Agreed about Presidents and extremists. We, the People have been heading in that direction for over 25 years. Trump isn't a freak accident on the road of American politics; Trump is the logical progression of what both parties have been doing since 1992. Trump is an extreme swing in Pendulum Politics.....a swing, IMO, that is so far, it's inevitable to swing back the other way. Like pendulums (or bouncing golf balls), the extremes will slow down to find equilibrium.
If the extremes in American politics weren't bad enough, We, the People have suffered through economic downfalls, major terrorist attacks and a Federal government so dysfunctional that all they can agree upon is to increase the national debt:
This author puts the national political situation more eloquently than I:
..P.utting a check on President Trump may be the only positive outcome of this election. Who believes that voters’ desire for change is satisfied by putting the speaker’s gavel back into the hands of (presumably) Nancy Pelosi? Who thinks dysfunction in D.C. will subside under divided government? How are we any closer to solutions on pressing problems?
While the pendulum swings, there is a growing group of Americans –– described in a recent study as the “Exhausted Majority” and estimated at 67 percent of the electorate –– who are tired of the political oscillation and are in search of a productive equilibrium.
This equilibrium is not a utopian absence of polarizing forces, but a balance between them. It’s not a mythical “middle ground” found by splitting the difference on any particular policy issue, but a higher ground found by using facts, reason, and common sense to address our biggest challenges...