American Jews have feared this kind of attack for years,

The President certainly supports Saudi Arabia, where Judaism, and Christianity are out and wants to destroy Iran, where many Jews live and worship. The American Nazis are learning from Egypt, where they are murdering Christians, presumably with Trump's approval.
The President certainly supports Saudi Arabia, where Judaism, and Christianity are out and wants to destroy Iran, where many Jews live and worship. The American Nazis are learning from Egypt, where they are murdering Christians, presumably with Trump's approval.

Christian services are held every Friday in Arabia. I attended them every week for decades and sang in the choir.
You have zero credibility!

Who gives a fuck what you think?

The fact is, the racist white man labeled and demonized Louis Farrakhan to be as violent, racist and hateful as them. It's what they do.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

WHITE MEN are the most hateful, violent, racist people on the planet.
I do not think I have ever even read an article about him, nor ever heard him give a speech, but a lot of people say he is an anti-semetic jack ass.

I am opposed to all religious fanatics, charlatans, and extremists....jewish, christian, and muslim....aren't you?

Let's be clear, it's a lot of white people who label him this.

Those who know him know this not to be true. The racist white man lies about everything.

America has been so fooled.
This is from a Farrakhan speech earlier this year:

During the speech in Chicago, Farrakhan made several anti-Semitic comments, including, "the powerful Jews are my enemy."

"White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God's grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew and I'm here to say your time is up, your world is through," he later said.

No, I don't accept religious intolerance. Did you see TTQ64 say on this thread Farrakhan isn't intolerant? Pretty hard to read many of his comments and say that with a straight face.

You make it sound like there is only intolerance coming from one side when in reality it comes from all over the political spectrum.

STFU You have no idea what the Minister was talking about. You do what every other racist white man does and take shit out of context to make someone as racist, hateful and violent as you.

He's right white folks are going down because people are waking up to lies and deceit you fuckers have been spewing for decades.
It's interesting guno that you don't mind antisemitism coming from the left. What subset of Jews would you say think like you in that regard?

Who the fuck has Farrakhan killed?

Stop projecting your hate onto others. Take responsibility for the shit you all have cause.

Be a man, not a coward.

What was Obama's excuse for refusing to call Muslim mass murders Islamic terrorism?

Oh yeah.

Trump has been careful when he describe these issues to make sure that we do not lump these murderers into the billions of white people that exist around the world, including in this country, who are peaceful, who are responsible, who, in this country, are fellow troops and police officers and fire fighters and teachers and neighbors and friends.
