America: A thoroughly failed experiment

The tax break was a trickle to the people and a deluge to the wealthy and corporations you ignorant fuck.
There is no such evidence.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. You can't make the evidence disappear by denying it.
Trump proved it was a fair and honest election.
Fiction. That is what Repub Secretaries of state and Trump's own admin said. You have no proof because there is none. You are a special kind of stupid and determined to believe without a scintilla of evidence.
False authority fallacy. Argument of the Stone fallacy. Insult fallacies. You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats disappear by denying it or using Holy Links, dude.
I was on a thread started by one of the many leftist retards on JPP and saw a post by one of those retarded leftists that said, (paraphrasing) America is a thoroughly failed experiment and it's way past time to try somethig new.

Now we all know leftists want to destroy America but it's still a bit shocking to see them openly admitting it. They become more emboldened every year.

So the questions I have are is that statement true? Is America a thoroughly failed experiment? If so how and why did it fail? What should be thile thing to replace America?

Ive thread banned the most retarded of the retarded leftists in order to try and have a reasonably sensible conversation

No, America is a nation that was so successful that the very success it achieved is likely to be its downfall.
How does success cause failure?

It breeds complacency, indolence, and corruption. Complacency and indolence can be seen in people not willing to work hard to make a living. Instead, people want an easy job, if any job at all, and expect to be paid a grotesque sum for doing it. They expect to be paid for mediocre work too. A good example of this is the "living wage" idea that goes with minimum wage. Just because you are doing something doesn't mean it's worth doing for what you are demanding in pay.

Indolence is this:

'The most chilling metric of all': Mike Rowe warns that 7 million American men are 'done' looking for work and have 'punched out' — here's why that's a serious problem

People, particularly men, are opting out of working at all. When there is a welfare state that allows you to get by without producing, then many will choose not to produce. Others choose to turn to crime and the black market to make a better living than they could working a legitimate job. If you can shoplift thousands in goods a day with little risk of prison or other consequences, you shoplift. If you can sell drugs and make thousands a day rather then flip burgers you sell drugs. When the penalties for criminal acts are negligible and hardly enforced, you recognize that that route is economically viable to you.

Then there is the corruption that goes with this. You have a huge bureaucratic state that relies on heavy taxation to pay for the indolent and complacent. Those that aren't in that category are incentivized to find ways to avoid that taxation, regulation, etc. Thus, you end up with an ever-growing black market of goods and services that operate outside the 'system.'

As Italy Cracks Down on Tax Cheats, the Wealthy Are Ditching Their Porsches,8599,2109279,00.html

Take Italy as an example. The nation has oppressively high taxes. Tax cheating is a national pastime. Those that would have to pay the most find ways to avoid paying, legal and illegal. Their success causes failure of the tax system that is both oppressive and corrupt.

The result in the long run is the country becomes more and more corrupt. It accepts people cheating the system, even cheering them on. Black markets abound. The economy falls apart.

In the end, the government cannot sustain its welfare state and collapses in a revolution. The only way government can put that end off further into the future is to become more and more a draconian dictatorship.
How does success cause failure?

How was that success achieved? It certainly wasn't achieved by America hating animals. It was achieved by people who understood the opportunity they had here. They were grateful for the mere chance at success. That's s no longer the case. Generations of people have been taught what a terrible place America is. Patriarchial mysoginistic racist etc etc etc.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. Attempted inversion. RQAA.

Fallacy Fallacy-

The fallacy fallacy occurs when Into the Night claims another poster is using a fallacy and does not explain how and why the fallacy occurred. Into the Night does this to try to appear smarter than he really is.

In this case Into the Night accused Biden of treason for discarding the constitution. I pointed out he was the one violating the Constitution. The US Constitution clearly defines treason as the following:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

It's easy to see how stupid Into the Night is since his response to this post will be to commit the fallacy fallacy again and accuse me of committing multiple fallacies while never explaining how I commited any of those fallacies.
It breeds complacency, indolence, and corruption. Complacency and indolence can be seen in people not willing to work hard to make a living. Instead, people want an easy job, if any job at all, and expect to be paid a grotesque sum for doing it. They expect to be paid for mediocre work too. A good example of this is the "living wage" idea that goes with minimum wage. Just because you are doing something doesn't mean it's worth doing for what you are demanding in pay.

Indolence is this:

'The most chilling metric of all': Mike Rowe warns that 7 million American men are 'done' looking for work and have 'punched out' — here's why that's a serious problem

People, particularly men, are opting out of working at all. When there is a welfare state that allows you to get by without producing, then many will choose not to produce. Others choose to turn to crime and the black market to make a better living than they could working a legitimate job. If you can shoplift thousands in goods a day with little risk of prison or other consequences, you shoplift. If you can sell drugs and make thousands a day rather then flip burgers you sell drugs. When the penalties for criminal acts are negligible and hardly enforced, you recognize that that route is economically viable to you.

Then there is the corruption that goes with this. You have a huge bureaucratic state that relies on heavy taxation to pay for the indolent and complacent. Those that aren't in that category are incentivized to find ways to avoid that taxation, regulation, etc. Thus, you end up with an ever-growing black market of goods and services that operate outside the 'system.'

As Italy Cracks Down on Tax Cheats, the Wealthy Are Ditching Their Porsches,8599,2109279,00.html

Take Italy as an example. The nation has oppressively high taxes. Tax cheating is a national pastime. Those that would have to pay the most find ways to avoid paying, legal and illegal. Their success causes failure of the tax system that is both oppressive and corrupt.

The result in the long run is the country becomes more and more corrupt. It accepts people cheating the system, even cheering them on. Black markets abound. The economy falls apart.

In the end, the government cannot sustain its welfare state and collapses in a revolution. The only way government can put that end off further into the future is to become more and more a draconian dictatorship.

Which is exactly what's happening under the leftist Brandon and the circus side show freaks aka democrats

Fallacy Fallacy-

The fallacy fallacy occurs when Into the Night claims another poster is using a fallacy and does not explain how and why the fallacy occurred. Into the Night does this to try to appear smarter than he really is.

In this case Into the Night accused Biden of treason for discarding the constitution. I pointed out he was the one violating the Constitution. The US Constitution clearly defines treason as the following:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

It's easy to see how stupid Into the Night is since his response to this post will be to commit the fallacy fallacy again and accuse me of committing multiple fallacies while never explaining how I commited any of those fallacies.

Mockery. Redefinition fallacy.