APP - American Conservatives are Embarrassing

I_Love, your reasons don't wash. Every human can and often does rationalize just about anything, as you do, that doesn't change anything. Censorship is control of the conversation and ideas - you are guilty. Make excuses all you want, doesn't change a thing.

"Liberals believe individuals should doubt their own truths and consider fairly and open-mindedly the truths of others. This is at the very heart of liberalism. Liberals understand, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed, that "time has upset many fighting faiths." Liberals are skeptical of censorship and celebrate free and open debate." Geoffrey R. Stone
I_Love, your reasons don't wash. Every human can and often does rationalize just about anything, as you do, that doesn't change anything. Censorship is control of the conversation and ideas - you are guilty. Make excuses all you want, doesn't change a thing.

"Liberals believe individuals should doubt their own truths and consider fairly and open-mindedly the truths of others. This is at the very heart of liberalism. Liberals understand, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed, that "time has upset many fighting faiths." Liberals are skeptical of censorship and celebrate free and open debate." Geoffrey R. Stone

I in no way can control your ideas. Like I said, you think you are entitled to be heard. You are not
1st amendment rights should be suspended for Trump supporters. We need to introduce censorship in order to contain the ideas of the far right and racists.
Sorry, but I cannot allow you to be so casual with the language in your effort to make a political point that does not exist.

First of all, you have no rights on this board. It is a privately run board. Your and my existence is at the sole pleasure of the board owner. As such, we have no 1st Amendment rights on this board.

Secondly, consider a thread in which you are thread banned a conversation that I wish you to not be part of. It is no different than in your personal life. Do you think you have a right to be a part of any conversation you choose? If two parties are engaging in a political discussion and wish to do so without you, are you being censored? It is ludicrous to suggest you are.

Lastly, and most importantly your own definition of censorship refutes your claim that you are being censored by me. Just because you are not able to post your opinions in my thread does not mean you are forbidden to post your opinions about that topic. You are free to start your own thread about the topic and post whatever you feel like. I cannot control that, nor would I even want to. So you see, even on this board, I have ZERO control over what you post other than my own threads.

Do you somehow think that your right to express your thoughts supersede my rights to choose whether I want to hear them or not? Are you so enamored with your own feelings of self importance that you cannot fathom the idea that some people just don't care what you think about a given issue? I think you should take this as a moment of self reflection and realize that you aren't that important and what you have to say is not that profound.

I thread ban you for many reasons

1) You remind me a left wing Dixie. Lots of words signifying nothing
2) You are boring
3) And this is the most important one of all. I know it annoys you.

Have a blessed censorship free day

ILA, you are a literally the first person who should be censored. You constantly advocate racism and violence against patriotic American citizens who happen to be minorities. How do you think that's acceptable behavior?
ILA, you are a literally the first person who should be censored. You constantly advocate racism and violence against patriotic American citizens who happen to be minorities. How do you think that's acceptable behavior?

Asking ILA tough questions confuses him, that is why he censors and limits conversation. Take note of his threads, since he bans everyone there is no conversation.
ILA, you are a literally the first person who should be censored. You constantly advocate racism and violence against patriotic American citizens who happen to be minorities. How do you think that's acceptable behavior?

I guess you don't understand that the entire notion of 1st Amendment rights is allowing for speech that you may not like. Why do you think you are the arbiter of what is sanctioned speech and what is not? You really can't be serious right? Or are you just trolling?
Asking ILA tough questions confuses him, that is why he censors and limits conversation. Take note of his threads, since he bans everyone there is no conversation.

You keep using this word, but I don't think it means what you think it means. And I don't ban EVERYONE from my threads; just those I don't deem worthy of contribution.

As an aside, I did challenge you to a 1:1 debate on censorship right here in APP and you have either missed it, ignore it or decided it is in your best interests not to take me on.
ILA, Not all censorship is same, when you ban people from a discussion you are censoring their opinions, their dialogue. You are controlling - censoring the conversation. I have no idea why you think that is something else? There is no need to debate something so obvious. There may be good reasons to censor in some areas but on a public forum that right or privilege is granted only to the owner of the site because of libel or other areas that touch on law and privacy issues. Give it up you have no grounds for dissent.
ILA, Not all censorship is same, when you ban people from a discussion you are censoring their opinions, their dialogue. You are controlling - censoring the conversation. I have no idea why you think that is something else? There is no need to debate something so obvious. There may be good reasons to censor in some areas but on a public forum that right or privilege is granted only to the owner of the site because of libel or other areas that touch on law and privacy issues. Give it up you have no grounds for dissent.

