our own success.
Okay, I'll look at the US today. There are some very hard workers among today's generations. They do not want government to hand them a 'comfortable life' (which is actually a life of misery, and they know it).
There are also the lazy, and there are more of them than before, mostly in the cities. They are the gangs, the homeless, and the bums. They are the students expecting the heavy loans they took out to go to school to be forgiven. They are the useful idiots, following their leader in supporting sexual perversions of every kind.
No, you can't label everyone the same. That's just bigotry.
I don't see Toynbee's argument coming to pass.
Inversion fallacy. This is YOUR problem. Don't try a LIF with me!But it is, your trying to use a fallacy of composition notwithstanding.
You need to get out more.The problem today, both in the US and Europe is that an increasingly large portion of the population isn't willing to work hard or accept privation.
Why would anyone want to join a woke, fucked up military like ours right now?????!?It isn't just gangs, homelessness, and the like but things like a decreasing portion of the population is eligible for military service.
This has always so.That mediocre, marginal workers are demanding a "living wage" on less than a full work week.
You need to get out more. There is more to this world than news articles.Those that are willing to work hard, and not take a government handout are decreasing in number. It isn't just America that suffers this problem, but the whole of Western civilization. We've been too successful.
No, you cannot steal Toynbee's argument as your own. You have to provide your own reasoning.While the entry hardly does Toynbee justice, it's a start:
You need to get out more and see for yourself. It's just not happening.The point I'm making is that collectively, not individually, Western society is crumbling as a result of its own success.
I was on a thread started by one of the many leftist retards on JPP and saw a post by one of those retarded leftists that said, (paraphrasing) America is a thoroughly failed experiment and it's way past time to try somethig new.
Now we all know leftists want to destroy America but it's still a bit shocking to see them openly admitting it. They become more emboldened every year.
So the questions I have are is that statement true? Is America a thoroughly failed experiment? If so how and why did it fail? What should be thile thing to replace America?
Ive thread banned the most retarded of the retarded leftists in order to try and have a reasonably sensible conversation