America Seems Doomed to Split Up

A fascist government is right here in America. I call it the SODC (Socialist Oligarchy of the District of Columbia). There is also, of course, the SOTC (Socialist Oligarchy of the Territory of California) and the SOTNY (Socialist oligarchy of the territory of New York). All of these are fascist governments. All of these are run by Democrats.

Who give a fuck about what you think; I sure don't.
He did. So did I. The article mentioned admits the Democrats rigged the election. First you deny the article even exists and NOW you try to 'quote' from it without quoting from it?????

Yes, the democrats did some terrible things, like raising money, Like allowing perfectly legal mail in balloting.
So my little sweetie, who has never spent a single day in a law school class, who has never bothered to read the constitution is not an accredited expert.

You are describing yourself. You don't need a law school degree to read any constitution. You don't need to be an 'expert' to read any constitution. 'Expert' worship. False authority fallacy.

The Constitution of the United States is the ONLY authoritative reference of the Constitution of the United States.
Very true. But about the same as the Covid release bill passed under Trump if that is the bill you are referring to.

If you are referring to the bill on voting it is specifically authorized by the Constitution.

Both parties have mastered the art of pretending that Article I Section 8 doesn't limit FedCo.
BLM is fighting for equality, and not for a fascist government.

BLM is racist. It's goal is to defund and destroy police. It was used by the Democrats to sow chaos on the streets in an effort to make Trump look bad. BLM demands a fascist government.
Antifa is fascist. It's goal is to implement fascism through violent means. It is much like the Brownshirts of NAZI Germany. It is funded and supported by Democrats.

The Democrats want fascism. It is a step on the road to communism. Both fascism and communism are socialism.

Fascism is government manipulation of markets.
Communism is government ownership of markets.

Both are theft of wealth.

I guess you never read Karl Marx or Plato either.
BLM is racist. It's goal is to defund and destroy police. It was used by the Democrats to sow chaos on the streets in an effort to make Trump look bad. BLM demands a fascist government.
Antifa is fascist. It's goal is to implement fascism through violent means. It is much like the Brownshirts of NAZI Germany. It is funded and supported by Democrats.

The Democrats want fascism. It is a step on the road to communism. Both fascism and communism are socialism.

Fascism is government manipulation of markets.
Communism is government ownership of markets.

Both are theft of wealth.

I guess you never read Karl Marx or Plato either.

Why don't you go lay an egg.
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That's what Trumpism is all about.

Inversion fallacy. You are describing Democrats.

It is Democrats the created, funded, and supported the KKK.
It is Democrats that fund and support BLM, an organization that is racist.
It is Democrats that fund and support Antifa, an organization that is racist and fascist.
You are describing yourself. You don't need a law school degree to read any constitution. You don't need to be an 'expert' to read any constitution. 'Expert' worship. False authority fallacy.

The Constitution of the United States is the ONLY authoritative reference of the Constitution of the United States.

We have constitutional lawyers who have spent years trying to interpret and understand the constitution, yet you have become an expert overnight.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing Democrats.

It is Democrats the created, funded, and supported the KKK.
It is Democrats that fund and support BLM, an organization that is racist.
It is Democrats that fund and support Antifa, an organization that is racist and fascist.

What don't you take your foolish nonsense and shove it up your bunghole, where it belongs.
And to respond accordingly;

Wrong, “Joe Bongino” is a nobody
So we agree. He isn't relevant to this conversation.
Not the center of our Gov’t to halt the fulfillment of a Constitutional responsibility
The Democrats do not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor any State constitution.
Federal Gov’t is doing what it is intended to do,
There is no federal government.
you really didn’t think the Trump TV reality show had the capability to have the country vaccinated by May,
Vaccines were already available at your local drug store by December, 2020. They still are.
they couldn’t even deliver their own promises in December when they had over a year to plan
Government doesn't distribute the vaccine. Pfizer did, through their usual distribution channels. By December of 2020, you could go down to your local drug store or clinic and get your vaccine shots.
Wrong again, failed in meeting their meager goals in both December and January and never had the million doses they said were in reserve
The vaccine has been available at your local drug store or clinic since December 2020.
Bush was conservative Republican,
Nope. He was a RINO.
and the conservative right didn’t give a rat’s ass when both he and Trump ran up the bills
Presidents do not spend money. Only the House does. Again, you fail to recognize the Constitution of the United States.
And yet again, deficits and debts were never a concern under any GOP Administration, as Cheney said, to them, debts don’t count
Cheney is also a RINO.
Ditto, tax cuts aren’t the recipe in a healthy economy if one is concerned about deficits/debt
Obama did not leave a healthy economy. Tax cuts are not a cost. Tax cuts do improve the economy.
Can’t say it enough, wrong, “Joe Bongino’s” opinion is no more worthwhile than my barber’s
So we agree. His opinion isn't the issue.
Antifa and BLM never attempted to topple the seat of Gov’t nor halt an entire branch of the Gov’t from executing its Constitutional duties
Correct. Democrats did.
The Federal Gov’t is succeeding,
There is no federal government.
as noted, delivering and executing all the vaccine the country needs by May
The vaccine is already available. It has been since December 2020.
And lastly, need it be said, you and “Joe Bongino” have a lot in common, lot of rhetoric, few facts
Buzzword fallacies. Straw man fallacy. Learn what 'fact' means. Doublespeak.
...which is proof that they were part of rigging it.

Not a proof (a proof only exists in a closed functional system like mathematics or logic), but damn solid evidence. Yes. I agree Big Tech is part of it. Fortunately, they don't control the internet like they think they do, and Big Tech is losing money FAST as their customers leave for other services.
Very true. But about the same as the Covid release bill passed under Trump if that is the bill you are referring to.

If you are referring to the bill on voting it is specifically authorized by the Constitution.

No. HR1 violates Articles I, II, IV, V, and amendments 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, and 14 of the Constitution of the United States.
Yes, the democrats did some terrible things, like raising money, Like allowing perfectly legal mail in balloting.

Printing money without a corresponding increase in wealth is inflation, dude.
Mass mail in voting is not legal in most States. You again do not recognize the constitution of any State.