Again you would be 1000% incorrect. You are correct in that I am controlling the conversation in a thread that I start, but it does not rise to the level of censorship.

This is a private forum not a public one. The owner granted me the privilege to control my threads when he sanctioned the functionality.

Want to come off of thread ban? Be more interesting


I don't see you chastising fellow lefties for their use of what you consider censorship. But then..........
Asking ILA tough questions confuses him, that is why he censors and limits conversation. Take note of his threads, since he bans everyone there is no conversation.

Responding to Watermark's troll post as though it is serious supposition is a surefire way to be taken seriously.
Responding to Watermark's troll post as though it is serious supposition is a surefire way to be taken seriously.

I must be missing something? What is this Watermark stuff about? Explain?

ILA, if this were a private forum, it would be by invitation etc. Anyone can register here. Stop censoring and I'll stop calling you out. Anyone who denies access to the conversation is censoring, kinda simple.
I must be missing something? What is this Watermark stuff about? Explain?

ILA, if this were a private forum, it would be by invitation etc. Anyone can register here. Stop censoring and I'll stop calling you out. Anyone who denies access to the conversation is censoring, kinda simple.

Watermark is the name of the poster currently calling himself Patriotic American.....general consensus of both liberals and conservatives is that he lacks the intelligence to make a comment worth replying to......Trinity members throw him an occasional marrow bone to gnaw on as they know his father has cut his allowance to sub-subsistence level in hopes of getting him out of his basement.......
"By an accident of birth, I fall into the White Guy category. To keep this on a positive note, let’s call it my brand. And that means that if other people with my outward characteristics do dumb-ass things, it reflects on my brand." Scott Adams

White conservative Americans have become an embarrassment. I know that's not politically correct, but face it folks we are starting to look like a nation of idiots. Think about that for a minute. Our white conservative Congress is voting again to repeal healthcare, you know healthcare that is slavery. Texas Governor Greg Abbott wants to make America Somalia, no need to obey federal laws - articles of Confederation redux. Kansas Governor Brownback bought into the insane idea idea that reducing taxes brings forth magic. Now the state is a mess. Kansas is just one state run by a white conservative republican. Was Brownback alive in 2008 and 2009 or was he lost in some imaginary supply side universe. Laffer is so appropriate a name.

What's the matter with white America is the question of the day. Recently a group of white militia conservatives took over a garage sized nature center in Oregon because they have the mental acuity of a spoiled five year old. Give children guns and they soon think they are warriors. Reminds you of a five year old who won't come in for dinner. One wonders what the idiots will do when tourist season arrives, maybe they'll give 'take over nation' demonstrations one garage at a time. If another American had asked for this land it would be welfare, how is it America belongs to the select few white Americans? The nation's Indians should tell them they're way late.

Then we have Maine Governor Paul LePage, of course everyone knows racism is alive and well in America, that is except white Americans, they think they are colorblind, try really hard to forget their narratives. Didn't a Marxist Kenyan president change all that. One can only wonder at the level of insanity when a woman becomes president. She is white, will that help? Are you kidding me. Anyone watch the Benghazi hearing. If hate required a face there were plenty of opportunities. Can you spell just plan nuts. And Deez even got some votes.

Anyone watching the republican debates would marvel at the level of dialogue, when it isn't the same reduce taxes on corporations and the wealthy and the economic genie will appear, they are upping each other like some chest pumping pretend wrestler, bomb em all. Bomb em all, bomb em all, is it fear, paranoia, everything has become Munich. Have any of them served in the military, had they maybe a rational thought would arrive.

Have you seen the crowds at Trump rallies, cheering the blond platitude, an inherited real-estate developer, now the darling of white conservative America. Trump engages in so much hyperbole, historians and sane media journalists now require therapy. While Nazi references are badly overused by these conservative republicans, recently a Muslim woman stood up and was escorted to door, that wasn't the proper sign of allegiance to a mountebank wearing a trite slogan. Remember the Gay soldier. Booing in this crowd is a substitute for thought.

