American men taking back their masculinity?

American feminists may be in for a surprise. A growing number of manly men in the country are taking back the masculinity that Betty Friedan and her ilk took from them during the beginning of the feminist movement in America.

As the author of the Feminine Mystique in 1964 Friedan convinced American women that if men did not have a “feminine side” it meant they wanted to keep females barefoot and pregnant. This actually came at a time when more women were making strides in the business and financial world. The result was men started to become “wusses” and sacrificed everything that had made them attractive to women in the first place.

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linky no worky
I have never understood why you think its your damned business what women think of you.

We are allowed to think whatever we want to think of you and you have to just fuck off about it.

I love how the idiot writer pretended betty Freidan CONVINCED women (fucking dog shit lie).

Women read feminist writing and they STRUCK a CORD.

you tools have no idea what it was like being a woman back in those days.

we were fucking treated like SHIT.

I can remember hearing all the things I was NOT going to be allowed to do because I had an inny instead of an outy.

It was only MOST of the interesting things in life.

YOUR "REAL MEN" load of horseshit was all designed around that stupid fucking world that existed at the time.

Go ahead and harken back send yourselves down that fucking rabbit hole.

the Real real men will be fathering the next generation while you wonder why all women don't like you much
