America: A thoroughly failed experiment

Every forum I've been on that is overpopulated with libtards, that cannot accept the destructive anti American policies and or ideologies
of their pathetic party usually if not always resort to avoiding any post that exposes the democrat failure(s) by shifting their inability to
stick up for their failed polices by accelerating their TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) in an attempt to offset their ignorant and stupid
political stances.

I'll leave you with a list of Trump's all American successes of his presidency to see if you can come up with a single action/policy of his that you would consider
to be a failed experiment. And if Trump's successes don't impress you, then perhaps you can give us a list of Biden's successes as president, so as to compare the two.

Go on fella, lets see what you're made of.

By the way, I could list dozens of ways that the biden admin and the dems in particular are destroying America from its roots. I could start with biden's welcoming open border policy which in of itself is reason enough to impeach him and impeach practically if not everyone that has a leadership position in his horrific and destructive administration.


Since your definition of an 'actual argument' appears to involve coming up with different ways to insult another poster using a list of body parts and homophobic slurs, I would agree. If you are talking about objective factual arguments, that's something you are completely unfamiliar with.

I concur......he should have just said the other poster was dumber than shit and left it at that......
A whole list of people stopped him. The acting AG. White House Counsel. Secret service. Governors and Secretaries of state. Mike Pence. Decent people who believe in free and fair elections. Unlike you.

since he never attempted such a thing, no one "stopped" him.........what you need is someone to stop you from claiming foolish things......
Any thread that starts out with introductions offered in the first person singular signals right off where it is going to go

And other than the supposed thread you were on show us another person who said that “America is a thoroughly failed experiment.” You are like handing off the ball and getting ready to tackle in the same motion

So no answers. Got it.
Do you REALLY think you would get an answer even if i had allowed it to post????? Really!!???

I expect I would get an answer, it would be stupid, and I would get an opportunity to laugh at the stupid have deprived me of the satisfaction......
A whole list of people stopped him. The acting AG. White House Counsel. Secret service. Governors and Secretaries of state. Mike Pence. Decent people who believe in free and fair elections. Unlike you.

So trump was just a fascist with a bad plan to take over? He was hoping a bunch of trespassers was going to help him overthrow democracy even though he had the military at his disposal. I would tell you how stupid you sound but why? You're stupid
Donald Trump attempted to overthrow the United States Government. He also stole top secret classified documents. There is no accomplishment that erases the stench of treason. Period. Full stop. As for your list, anyone can make one. Trump is the worst President in US history. It isn't close.

How exactly did Trump try to overthrow the US government? What classified top secret documents did he steal? Treason is best defined with this current administration's inability to stop the illegal surge of migrants at our Southern border. Its not just derelict of duty on biden's part, but it is another sign that he doesn't give a shit about the safety or the protection of our nation, and it's a big time failure of him to not keep his oath to protect America from all enemies both domestic and foreign.
Since your definition of an 'actual argument' appears to involve coming up with different ways to insult another poster using a list of body parts and homophobic slurs, I would agree. If you are talking about objective factual arguments, that's something you are completely unfamiliar with.

You sure as shit have never presented an argument so what I do or don't do doesnt prevent you from making an argument. let's see you try. Oh that's right you're a leftist so never will.
How exactly did Trump try to overthrow the US government? What classified top secret documents did he steal? Treason is best defined with this current administration's inability to stop the illegal surge of migrants at our Southern border. Its not just derelict of duty on biden's part, but it is another sign that he doesn't give a shit about the safety or the protection of our nation, and it's a big time failure of him to not keep his oath to protect America from all enemies both domestic and foreign.

They want us to believe trunk was going to overthrow the govt with a group of people trespassing at the capitol instead of using the military which he had at his disposal. They are idiots
I was on a thread started by one of the many leftist retards on JPP and saw a post by one of those retarded leftists that said, (paraphrasing) America is a thoroughly failed experiment and it's way past time to try somethig new.

Now we all know leftists want to destroy America but it's still a bit shocking to see them openly admitting it. They become more emboldened every year.

So the questions I have are is that statement true? Is America a thoroughly failed experiment? If so how and why did it fail? What should be thile thing to replace America?

Ive thread banned the most retarded of the retarded leftists in order to try and have a reasonably sensible conversation

Yes it is a fail. It took about 150 years but we are governed by nothing more than an Administrative State and the voters let that happen.
You need not be on this site very long to realize that leftist here rarely make actual arguments.

It really isn't all that different on every other forum that I've been a member to see that the libtards have no clue and have no reasonable argument
in a debate forum to argue on these issues where they know they are on the wrong side. Going back to your OP, you expose perhaps the biggest problem with
the LEFT today and with their co-conspirators that seek to bring down America in every way possible--be it via CRT, racializing everything, authoritarianism,
FBI stronghold over the average citizens, empowering the government to erase Capitalism and one's basic freedoms, cancel culture, revising or criticizing our
Constitution, globalizing everything from this green new deal nightmare, to begging for oil from socialist nations that don't have our best interest at heart, while
killing our fossil fuels that Trump used to make the U.S. energy independent, to teaching and destroying our youth's minds and morality with sexual deviation, etc. etc. etc.
since he never attempted such a thing, no one "stopped" him.........what you need is someone to stop you from claiming foolish things......

I, like any other reasonable person have yet still to get an example of how exactly Trump sought to overthrow our government. Libtards will
always come up with this J-6 event as proof as to Trump's attempt to overthrow our government. Three things to consider here. There were no
bullet-induced weapons at the J-6 riot where a few hundred people were arrested for trespassing, and who are still sitting in jail without having
a hearing, so overthrowing a govt without weapons seems like quite a stretch, don't ya think?. Second, Trump told those protestors to go there
peacefully and patriotically. Does that sound like something that anyone (including Trump) would have said in an attempt to overthrow our government?
Third, Nancy Pelosi was offered 10,000 National Guard troops by Trump some 2 days before the J-6 protest. Anyone think the J-6 committee has
questioned ms pelousy about her failure to produce those guards? You libtards need to get your act(s) together.
Donald Trump attempted to overthrow the United States Government. He also stole top secret classified documents. There is no accomplishment that erases the stench of treason. Period. Full stop. As for your list, anyone can make one. Trump is the worst President in US history. It isn't close.

no he didn't, you retarded ape.