And this comedy of white conservative sloganeering would just be funny until someone like Governor Rick Snyder poisons the people of Flint, Michigan to save a buck. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker isn't just dumb, he wants all the citizens of Wisconsin on an equal level. Why fund education when anyone who isn't as extreme as you is just not conservative enough. How many teachers does Governor Rick Perry want to fire, he can't remember that either. And then there is Rick Scott. Any need to go on.

Have you noticed none of the republican governors support education. This would be funny until you look at the warriors in Oregon, or the tea party signs to keep government out of their medicare, or poisoned water, add tornadoes and floods which only matter if you happen to be in one. Education is power, it is feared by the powerful for it focuses attention on cause rather than aimless finger pointing. Pay close attention to Governors and candidates who listen the likes of the Koch brothers or Sheldon Adelson.

"If we held the White House, taxes would be lower, spending slowed and the military strengthened...." Governor Nikki R. Haley of South Carolina responds to the SOTU. She forgot 'freedom.' If a listener read history they know how often these same words are used, and they'd know too how meaningless they are. Can you spell voodoo or oligarchy.

Idiocy mixed with fear is so dangerous a mindset, anyone find those WMDs or witness the wonderful spread of democracy in the Middle East? If you have, let the rest of America know. So long as big money buffoons, corporate lobbies, think tanks that do anything but think exist, militiamen armed with AK15s isn't a reality show, it is reality.

It would give solace to the sane American if after President Obama's term, sanity in America returned, but given the House under 'missing a heart Ryan' is still voting to end slavery, aka healthcare, no hope is in sight. It has to be clear now, elect a conservative white governor and your state gets dumber, you lose healthcare, your environment is polluted, and your state goes into massive debt. All the while they throw out, weakness, appeasement, surrender, Chamberlain, again and again, is there any hope white America.

If anyone has an idea on how sane white Americans, who still believe in a land of promise, inclusion, fairness, and accomplishment can separate themselves from dumb white America. Please, please let America know. By the way, suggested forehead tattoos, would help but people do occasionally change. Imagine for a minute the Donald's audience cheering bigotry, slogans waving, 'make America great again', Palin rambling, dissenting Americans booed, and you witness the absurd theater white conservative republicans have created. And so it goes....

Source Information:


'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López
'The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy' Albert O. Hirschman
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism' by Thomas E. Mann, Norman J. Ornstein
'Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong' by James W. Loewen
'Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free' by Charles P. Pierce
'Liberty Under Siege: American Politics, 1976-1988' by Walter Karp
'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' by Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway
'American High: The Years of Confidence, 1945-1960' by William L. O'Neill
'A Bubble in Time: America During the Interwar Years, 1989-2001' by William L. O'Neill
'Coming Apart: An Informal History of America in the 1960s' by William L. O'Neill

'The American conservative has become a sort of trained bumpkin, they outsource their work and pay them nothing and he unconsciously blames government when she doesn't blame some racial or ethnic group. Years of training have made them puppets. One could say corporate puppets, the corporations play them like children. Has the conservative always been this naive a tool of others? Maybe they have, for power knows all you need to do is have an enemy to occupy them. When it isn't government it's progress, or for some conservatives it's another human being of difference. I guess when one's mind is empty of education or history, it gives comfort to know satan caused all that is wrong. Satan can be whatever the powers that be tell them. No need to name names' mc5

And I give you this idiot to add to the point.
Wow. This article lost me at "By an accident of birth, I fall into the White Guy category." Who in the world wants to read about some guy who hates himself?

Maybe this thread should have read, 'Republicans are amazingly ignorant and anti-American Values.' One wonders how these morons will treat adultery, pornography, etc etc. The curious thing is this one dumb state to start with so adding another level of dumb is hardly surprising. This too will be overruled as American bigots waste time and money discriminating against other Americans. The same people call for freedom but what they really mean is something much different. Imagine instead educating Mississippians, wouldn't that move them past the 15th century.

