American Communist Party

When did it become the federal government's responsibility to provide everything to people with property losses? That's what insurance is for. That's what preparation for these sorts of storms is for. If someone didn't prepare and insure themselves, that's on them. The federal government isn't our fucking parents.

As for what fascist--not communist, fascist--China would or wouldn't do, that's not relevant. But let's go with your example for a moment. The federal government DRAFTS--you know, like the military would in a war--200,000 workers from wherever, pays them a pittance, and then tells them to fix all the hurricane damage. The workers get no say. They aren't paid fairly for their work.

I'd expect most to do half assed labor at a lethargic level because they don't want to be there. Of course, forced relocation of the population isn't going to be taken happily either...

Yea, so they go or stay. Their new home is one built to government specs that were largely ignored so the workmanship is shoddy and shitty. The next storm comes and their home is trashed again. China builds all kinds of fucked up, half assed, shit like that all the time.

Wants? Try is forced to take a job. During COVID, the government welded doors to apartments in high rises shut so the occupant(s) couldn't leave. China is fucked up like a soup sandwich, and you want the here? You are fucking insane!
Again, you're parroting government propaganda. The China model has 10s of millions of workers building 21st century infrastructure 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There's no shortage of workers in China, there's no housing shortage either. It's a system moving forward as the west is in decline.

Since 1980, China has lifted 950 million people out of poverty, while in the same timeframe, Americans are forced out of the middle class to near poverty. In 2009 - 2010, Obama bailed out Wall Street while kicking millions of families out of their house and into the streets.

After that, congress passed a law where Wall Street is given an endless supply of money and still will demand another bailout in the very near future. No matter who is elected in November, millions more American families will be foreclosed on and kicked to the streets.
Again, you're parroting government propaganda. The China model has 10s of millions of workers building 21st century infrastructure 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There's no shortage of workers in China, there's no housing shortage either. It's a system moving forward as the west is in decline.

Since 1980, China has lifted 950 million people out of poverty, while in the same timeframe, Americans are forced out of the middle class to near poverty. In 2009 - 2010, Obama bailed out Wall Street while kicking millions of families out of their house and into the streets.

After that, congress passed a law where Wall Street is given an endless supply of money and still will demand another bailout in the very near future. No matter who is elected in November, millions more American families will be foreclosed on and kicked to the streets.
China is a mirage. They're fucked up like a soup sandwich.


That's the kind of stupidity you get in China...
Roaches, rust and rot: An inside look at the Kansas City tenant union rent strike against federally backed landlords
by Mili Mansaray
October 8, 2024

Leaders with KC Tenants said the rent strikes mark the first in its history. They also say these are the first-ever strikes targeting FHFA, the regulator for Fannie Mae. Both buildings were purchased with loans backed by the government-sponsored enterprise.

Together, the unions plan to withhold over $60,000 from their landlords in October, according to a KC Tenants press release. That could potentially impact a landlord’s ability to make mortgage payments on Fannie Mae-backed loans.

We the people have the power if we choose to unite.
It's my duty as an American to hold politicians accountable for their crimes.

I'm a patriot acting to get rid of the patriot act.
No, it's not. You can leave and live in some communist paradise like Cuba or N. Korea. Nobody's stopping you... at least until you go there and find they won't let you leave...
No, it's not. You can leave and live in some communist paradise like Cuba or N. Korea. Nobody's stopping you... at least until you go there and find they won't let you leave...
It's unAmerican for you to allow politicians to destroy my country.
You're the one promoting politicians that will destroy the US. The Progressive Left has a 200+ year history of that.
I'm an anarchist in the fashion of our founders, the constitution and Federalist Papers, government of the people.
You show how little Americans know about Marxism and Communism. The Southeast US was hit with 2 huge hurricanes, yet the US government did little to nothing for them. In the China model, the CCP would send in 200,000 workers to get everyone who wanted out relocated to new housing and given all the necessities as another 200,000 workers rebuilt the entire region.

Then the relocated residents would be given a choice to return to their new home or stay in their house away from the hurricane belt. The China model takes care of the people, it's nowhere near perfect but you won't see tent cities or decaying infrastructure anywhere in a country of 1.5 billion people. Everything is built for the 21st century.

Anyone in China who wants a house or job is given one. Local government takes care of that and centralized government only gets involved when things are too large for the municipality to deal with. During covid, 20 million Chinese workers lost their job. Anyone who wanted a new job was given one. Some chose to leave the city and go back to their farm.
so you're full CCP now?

during COVID they welded people in apartments and let them starve.

they also keep populations of minorities and the poor as defacto slaves.

they're doing a uighur genocide.

you're fucking confused bro.
Here's a map of the Global South + Russia in gray. This is the potential for a BRICS economy. Note that most countries in red are part of the Anglosphere.
