American exceptionalism must be crushed

In my defense, there actually ARE people that live in the U.S. that feel like Watermark's opening statements on this thread. Also, most on this site hide behind pseudonyms. You have NO idea who a person really is. For all we know YOU could be 27 year old bucktooth Sally, from Georgia. I prefer to be honest. I post only what I really feel.

Yea...well actually if you replace Georgia with Mississippi you just described Watermark fairly accurately. Which to be honest Skidmarks views are far closer to mainstream American views than your average Mississippian.

I’d be careful if I was you. He’s already threatened to put half the members off JPP into re-education camps when he becomes Premier of the international secretariat. Fortunately I’m on his immediately to be executed list.
Yea...well actually if you replace Georgia with Mississippi you just described Watermark fairly accurately. Which to be honest Skidmarks views are far closer to mainstream American views than your average Mississippian.

I’d be careful if I was you. He’s already threatened to put half the members off JPP into re-education camps when he becomes Premier of the international secretariat. Fortunately I’m on his immediately to be executed list.

Thanks for the info on Watermark.
Thanks for the info on Watermark.

You’re welcome. He likes to troll the far right with his Stalinist schtick but when he’s not doing that he’s s by far the brightest Millenial to post here and he’s been here since he was a teenager. Something in the water in Mississippi water gave him brain damage though.
That's Watermark, he comes from Mississippi but now works in Washington DC. He loves trolling, which is just as well as women despise him.

That’s not true. It’s more like women scare the shit out of him. Once you’ve broken the no money no honey barrier any ugly dude can get laid. I’m proof of that.
Is God universal or national? Is truth universal or national? Nothing that is specific and national, can be truth, nor can it be of God.

What the no man altruists try to do is gleefully take advantage of others, this leading to a horrible world where everyone has to take advantage of others. I will not deny the evolutionary superiority of this one pure altruism. But there is an alternative. With regards to altruists, treat them altruistically. With regards to nationalists, treat them as enemy nationalist scum. And identify fellow socialists and treat them altruistically too. This is more evolutionary advantageous in the long run, because the altruistic camp will be all together forming one big group protecting each other. While the nationalists will always be stabbing themselves in the back, gleefully taking advantage of free rider resources into nothing is left, fighting among each other, and all the other issues that humans have. And we are not cucked like the altruists who believe that they should help nationalists while getting screwed by them, but at all protect our altruistic brothers from the evil selfish nationalists.

Anything that is done, you must ask yourself, what if this were a universal rule? If such a world would be disastrous, do not do such a thing. The US doesn't understand this, it bullies its way into special positions while demanding completely different standards of others. This is completely contrary to reason and hypocritical. That which is contrary to reason, is evil.

Every one of you, if you had issues, would flee as a refugee and cry and beg for relief from others. Yet you not only refuse to accept such responsibility yourself, that your would gladly ask of others, you assault and malign the honorable altruists who do not want to bring dishonor on their nation by rejecting the victims of the next Holocaust. You punish and do violence on others for their opinions on how altruistic society should be, you mock them and you're cruel and evil. I despise you. I have a right to support refuges and you can go fuck yourself if you disagree. How on earth can you think such a world is sustainable, where any time there are issues people act selfishly and cruelly like you and use violence against those who don't share your evil, irrational, and unsustainable behavior?

This is when you cease to be part of my altruistic group, and are attacked at an enemy. Totally to your bafflement, I thought he was part of my tribe right? Or just some cuck I can bully into submission. Sorry, I do not play that game. I am kind to those that deserve it, and cruel to those that deserve it. Refuges deserve kindness, rightists deserve cruelty. By attacking a child of God you have made yourself below human.

When was the last time you contributed to charity?
That's no damn lie!

Meh...the only thing exceptional about America is that we don’t believe that some how an accident of birth makes you superior to anyone. We proved that aristocracy and royalty are not exceptional institutions but degenerate institutions and the only exceptional institutions are egalitarian ones based on merit.

This proved that average people can do exceptional things and exceptional people can do extraordinary things when you don’t have an inherited class of mediocrities standing in the way.
Meh...the only thing exceptional about America is that we don’t believe that some how an accident of birth makes you superior to anyone. We proved that aristocracy and royalty are not exceptional institutions but degenerate institutions and the only exceptional institutions are egalitarian ones based on merit.

This proved that average people can do exceptional things and exceptional people can do extraordinary things when you don’t have an inherited class of mediocrities standing in the way.

Agree. OTOH, some of us have substituted the idea of class and aristocracy being superior, for race (specifically the white race) being superior.
I find the minority of people who feel that way are insecure about their own status.

Did you mean to say "the majority of people who feel that way"? Reminds me of that famous LBJ quote:

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
Did you mean to say "the majority of people who feel that way"? Reminds me of that famous LBJ quote:

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

No, I meant that a minority off people believe that that their race makes them superior and that they are insecure.
How's about crushing ignorance toward other cultures, a false sense of superiority, hypocrisy, stupidity, bigotry, treason, crimes against humanity and other atrocities that the global community is facing as all cultures will either live together in a civilized manner or perish together like fools.