"Written by Republican Philip Gunn, speaker of the Mississippi House of Representatives, the law claims to provide protections to people, religious organizations or private groups who hold a “sincerely-held religious belief” or “moral conviction” that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, that sexual relations should take place only inside such marriages, and that the terms “male” or “female” refer to individuals’ “immutable biological sex.”

'Sam Brownback declares war on Kansas'

When you manage the minds of the children you manage the society. Ultra conservatives want a Maoist like red state, the irony of Mao's red book is that Kansas, and the American right, now imitate communist China. Color oddly invokes similarity. Education must no longer be liberal, inclusive, and rational, science has no place in a conservative educated America. Control requires robots and robots only accept and follow the party line. While America fights ISIS, who desire a religious state, America's caliphate grows in republican run, conservative states, places where law now means you only have to obey law if it fits into your religion ideology. The American right is slowly destroying a wonderful democratic experiment.

"Looking just at education, in 2015 there were 172 measures introduced in 42 states based on ALEC model legislation, according to the Center for Media and Democracy. The general goal being to “… transform public education from a public and accountable institution that serves the public into one that serves private, for-profit interests.” With public education commonly comprising a significant portion of state budgets, this dovetails nicely with ultraconservative legislation focused on drastically shrinking government and reducing taxes."

Add Mississippi and North Carolina to states that have lost the democratic spirit. Another historic incident similar to conservative republican control of knowledge is Lysenkoism. It set back communist Russia just as the control of education sets back America. Republicans today curiously emulate communism's control of information and science.

"The only way to settle questions of an ideological nature or controversial issues among the people is by the democratic method, the method of discussion, of criticism, of persuasion and education, and not by the method of coercion or repression. To be able to carry on their production and studies effectively and to arrange their lives properly, the people want their government and those in charge of production and of cultural and educational organizations to issue appropriate orders of an obligatory nature. It is common sense that the maintenance of public order would be impossible without such administrative regulations. Administrative orders and the method of persuasion and education complement each other in resolving contradictions among the people. Even administrative regulations for the maintenance of public order must be accompanied by persuasion and education, for in many cases regulations alone will not work." Mao Tse Tung, 'On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People (February 27, 1957)
"Maricopa County, the state’s most populous, had slashed the number of polling places to 60, from 200 in 2012, claiming a need for budget savings and leaving thousands of voters waiting long hours into the night, with some giving up in despair.

The Justice Department is investigating this electoral disaster, including charges that minority voters were particularly harmed. Critics blame the Supreme Court for weakening the Voting Rights Act, which used to subject regions with a history of discrimination, Maricopa County among them, to prescreening by the Justice Department before they could make major changes in voting procedures. Had that provision remained operational, the Maricopa fiasco might have been averted."

"The most contentious of the usual canons of theory preference is that of conservatism. Above, I expressed it as the policy of choosing the hypothesis that best squares with what you already have reason to believe, but actually I myself defend an even bolder version: prefer the hypothesis that best squares with what you already do believe, reasonably or not. That is the really contentious version; critics who do not mind simplicity, testability, fruitfulness and the rest sometimes balk at conservatism in this bolder sense, because it sounds particularly dogmatic, bigoted, pigheaded." William G. Lycan

More Republican Politicians Than Trans People Have Been Arrested For Sex Acts in Bathrooms
The one thing that becomes clear when watching the conservative republicans is just like online republican conservatives all they ever do is whine that someone or another, usually government, isn't paying enough attention to them. Like children they miss the fact they are citizens who do nothing constructive or even useful for the American people. And yet the likes of Paul Ryan wonder at the rise of the wonder boy Donald Trump. What Trump will actually do is a mystery should a miracle occur in November. And so it goes....

'The GOP-dominated Congress can't seem to legislate its way out of a paper bag. But it can do this dumb stuff.'

"On Thursday, the Guardian reported on Facebook’s methods for manipulating what topics show up in the Trending widget. In doing so, the paper revealed that the company relies primarily on the top stories that are running on 10 major outlets. Two of these outlets are Fox News and the Wall Street Journal. But Facebook usually looks for stories that are leading on five of the 10 news sites. So while the company has conservative news sources in its mix, the fact there are so few means it won’t carry stories on the topics that animate conservatives, like how Obama is the most lawless president ever or Obamacare is the greatest imposition on freedom since slavery was abolished."