
i hate the royals too, along with the concept of people being legally higher than anyone else, but in fact the royal family generates more wealth than they take in.

I was in London a couple of weeks ago and the queues for the Tower of London and the Crown Jewels were just bloody ridiculous. At £20 odd a pop and two million visitors a year that a nice little earner for starters.
well just rub a royals head and spin around three times and make a wish.

its about as useful as spending milllions a minute to PRESERVE the long tradition of being RULED over.

what a really weird thing to preserve

One of the ironic things about the UK is that, in their brief experiment with being a republic, they fell into tyranny. When monarchy was restored, besides for a rough start, it generally meant a restoration of freedom, as the monarch largely stayed in the background and let the parliament sort things out. The thing is, in a lot of societies that suddenly ripped apart their constitutional framework and tried to establish a republic, chaos simply broke out in the absence of legitimate institutions, and the military took control. America was lucky in this regard; for one thing, we never really had strong monarchical traditions to begin with, legitimacy in America has always rested with republicanism, and the military has generally been kept in check. But I don't think it's wise to self-righteously chastise others for their political system, especially when it's working just fine for them, in their nation, with their particular circumstances.
I will give you one thing, you are about the only on here that even a semblance of how things work in the UK.

no. watemark is a king supporter. do not listen to him. he loves monarchy.

of course we should condemn you SUBJECTS. That is what you are, not citizens, subjects - you are willing slaves. bow before your legal rulers and kiss their feet.
no. watemark is a king supporter. do not listen to him. he loves monarchy.

It's not my fault parliaments lame.

of course we should condemn you SUBJECTS. That is what you are, not citizens, subjects - you are willing slaves. bow before your legal rulers and kiss their feet.

Actually, the British Nationality Act of 1948 introduced the concept of UK citizenship, so Britons were, for a time, both subjects and citizens. Then the British Nationality Act of 1981 largely phased out the concept of "British subjects" for "British citizens". Only a few fringe cases remain where a person can even be a "British subject", and since 1983 the law has interpreted a "British subject" the same as being a "Commonwealth citizen" anyway.
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I was joking about the subject thing but now that I just learned this was a real thing till recently it blows me away
They would need to pay tax dollars to support some sort of head of state anyway, why not have it be the queen? They pretty much subsist off of the crown estates these days anyway.

Not even close to what the royal family costs the UK. As an american I see the only benefit of having the royals is that the Brits get to have near riots in the street over every martial problem the royals have.
Where harry and kate having a baby is bigger than the ending of WW2

The brits have one big distinction they are the only country in the history that put a handful of their convicts on a boat and set them adrift and the convicts totally kicked their ass and surpassed them in every way in far less than a 100 yrs and had to save their very existence from Germany.

DONT DEGRADE MY COUNTRY, I LOVE IT, and I will defend it again and again screwedup as it is at the moment
Grind, based upon how pathetic the Kardashians are, I'd almost have to go with Royalty, except for the basic fact of it being royalty and all...