American exceptionalism must be crushed

Only a fellow whitie would claim that, Grind. I noticed that you used the qualifier "objectively." Explain, por favor?

would that be the fellow whites at the washington post?


Anglo and Latin countries most tolerant. People in the survey were most likely to embrace a racially diverse neighbor in the United Kingdom and its Anglo former colonies (the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) and in Latin America.

America talks, and is obsessed about race, because we are a racially diverse nation. And while we do have problems, the fact that we are so integrated and get along so well overall, is something we take for granted and does not happen in other countries. I exaggerated slightly as we are not #1, but we are WAY up there in racial tolerance. We have the most experience with it. Many other nations barely have a minority population and have no experience dealing with people different from themselves so how the fuck would they know the first thing about racial tolerance when it isn't even something they even have the opportunity for?

The data is clear, we are at the very top of racially tolerant nations. This is the very best it gets owl. The reason we have so many discussions about race is because americans by and large, actually care to have such conversations.
any disillusioned minority, were they to leave america, would get a quick reality check that america is one of the best countries in the world for them and maybe they'd have a new found appreciation for their very racially tolerant country.
Congratulations. You just failed the JPP moron test by letting Watermark Troll you. Watermark is JPP’s most notorious troll and you fell for it.

The truth is there is no nation anywhere that wants or needs Watermark...Duh.

It don't take much for these White Nationalists to get their shit all fired up and them start sharting their britches.

It's obvious this was a trolling thread intended to do exactly that!
would that be the fellow whites at the washington post?


America talks, and is obsessed about race, because we are a racially diverse nation. And while we do have problems, the fact that we are so integrated and get along so well overall, is something we take for granted and does not happen in other countries. I exaggerated slightly as we are not #1, but we are WAY up there in racial tolerance. We have the most experience with it. Many other nations barely have a minority population and have no experience dealing with people different from themselves so how the fuck would they know the first thing about racial tolerance when it isn't even something they even have the opportunity for?

The data is clear, we are at the very top of racially tolerant nations. This is the very best it gets owl. The reason we have so many discussions about race is because americans by and large, actually care to have such conversations.

I would agree with that. I am somewhat skeptical about the question about "people not wanted as neighbors." We *are* very sensitive about race and racism in this country. Do you think that the answers might have been skewed by respondents fearful of being seen as racist if they answered that they wouldn't want non-whites as neighbors?
Only a fellow whitie would claim that, Grind. I noticed that you used the qualifier "objectively." Explain, por favor?

Seriously? How much traveling outside the US have you done? I’ve spent time in half a dozen foreign countries (not including Arkansas) and in my experience Grind is spot on. We have our racist for sure but it’s nothing here like it is in most of Europe and Asia. Shoot most any place you go in Southeast Asia you’ll be called a Ferenghi to your face and it’s it exactly a compliment.

I don’t know anyplace I’ve ever been to that tolerates immigrants as well as the US does or goes as far to protect the rights of minorities like the US does. Not even close really.

Hell look at our issues at the Mexican boarder. Millions of people migrate back and forth across that border with out legal authorization and though it causes a lot of consternation about not being able to control it, it is still managed peacefully for the most part and has been tolerated for over a century.

Anywhere else in the world the news media would be screaming in panic about a vast human crises requiring international intervention and military’s around the world would be mobilizing to manage the crises. In the US it’s more like business as usual despite the harsh rhetoric on right wing radio.

So I have to agree with Grind on this. The US is one of the least racist nations on the planet.
Seriously? How much traveling outside the US have you done? I’ve spent time in half a dozen foreign countries (not including Arkansas) and in my experience Grind is spot on. We have our racist for sure but it’s nothing here like it is in most of Europe and Asia. Shoot most any place you go in Southeast Asia you’ll be called a Ferenghi to your face and it’s it exactly a compliment.

I don’t know anyplace I’ve ever been to that tolerates immigrants as well as the US does or goes as far to protect the rights of minorities like the US does. Not even close really.

Hell look at our issues at the Mexican boarder. Millions of people migrate back and forth across that border with out legal authorization and though it causes a lot of consternation about not being able to control it, it is still managed peacefully for the most part and has been tolerated for over a century.

Anywhere else in the world the news media would be screaming in panic about a vast human crises requiring international intervention and military’s around the world would be mobilizing to manage the crises. In the US it’s more like business as usual despite the harsh rhetoric on right wing radio.

So I have to agree with Grind on this. The US is one of the least racist nations on the planet.

I'll take your word for it. I do disagree with the bolded part of your post though. Trump has indeed tried to put troops on the border, our media *has* been trying to get the word out that yes, this is a humanitarian crisis, and of course Trump and his drooling marks have been panicking and screeching about the "invasion" of icky brown diseased rapey druggie criminal ppl from the south. And then there was that mass shooting a couple of weeks ago from one of our homegrown patriots taking the rhetoric from the RW and doing something about it.
Seriously? How much traveling outside the US have you done? I’ve spent time in half a dozen foreign countries (not including Arkansas) and in my experience Grind is spot on. We have our racist for sure but it’s nothing here like it is in most of Europe and Asia. Shoot most any place you go in Southeast Asia you’ll be called a Ferenghi to your face and it’s it exactly a compliment.

I don’t know anyplace I’ve ever been to that tolerates immigrants as well as the US does or goes as far to protect the rights of minorities like the US does. Not even close really.

Hell look at our issues at the Mexican boarder. Millions of people migrate back and forth across that border with out legal authorization and though it causes a lot of consternation about not being able to control it, it is still managed peacefully for the most part and has been tolerated for over a century.

Anywhere else in the world the news media would be screaming in panic about a vast human crises requiring international intervention and military’s around the world would be mobilizing to manage the crises. In the US it’s more like business as usual despite the harsh rhetoric on right wing radio.

So I have to agree with Grind on this. The US is one of the least racist nations on the planet.

If America is so "bad", then why do so many people from other countries want to come and live here?? :dunno:
Why not? We did. Your ancestors stole their property from the Choctaw. Then forced slaves to do all the work. That allowed them to inbreed until they produced you. So what’s your problem?

This is just Israelis taking stolen goods for themselves. Americans took land from the original owners.